US, 1988, 104 minutes, Colour.
Tom Cruise, Bryan Brown, Elisabeth Shue, Laurence Luckinbill, Kelly Lynch, Gina Gershon.
Directed by Roger Donaldson.
Cocktail is a Tom Cruise vehicle. He exudes smiling charm as a would-be millionaire who excels as a swinging cocktail mixer, but eventually learns some practical wisdom the hard way. It's one of those glossy, travel-brochure style fables that show us surface glamour but eventually lead us a little deeper by the end. Bryan Brown gives an excellent performance as his genial but cynical mentor. The film was directed by Australian Roger Donaldson (Smash Palace, The Bounty, Marie, No Way Out).
1. An appealing and widely entertaining glossy fable?
2. The world of New York, the bars and nightclubs, homes, penthouses? Jamaica? The emphasis on style? The musical score, the range of songs, the use of songs for the cocktail-pouring?
3. The title and its focus, Flanagan and Doug? Their work? The dream - cocktails and dreams?
4. The introduction to Flanagan: the Army, getting on the bus, going to visit his uncle, the glimpse of his personal history, his being smart, hopes, plans to become a millionaire, the collage of jobs and interviews? His answering the 'help wanted' and meeting Doug? Doug and his laws? Placing difficulties before him?
5. Going to work, the style of cocktail-mixing, the songs, the Yuppy clientele?, His smile and charm? His going to study, his plans, hard work at the cocktail bar, the interaction with Doug and his growing friendship? The insult to the lecturer? Michael and women, the attraction towards the woman at the bar, going home with her, Doug's bet and his losing? The going to the new club, its style? The fight between the two men? The development of his character?
6. The portrait of Doug, Bryan Brown's laconic presence and style, the mystery of his background, his laws and plans, his skill at his work, his not having succeeded with money, his cocktails and dreams? Training him, acting as mentor, the bet about the women, the fight?
7. Flanagan's two years in Jamaica, work, style? The emergency and his meeting with Jordan? Relationship with her, the lyrical love scenes? Falling in love? The attraction towards Bonnie and spending the night with her? The betrayal of Jordan? The new encounter with Doug and his wife? The bet? The loss of Jordan?
8. Jordan in herself, attractive, helping her friends, the love scenes, back in New York at work, her being hurt?
9. His return, with Bonnie, the set-up with the apartment, his being used? The party and his fight and reaction at the art gallery? going back to Doug? The bottle of brandy and the bet? Doug and his reflections, relationship with his wife, financial problems, being broke? A fitting defeat? The uselessness of his laws? Cynical remarks? Flanagan, going to the restaurant, trying to attract Jordan's attention, her putting the meal over him, her apartment and the news of her pregnancy, her ousting him, going to her apartment, finding out who she was, going to the penthouse, the clash with her father, the return, the fight? His declaration of love?
10. Jordan and her pregnancy, fighting, her choices? Her father and the interviews, using tough means, wanting to buy him off?
11. The impact of Doug's death, the letter and the truth about love?
12. The final sequences, the marriage, the happiness at the bar, the possibility of new life, fidelity? A basic morality play?