France, 1990, 110 minutes, Colour.
Nathalie Baye, Richard Berry, Jean- Pierre Bacri, Vincent Lindon, Valeria Tedeschi- Bruni.
Directed by Diane Kurys.
C'est La Vie was written and directed by Dianne Kurys. In the late 70s she made the autobiographical Peppermint Soda. In the early 80s she also drew on her background with a portrait of a marriage breaking up and friendship among women, Entre Nous. In the mid 80s she made a romantic drama about film makers with an American cast, A Man in Love.
Here she returns again to her own childhood, the summer of 1958 at the Atlantic coast, the break-up of her parents' marriage and life never being the same. It shows the pain for children in a family that breaks up and the fortitude needed to keep going.
The film is attractively made with coastal locations and a sense of period. The extended family of cousins also are well dramatised as is the family itself. The family really comes alive - and audiences are drawn into the experience of love, tension, disappointment.
1. The autobiographical work of the writer director? Her personal perspective and interpretation? Feminine perspective? French perspective - universal?
2. The title, the attitude of the young children towards their fate?
3. 1958, the Atlantic coast, the beauty of the coast, the beaches, the crowds, holiday homes? Authentic atmosphere? Musical score, the contemporary songs, especially during the opening credits? Finale?
4. The perspective: from the point of view of the children? Of the adults? The film as a memory, interpretation? Empathetic experience for the audience? Judgments made?
5. Frederick and Sophie, the opening, Sophie, Odette looking after the children, the quarrels? the mother and father and their tension, the lack of understanding in the children, the train, the farewell and the mother staying behind? Sophie and the half price ticket? Lena's behaviour? Audience expectations?
6. The credits, the Platter's song, twilight, the beaches - and the audience waiting?
7. The holidays, renting the houses, Odette looking after Ruffier and his family, living in the cellar, digging out further rooms, his list of cautions? The clashes between the children and Odette, her becoming authoritarian? The phone calls to home and the desperation? Frederique and her starting her diary, confiding her thoughts, tone of voice, feelings, secrets? The Mandels and the extended family? the introduction to each of the characters and the explanations, seeing them at the beach?
8. The holidays and interactions, the vivid style of going to the beach, joyful experiences and play, people being hurt, changes? The ending and the autumn? walking along the beach?
9. Frederique and her age, starting of the diary, relationship with her parents, the clashes with Odette, love for Sophie yet fighting with her, love for her mother and father, her comments on Daniel, infatuated by him, following him round, the kiss - and her not wanting too many? Involved in the various activities of the holiday? The games? Her mother's arrival and her longing for her? Her father's presence? The puzzle? Her mother's behaviour, dressing up to go out - but seeing Jean Claude on the motor bike and realizing the truth? Her mother's talk with her and attempted explanations? Becoming desperate with her parents fight, the physical fight and her getting the glass and threatening suicide? The talk with her Uncle Leon and some security for the future? The finale and the break-up? her future? Singing the song over the final credits? The contrast with Sophie, hate, wilful about her shoes, with the other children, her special with Rene, the games with him (and the innocent sexual undertones)? Her relationship with her parents, bewilderment? The finale with her ballet dance?
10. Lena and Michel? The opening and Michel's tear? Lena's stubbornness? The father's absence? The mother going to Paris? The farewell at the station? The phone call, her coming, everything happy, the joy? Her confiding in Bella? Jean Claude and her love, the affair? Talking with him, going out, dressing up, the bike, the dancing? Leon and Bella's response? Her decision? Going to Paris to get the apartment? The clash with Michel, the arrival of Michel, love for his children, the tension, Lena's absence? The dog following them - and the love for, the dog? Lena's arrival, his anger and smashing the car? The verbal abuse, the fights, Frederique threatening to kill herself? each of them having to cope? The family dinner and their trying to become civilised in their antagonism? Together at the beach, not talking? Michel's plea, his not being able to change? Their future?
11. Leon and Bella, the strong couple, the children, the pregnancy? The relationship between Bella and Lena, the family background? Leon clowning around, driving the car recklessly? The love between the two? The children, the games together, ages and experience? Leon hard on Daniel? The game and giving Sophie the caramel? The talk with the children, the problem of the club, burning it down, having to repay the money? Buying the sardines? The breakdown, the tension in the family, advice? The final meal? The care for their children?
12. The sketches of the children: Daniel, his age, boasting, the torture house and getting lost, the sexual attraction with Frederique, the prize being taken away, burning down the club? Rene the games, relationship with Sophie? The families staying over? Gazanne, Till as the little boy, reading, the games, soap in his mouth? tying his shoes? Playing with glass, doctors? The callousness of children, their charm? As a family group?
13. Odette, her background story and her children, looking after the girls, angry at the holiday house, with Monsieur Ruffier? the fight with the children, making them take their laxatives and their throwing them into the fish pond? Growing desperation, the phone call? Her staying? The final episode with the dog tying it up and leaving it for a passer by? The effect on the children?
14. Ruffier and his background, leering at Odette, forbidding various behaviours, his wife, the daughter, living downstairs, Harshness and attack on Lena, the dog in the strawberries?
15. The background of the club, finance, the competitions, the sand castles, the prize taken away from them, the children burning down the club and Leon paying compensation?
16. A portrait of marriage in the 50s, marriage breakdown, responsibilities? Adults? family, children, the emotional impact of the marriage break-up and its consequences?