Iran, 2004, 120 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Puran Derakhshandeh.
A Candle in the Wind takes its title from the Elton John song which is heard briefly in the film. It focuses on a young man in Teheran, the future before him. However, he is depressed, alienated from his father, living with his mother who is separated from her husband. He cannot settle, does translation work spasmodically, falls in love with a young woman who is religious and is killed. Things begin to go downhill for him then, his friends introduce him to drugs and for years he lives a life of idleness, drug-taking, rave parties and dependence on his so-called friends. One of them, a doctor who supplies drugs, eventually commits situation, the other, an estate agent, with a family, finally finishes in prison. After his father dies, the young man discovers that he has AIDS. However, he is judged as HIV-negative. This triggers (dramatically for the film) a very rapid conversion experience. He then tries to life a good life and a religious life.
The actor, Jamsid Mashayekhi, won Best Actor award for this performance in the 2004 Iranian awards. He had also appeared as the crippled veteran of the Iraq war in Triple Chronicles as well as the brother of the drug addict in Friday Soldiers.
The film was acclaimed in Iran, but is too slow, morbid and melodramatic for western audience. However, it is a strong look at the growth of drug addiction, especially among the young adults in affluent families, who find that their lives are aimless, that religion does not touch them - except, at the end of this film, in a dramatic conversion.
1. The title, the Elton John song, the young man, his life, being blown around by life's forces.
2. The Teheran settings, affluent families and homes, the drug world, rave parties? The passing of the years, the changes in the city? The musical score?
3. The portrait of the young man: his opportunities, his studies, dropping out? His work as a translator? The strong personality of his father, his visits to his father, neglecting him, confrontations, his father's death and his not having reconciled with him? Living with his mother, his relationship with her, leaving home? Meeting the young woman, a transformation in his life, the lyrical aspects of their shared experiences, her religious fervour, her death? The aftermath? His doctor friend, the suggestion of the drugs, his being introduced to them? So much of the film showing his drug experience? His estate agent friend, his being the link with his mother? The range of drugs, being introduced to more drugs, parties? His going to toilets to shoot up? The degradation of his life? Clashes with his father, his mother? The years passing? The impact of the suicide of the doctor? His friend in jail? His father's death, the cousin from overseas, offering him more powerful drugs? His collapse? The police stopping him on the road, following him to the party, the arrests? His surliness, jail, bail? His final collapse, in the institution, his doctor brother coming from Canada, his spurning him, their discussions, the reality about his health? The good report, leaving the institution, his praying, his going back to the scene of the young woman's office and his memories? His prayer and hope for a new life?
4. The young man's friends, the estate agent, his deals, happy-go-lucky attitude, his car, singing, the music, the rave parties, the drugs? The friendship with the doctor? His finishing up in jail?
5. The doctor, squandering his gifts, introducing people to drugs, mixing him, the supplies? Joining the parties? The bonds of the three men, their friendships - and their drug dependence? The parties, his going to the roof, contemplating that he was flying, falling to his death?
6. The young man's parents, the elderly father, the background of his marriages, his treatment of his wives, of his son? Alienation? His humiliating his son? No reconciliation, his death, the funeral? The older brother coming from Canada, his plastic surgery work and the young man's spurning of it? Yet his support of the young man, his health problems, bringing him the good news? The effeminate artist cousin coming back to Iran but offering him Devil Dust and wanting him to move in?
7. The young woman, dressed in white, pure, her prayer, religious attitudes - and the possibility of her saving the young man?
8. The portrait of Iran at the beginning of the century? The transition over the twenty-five years of the Islamic republic, the shift away from devotion and deep religion to superficiality, materialism, worldliness, drugs? A critique of the changes in Iranian society?