US, 1987, 98 minutes, Colour.
Jon Cryer, Lynn Redgrave, Keith Coogan, Annabeth Gish.
Directed by Bob Giraldi.
Hiding Out starts like a story about yuppy bankers and finance dealers in Boston, has a moment with gangsters, then turns into one of those 'mistaken identity' comedies - this time set in the familiar world of the youth movie of the '80s, college. However, it is an enjoyable example of its kind.
Jon Cryer is an engaging screen personality (O.C. and Stiggs, Dudes, Superman II, Pretty in Pink). Annabeth Gish (Desert Bloom, Mystic Pizza) is an attractive heroine and Keith Coogan (Adventures in Babysitting, Cousins) is a lively cousin.
The film relies on audience familiarity with genres but the writing is quite lively and the humour continuous. There is, of course, a moralising ending.
1. Yuppy comedy drama, money and the law, identities, college life, romance? An enjoyable blend?
2. Boston, the town and middle America, home and school? Musical score and songs?
3. Andrew and his work, his friends, their lifestyle, bars, apartments? Financial deals? Gangsters? The F.B.I. and the witness protection scheme? Death?
4. Andrew in hiding, the tongue-in-cheek sequence with playing the game, the going out, the bar and the shooting, Andrew's escape, running to the train?
5. His decision to go to his home town, his disguise, going to school, the encounter with Patrick, enrolling, in class (and the humour about the homosexuality, and Patrick in the toilet)? Patrick's mother not recognising Andrew? His going home to Patrick's room, staying there, taking Max Houser as his name, from 'Maxwell House'? In class, the teacher
and her comments about, the Nixon era? Attracted to Ryan, the clashes with Kevin? Clint and the group? Max their candidate for the presidency campaign? Ryan's father and helping him, with the taxes? The skating rink? The information about him in the papers, his going to live in the school? The corridors at night, using the P.A. system? Meeting the boxer and their friendly discussions? The collage of time passing? His decision to tell Ryan the truth? The election, Kevin and the encounter, his genial attitude towards him? Kevin's election, asking for the recount?
6. The build-up to the shooting, Andrew and his heroics, the confrontation? On the roof? His decision to testify? His mother's support of him?
7. Patrick as the college type, his room, the driving lessons, the test and his failure, out on dates, etcetera? Shining, the spotlight at the end?
8. Ryan as attractive, her essays, outings with Andrew, the skating, her wondering about him? Hearing the truth? Her relationship with Kevin? His self-confidence, arrogance? His change of hear? Clint and the group, their style, pushing Max?
9. The teacher and her favouritism of Kevin, the recount? The gangsters, their ruthlessness, in the bar, at the school, the shooting, the fall?
10. The F.B.1. witness protection, new life for Andrew? Going to Iowa, the meeting with Ryan?
11. Pleasant blend of comedy, yuppy life, the world of youth and college? Thee moralising ending with Andrew's testifying and changing his career?