US, 1952, 81 minutes, Colour.
Robert Young, Janis Carter, Jack Beutel.
Directed by Stuart Gilmore.
The Half Breed seems a conventional western in retrospect. However, in the early 50s it was the part of the breakthrough in Hollywood westerns where consideration was given to the Indians. The movement started with such films as The Devil's Doorway and Broken Arrow in 1949 and 1950.
Robert Young plays a gambler who happens to encounter an Indian of mixed race, played by Jack Beutel (Billy the Kid in Howard Hughes' The Outlaw). At the Indian post in the town of San Remo, there is corruption and an antagonism towards the Indians. The military are called in. While there are dramatic and psychological confrontations between Indians and whites, the resolution is very quick and there is no Indian uprising or battle. At the end, there is an agreement that each side will give consideration to helping others to understand the other side.
There are the usual scenes in the town, the dance-hall musicals, chases in the desert.
1. A conventional western? Of the 50s? Its themes of relationships between Indians and whites?
2. The desert settings, the colourful mountains and plains, the town? Musical score? Songs?
3. The title, the voice-over and the initial explanation, a derogatory term? The man who found himself between Indians and whites? The possibility for reconciliation after exploitation and violence?
4. Robert Young as Dan Craig, the gentleman in the west, the gambler, his reputation, the sheriff wanting him out, his staying at the hotel? Attracted towards Helen, the clashes with Crawford? The gambling for the money to pay for the troupe to go to Tucson? His being involved in the discussions with the Indians, his initial refusal, his going out, meeting Charlie Wolf? The initial meeting with Charlie, their friendship, trust? His being appointed the Indian agent, his management of the job? His being the target of Crawford and his minion, Russell? The jealousy with Charlie over Helen? The falling out? Crawford killing Charlie's sister? The possibility of an uprising? The military, Dan's intervention, Charlie's trust? Helen seeming to betray Dan, his distrust of her, her explanation that she wanted to protect him from Crawford, the reconciliation? A future in San Remo?
5. Charlie Wolf, white father, Indian mother? Accepted by the Apaches? Mistrusted by the whites? His sister? His clothes, his wanting to talk English? His being a mediator? Going into the town with Craig, the discussions, the military, the new arrangements? The wagon train being attacked by Crawford's men? His continuing to make peace? His attraction towards Helen, jealousy, falling out with Craig? Craig being shot, Charlie trusting him, the final meeting between the two sides and the promise of explanations and the attempt to make each side understand the other better? Craig bringing the body of Crawford, the murderer of his sister?
6. Crawford, hotel owner, the villain, getting Russell to try to shoot Charlie Wolf, foment an uprising, attack? His bullying of Helen? Proposal? Confrontation with Craig, the card game? His wanting Russell to kill Craig? The attraction towards Charlie's sister, the violent attack and her death? Craig confronting Russell, Crawford shooting Russell, the pursuit, the fight and Crawford's death?
7. Helen, her ambitions, singing, the troupe, their manager losing the money at cards, stuck in the town? Crawford's attentions and her repelling them? Attraction towards Dan, telling Crawford where Dan was going, covering up? The falling out, her anger, flirting with Charlie? The final reconciliation?
8. The military, their role in the west, peacemaking, protecting the Indian agents? The Indian agency and its corruption, selling the goods, ambushing the Indians? Crawford's control? The hotel, the woman looking after reception, her wanting to get out when the Indians came? The townspeople, their fears of the Indians, trigger-happy?
9. The picture of the Apaches, their being on the reservation, the whites wanting their land, hunger, shootings, betrayals, trusting Charlie, trusting Craig?
10. The contribution of this kind of film to changing perceptions in white America about the American Indians?