Australia, 1980, 90 minutes, Colour.
John Gregg, Michael Pate, Max Phipps.
Homicide Squad is an entertaining, if routine, telemovie. It was made as a pilot for a series which did not eventuate. It echoes the very popular police television series from Matlock Police, Homicide, Division Four and Cop Shop. However, the film was different with its Sydney setting and it makes good use of it. John Gregg is effective in the central role and is supported well by a strong cast including many guest roles from Michael Pate, Max Phipps, Jeff Ashby. The film is basically a murder mystery and its solving. However, it has a lot of local Sydney colour and finishes up with some comment on political corruption and legal corruption. Competent, entertaining work.
1. The impact of the film as telemovie? As a pilot for a series? The pilot influencing the style, themes and treatment? The type of audience response asked for? Comparisons with American counterparts? Australian police series?
2. The colour photography and use of Sydney locations: Harbour, North Shore. the city itself, King's Cross, Bondi Beach? an atmosphere of authenticity? The musical score?
3. The focus on Ryder and the death of his son? His relationship with Barbara? The two strands investigated throughout the film and coming together? The work of the Homicide Squad and their methods? Leadership. personalities, investigation, responsibility? The spirit within the team and their working together? The structure of the film with the crime, the background, investigation, resolution? A solid basis for a television series?
4. The background of Sydney society: the wealthy of the North Shore, the legal profession. prisons, students? The contrast with King's Cross, Stitches, taxi drivers? Suburbia and fruiterers. the local police? The work of the Homicide Squad?
5. Audience interest in and admiration for police work? The role of the squad? Brooks and his benign control? Kinnane and his leadership, dedication, eleven years? His keenness? His guiding Ambrose although regarding him as a kid and naive? His response to his questions and advising him to observe and learn? Dangerfield and his toughness, nickname of 'Slob'? Harris and his skills? Marcy and her work at the desk, research? Her place within the squad? Seeing the group on the job, interrogating people, their alertness to clues, sensitivity, the time given to their work, presence at post-mortems, the places that they had to visit. formulating theories. continuous interviews? The film's highlighting the individuals, their work as a group? The morale of law-enforcers?
6. The personality of Kinnane - his skill in his work? Relationship with the whole team, Brooks, his manner of investigation and interview, teaching Ambrose? The background of his relationship with his wife - telephone calls, lateness for meals? His clash with his wife, her wanting a child? The importance of these touches for family background?
7. The contrast with Ryder and his social position? Relationship with his wife, son? The phone call from Barbara? His trying to cope? His grief for his son's death, reaction to the police? Truth and lies? His wife going off and her return? The funeral and her seeing through him? Barbara and the contacts, the uglier aspects of crime? His plan for recouping the money? The irony of his going scot-free and the final comments?
8. The portrait of Sandy - her work at Stitches, her getting the sack, her wandering at The Gap, being suspect? The interrogation, her story, Ray and the cab, her fear on seeing the police? Her presence at the funeral and her consolation for Mrs. Ryder - although Mrs. Ryder had previously spurned her? Her co-operation with the police? Ray and his visits, his attentions, his pressing himself and scaring her? The portrait of a King's Cross stripper-dancer?
9. Ray and his taxi-driving, presence at Stitches, response to questions, his infatuation with Sandy, the gradual revelation of this, his visit to her and seeming protection, his menace? The lies? Hiring the thugs? His phone call to his wife and her rejection of him? Her stating his obligations to her? The car chase, the admission of the truth? A middle-age crisis and madness?
10. The sketch of the thugs, their brutality, presence at Stitches, inter-rogation?
11. The guest spot by Alwyn Kurts as Leo Chapman? The humour, the story of the old man and his pension, visits to the doctor, wanting the money for his information? An engaging and telling cameo of an old man giving police information?
12. Stitches and the world of King's Cross, the owner, the sleazy background, the patrons and the dance routines, his waking up and having the beer, his contacting the police about the thugs?
13. Barbara and her relationship with Ryder, her being scared, the discovery of the truth about her, the assassin and his pursuit, his murdering her? The pursuit of the assassin and his arrest?
14. A satisfying police story, mystery, investigation with social criticism?