US, 1936, 72 minutes. Black and white.
Lionel Barrymore, Maureen O’ Sullivan, Eric Linden, Dudley Digges, Spring Byington, Charley Grapewin.
Directed by Richard Thorpe.
The Voice of Bugle Ann is a brief film set in the mountains of Missouri. It focuses on some farmers and their love for dogs and the hunt. Lionel Barrymore presents an old veteran, Spring Byington his wife, Eric Linden his son. He works with his friend played by Charley Grapewin.
In a litter of dogs, a special dog is born whom he names Bugle Ann because of her voice. He brings up the dog personally, relying on his wife. In the meantime the son goes off to study, later returning. In the meantime also, a neighbour sets up a farm, fencing off the fields for sheep, preventing the dogs going through. He is a surly man played by Dudley Digges. However, he has a sympathetic daughter played by Maureen O’ Sullivan.
The neighbour threatens to shoot any dog going through the property and when Bugle Ann disappears, there is a confrontation and Lionel Barrymore shoots his neighbour. He is tried, and goes to jail. However, after several years he is pardoned and returns. It emerges that Maureen O’Sullivan?, angrily leaving her father, has run over the dog which disappeared. She has worked to get the old man’s pardon.
The film takes audiences back into the hills, into the olden days – with some serious focus on crime, prison as well as the sentimental aspects of the bringing up of the dog, its skills in hunting, its death. The film was directed by veteran Richard Thorpe, director of many MGM films over more than three decades.
1. The appeal of the film? Life in Missouri, the mountains? The hunters, the farmers, the animals?
2. The black and white photography, the atmosphere of Missouri? The musical score?
3. The title, the focus on the dog, the dog itself, the hunt, the voice? The death?
4. The focus on Spring Davis and his family, Royster and the other men enjoying the hunt? The visit of the insurer? His puzzle about the hunt, not killing the fox? His presence at the birth of the pups? The difficulty with the extra pup, the mother not coping and dying? Spring deciding to bring the pup up, persuading his wife? Naming the pup Bugle Ann because of her bark and her voice?
5. Life in the hills, work? The fields? The importance of Benjy Davis and his work, support of his family?
6. The arrival of Jacob Terry, occupying the house, his surly attitude? The death of his wife, the unpleasant memories of his wife? The edgy relationship with his daughter? His decision to put sheep on his land, put up the fences? The delegation led by Davis? His confrontation, threats to shoot the dogs? The hunters trespassing, the arguments? The death of Bugle Ann? The delegation arriving, guns, Davis shooting Terry?
7. The court case, Davis making his plea? The jury finding him guilty? His life in jail? After four years, his being let go? The pardon?
8. Jacob Terry and his forbidding his daughter to see Benjy? Their time together, falling in love? Camden and the clashes with her father? Benjy carrying the water for her and the father’s angry reaction? Her anger with her father, leaving? The later revelation of her running over the dog? The dog being lost? Her working for the pardon?
9. The reunion, the friends, Benjy and Camden, the new pup? The happy ending and the future?