Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:08

Player, The


US, 1992, 123 minutes, Colour.
Tim Robbins, Greta Scacchi, Fred Ward, Vincent D'Onofrio, Whoopi Goldberg, Bryon James, Peter Gallagher, Dean Stockwell, Richard E.Grant, Dina Merrill, Sydney Pollack, Lyle Lovett, Gina Gershon.
Directed by Robert Altman.

The Player is a highly entertaining Hollywood satire. Over the decades there have been such movies as Sunset Boulevard, S.O.B., which targeted Hollywood phoniness. Now writer Michael Tolkin (who also wrote and directed The Rapture) has adapted his novel for director Robert Altman, best remembered for such excellent and intriguing films as M*A*S*H, Nashville, A Wedding, Three Women. The combination makes for a comedy spoof-thriller-police investigation-expose that has great.

Tim Robbins is excellent as the hollow executive with whom we think we identify as victim until... Greta Scacchi is a painter, Whoopi Goldberg a detective, Peter Gallagher a smarmy executive. Not only is there an excellent cast, but audiences will enjoy a spot-the-celebrity as more than thirty identities make cameo appearances, sometimes in passing (like Jack Lemmon playing the piano at a party or Cher, Nick Nolte at a function), sometimes worked into the plot (like Anjelica Huston, Burt Reynolds - and, for a finale, Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis).

Anyone who has a passion for the movies, including a healthy scepticism for Hollywood, will surely enjoy The Player. It is Robert Altman at his best. He then went on to Short Cuts, Pret a Porter, Kansas, The Gingerbread Man, Cookie.

1.The film and its awards, Cannes Film Festival winner? The work of Robert Altman, Michael Tolkin?

2.The tradition of satirical films about Hollywood: Sunset Boulevard, Barton Fink, S.O.B? The ironic critique? The stars appearing to make a statement about Hollywood? The mocking of images? '

3.The Hollywood settings, the studios, Pasadena, the cinema, the luxury hideaways? Authentic? The perspective on Hollywood, especially the studios? The score?

4.The structure of the film: the long opening sequence and its fluid introduction to a variety of people on the studio lot? Griffin Mill and his edge, the seeming hero, his experience? The atmosphere of the thriller with the threatening postcards? The confrontation with the writer, the introduction of the romantic theme and the phone call with June? The murder? The police investigation? The focus on making of a movie with art pretensions turning into commercial exploitation? The ironic happy ending with the blackmail? The combined effect of these ingredients?

5.Hollywood and the studios, the traditions of the moguls, the studio head and his origins, his running of studio, meetings, making decisions? The range of staff, on the job? Service, diplomacy, fending off rivals? The department for stories and outlines? Contact with writers, stars? Producers and hustlers? Screenings?

6.Tim Robbins as Griffin Mill: in himself, his background - somewhat unknown? Part of the system? His personal staff and interactions? Relationship with the head of the studio? The initial listening to the range of storylines, the nature of deals? His work with Bonnie, their relationship, at home, at socials, reading scripts? The phone calls, the rumours about Larry Levy? Griffin on edge? The postcards and security - and their continued turning up, the mysterious ways in which they arrived? His own detective work, drawing the conclusion that it was David Kehane (and the irony later that he was wrong)? Tracking down Kehane, the phone call and the long conversation with June, watching her outside the window? His going to the screening of Bicycle Thieves, the atmosphere of Pasadena, trying to identify Kehane, finding him, going for the drink, the clash, going to the car, the argument and fight, the taunts by Kehane, the brutality of his death? Griffin covering the murder, leaving the body, taking the wallet, smashing the car windows? The detective and her interrogations? The assistant - and his continually following Griffin? The discussions with Walter, studio security, the reading between the lines - and the offer for cover-up? The meetings and discussions about films? His conceding to Larry Levy - and Levy's tour de force about making story plots from any newspaper item? The cards and the rendezvous at the hotel? The irony of the producer and the writer turning up and hounding him? His plan for Larry Levy and making a flop film for his reputation? His going to the funeral, watching, meeting June? The attraction, inviting her out, her resistance? The social function in Los Angeles and her accompanying him? His double talk to Bonnie, Bonnie's hurt and rejection? The plan to go to Mexico, the police following him? Going to the hideaway, the sexual liaison with June? His having to go back to town, the detective and the investigations - her blunt questioning and mocking him? Going in the line-up - and the witness identifying the police officer? The irony of his getting free?

7.The one year passing, his hold on his job, work with his staff? Promotion of Bonnie? The studio head, Larry Levy? The screening of Habeas Corpus? Seemingly serious, the exploitation with Bruce Willis and Julia Roberts? The reaction of the writer, the system winning out? The final lines of the film? His returning home to June, the happy house in the suburbs, her pregnancy? The postcard from the real writer and his threatening? The plan to make a film called The Player?

8.The sketch of Kehane, the anger of the Hollywood writer? His outburst against Griffin? Going to the movie, drinking, fighting and dying? His relationship with June? Her lack of interest in his work? The phone call with Griffin? Her stories, her Iceland background, her painting? Detached? At the funeral, meeting Griffin, attracted to him, going out? Her resisting his sexual advances? Going to the function and her enjoying it? The hideaway and their encounter? The happy ending - the pregnant suburban wife?

9.The studio head and his handling of his personnel? His shrewdness in film properties? Larry Levy and the rivalry, handling the rumours? Ultimatums to Griffin? Manoeuvring, phone calls, buying stories? Cecilia and her work with the studio head, her own staff? Diplomatic? The work of the secretaries?

10.The producer and the writer, hustling with Griffin, talking at the hotel, the spiel about the story, the British writer's sincerity, the excited response of the producer? The decision to send them to Larry Levy? Their gratitude? The integrity of the project? The year passing, the final sequence of the film, its seeming deadly serious? The group of stars witnessing the execution, Julia Roberts as the wife? The execution - and then the slam-bang rescue from Bruce Willis? The compromise - and the British writer talking about the reactions at the sneak previews?

11.Bonnie, her work, skills, relationship with Griffin? Trying to do a decent job? Her promotions - but her disillusionment with Griffin?

12.The detective, her work, Whoopi Goldberg and her ironic delivery? Her reaction to film and Hollywood people, her blunt interrogation of Griffin? The policeman and his continued following - and his different behaviour in the precinct office? The line-up - and the irony that he was identified as the killer?

13.The role of the police, detective work?

14.The stars as themselves, at parties, socials, meals? As part of Hollywood deals? Comment on Hollywood - like that of Burt Reynolds? In the film within the film - and Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis and their images?

15.Larry Levy, the rival, smart? Rumours? His manner, driving, phone calls? The meeting and his making plot lines from any newspaper heading? His taking on Habeas Corpus? His being vindicated?

16.The finale with the unknown writer blackmailing Griffin? The film called The Player? Jokes, ironies, fantasy and reality, hypocrisy and truth?

More in this category: « Pinky Poison Ivy/ 1992 »