UK, 1988, 104 minutes, Colour.
Ben Kingsley, Charles Dance, Helen Mirren.
Directed by James Dearden.
Pascali's Island is excellent British film-making: evocation of period (1908), beautifully photographed locations (the Aegean), intelligent writing and direction (James Dearden, writer of Fatal Attraction, director of A Kiss Before Dying), impeccable acting by British stars Ben Kingsley, Charles Dance, Helen Mirren.
It is the decline of the Ottoman Empire, a period of intrigue and espionage, arms deals and uprisings, and Europeans trying to exploit the Middle East.
Kingsley's Pascali is a local identity, observer, gossip, spy, man of melting-pot culture whose reach is tragically beyond his grasp. Charles Dance is the imperturbable, shrewd Englishman, exploiter and victim. A potentially pot-boiling plot is treated with wit and elegance for intelligent entertainment.
1.Quality British film-making? Style and elegance?
2.Location photography in Rhodes and the Aegean Sea? Re creation of period, decor and costumes? Mood? Music, songs and score?
3.The title, the focus on Pascali, his heritage, the changes on the island? The information about the Ottoman Empire and Pascali within its collapse?
4.The Turks, their history, empire? The decline at the beginning of the 20th century? Espionage system? The enmity with the Greeks? The role of the British, the influence of the Germans? The preparation for World War One?
5.The portrait of Basil Pascali: Ben Kingsley's style and presence? The explanations of his origins, his mother - and his jests? His 20 years as a spy for the emperor? His writing his letters, the voice-over? The payment but getting no answer? The effect on him and his relationships? His love for Lydia? Going to the Turkish baths? His role as an interpreter, as a gossip? Watching Anthony Bowles arrive, enquiring, sharing a drink, offering to work, searching his possessions? The encounters with Lydia, her paintings, sociability? Going with Bowles to the Pasha? His offering Bowles advice, translating, the deal? Seemingly confident, but lacking in confidence? The importance of the guns supplied to the Greeks? His relationship with the tourists, dining? Taking the woman to the Good Friday ceremony, his explanations, the procession, his looking at the eyes of the icon, their overpowering him and his rushing out? The reasons? His successions of dreams, imagination, death? His relationship with Bowles and the changing of the use of the island property? Returning to the Pasha, the dangers, the negotiations, the appointments and their not being kept, his fears? His jealousy of Bowles and Lydia, watching them swim, a voyeur? The money deal, the revelation about his knowledge of Bowles's trickery? Blackmail? The discovery of the statue, helping Bowles dig it out? The ultimate betrayal to the Pasha, guiding the police? The deaths? The irony of his finding the note and the invitation to share the money and leave? His grief, a lost man, his world collapsing around him?
6.Charles Dance's Anthony Bowles: the poised Englishman, manner and style, dress? The arrival, his archaeological background? Friendship with Pascali? The meeting with Lydia, her house, the paintings? The beginning of the affair, the swimming, the lovemaking? Information about the gun deals? With Pascali and the Pasha, his strength in dealing and negotiating? His wanting the land? The accidental discovery of the statue, changing his plans? Using Basil? The truth, their money discussions? His explanation of his background, his ambitions, the boring work, his success throughout the Aegean? His British superiority and wanting to show the Turks? Working with Basil to get the statue out, his plan, its being lifted? The irony of the police attack and his death - and his final superior British words?
7.Lydia, her presence on the island, her art? Relationship with Basil - affection but not love? Intrigued by Bowles, the swim, the affair? Her financing the guns? Her Austrian background? Social life? Her decision to help Bowles with the statue, her death?
8.The Pasha and his authority, representing the emperor? His advisers? Owning the land, the German influence, the discovery of bauxite? Selling the land, doing a deal with Bowles? The art of the island and the archaeology? His interest in money, the deals? His adviser and his threats, the bargaining and negotiations? The mission to kill Bowles and his accomplices?
9.The sketch of the tourists, the Americans, the different world from which they came?
10.The Greeks and the Turks, their clashes on the island, the gun-running, the final uprising and killings?
11.Religion, Greek Orthodoxy, ceremonies, spirituality? The icons? The contrast with Muslim religion?
12.The Edwardian period and Ottoman elegance? A collapsing world? Lost people - and the necessity for World War One?