US, 1997, 95 minutes, Colour.
Dana Delaney, Clancy Brown, Sada Thompson, Ellen Burstyn, Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal.
The Patron Saint of Liars is based on a novel by Anne Patchett. It opens with a seemingly miraculous cure in the town of Habit, Kentucky, in 1925. The earth shakes, a man running to find a doctor for his severely ill child finds himself surrounded by new springs. They cure the injury when he fell on his flight. He takes his daughter and he is cured. The film then makes a transition to Culver City, Los Angeles, in 1981 and focuses on a young woman leaving a note for her husband and walking out on him. When she goes to confession, she decides that she needs to go to an institution for pregnant women. She finds herself in Kentucky.
Dana Delaney is the young woman who is unable to relate closely to anyone. She has a secret from her life, whether it is the story of her father dying in a car accident when she was three or something more sinister which is not revealed. When she goes to the institution, she gives birth to a daughter, marries the handyman and stays there for the next fifteen years. When her husband finds her, she moves out again. The final resolution is somewhat quick as she decides to go back to her husband and her daughter.
Dana Delaney is quite effective as the woman who is both warm and brittle at the same time. Clancy Brown, often a tough guy in films, is very sympathetic as the handyman. Sada Thompson is a very motherly nun at the institution and Ellen Burstyn the woman next door. The film was directed by Stephen Gyllenhaal (Paris Trout, The Hot Spot) and features an early performance by his daughter Maggie Gyllenhaal (Secretary, Mona Lisa Smile).
1. The interest of the film? Women's issues? Relationships? Institutions? Commitment and fear of commitment?
2. The Kentucky settings, the different periods? Los Angeles? The musical score?
3. The title, its evocation of holiness, its evocation of evil with lies? Rose and her being a liar as well as her trying to overcome her difficulties and finding it impossible to face them?
4. The prologue, the sick girl, the father running and falling, the 'quake, the water fountains and his cure, taking his daughter to the waters, her restoration, the doctor? In her old age as June, the neighbour to the nuns, somewhat prickly, unmarried, befriending Rose, looking after Cecilia when she was young - friendship, fulfilment, friends with Sister Evangeline, her death and funeral? The discussion about miracles and healing?
5. The portrait of Rose, age, walking out on Thomas, the note, going to confession, the discussion with the priest, going into the institution, the severity of the superior, the kindness of Sister Evangeline? Her working in the kitchen? Sharing a room with Angie, talking about strategies, life at the institution? The other pregnant girls and their reason for being there? Her working in the kitchen, finding a talent? The friendship with Sister Evangeline and her being a mother figure? The attraction to Sun, watching him, the difficult birth and the superior taking the babies off to the hospital? In the night, asking God for a sign, Sun coming, the discussion about marriage, the wedding? Her security, giving birth to Cecilia? The passing of the years, her work, the nuns, the other girls, Sun and the happy marriage? Her eventually needing to move back to the institution from the house that June had left them? Cecilia growing up, aged fifteen, the driving lessons and the extraordinary difference with Rose as she opened up, twirled her hair, answered her daughter's questions? Sun's injury, hospital, the clash between mother and daughter? The letter from Thomas, her moving away again? The brevity of her being on the road, cooking? The phone calls to Sr Evangeline (just as she had sent letters to her mother)? The eventual change of heart, finding the chair that Sun had specially made for her, the return, embracing Sun and Cecilia? A portrait of a woman over fifteen years, the problems, nightmares, fears?
6. Sun, genial, staying only three days and then staying fifteen years at the institution? Attraction to Rose, making her the chair? The proposal, their married life? His love for Cecilia and raising her, even when Rose moved into the other house? His injury, Rose's departure, his telling the truth to Cecilia about her father? Their future, especially when Rose returned?
7. Sister Evangeline, motherly, the former superior? The contrast with the acidity of the present superior? The other sisters in community? Sister Evangeline in the kitchen, confidante to Rose, mother figure? Assisting in the difficult birth of the twins? Her growing old, giving advice, helping Cecilia grow up? Challenging Rose when the letter came from Thomas? The phone calls? The return?
8. Cecilia, growing up, her relationship with her mother, the importance of the driving lessons, asking questions about her grandparents? Her love for Sun, his telling her the truth, her coping, her love for him as a father? The impact of Rose's return?
9. Thomas, his grief at Rose walking out on him? Rose's mother, their continued search? Rose giving the letter to the woman in Kentucky, her putting it in the laundry, finding the address, Thomas ringing her, finding out where Rose was, writing about her mother's death, her flight? His arrival and meeting Cecilia?
10. The girls, Angie and her friendship to Rose, the girl expecting the twins and their being taken from her? Lorraine, the discussions about Catholics, friendship with Cecilia? The girls and their stories about the father, giving birth, the children taken?
11. A portrait of women, the psychology of women? Problems, commitment, love and affection? Love between the generations?