US, 1957, 92 minutes. Colour.
Pier Angeli, Mel Ferrer, John Kerr, Michele Morgan, Theodore Bikel, Leif Erickson, Jack Mullaney.
Directed by Jeffrey Hayden.
The Vintage looks good – was filmed in southern France in Cinemascope. However, it is a not particularly persuasive film. Part of this is because of the dialogue (with repetition of the words ‘the vintage’ coming far too often and trying to explain characters, situations and crises). The performances are not very good either – although Pier Angeli is charming as the younger sister who falls in love with Mel Ferrer and Michele Morgan, a stalwart of French cinema, who plays the older sister.
Mel Ferrer and John Kerr play Italian brothers on the run from the police (not persuasive in their performances) and Leif Erickson is the heavy, the owner of the vineyard where the casual workers pick the grapes. Theodore Bikel is the leader of a Spanish group who come annually to pick the grapes.
The film is melodramatic, the local inhabitants rather isolated and insular in their outlooks, suspicious of the two strangers, the police wanting to arrest them, the owner of the vineyard jealous of his wife, violent in his approach, with his younger brother wanting to marry the other sister.
When the film is out in the sun and the vintage is under way, the film has some attraction – but the melodrama and the interactions are not as persuasive as might be hoped. Direction is by Jeffrey Hayden who was a prolific television director for many decades.
1. The beauty of the film in its landscapes? Southern France? The mountains and the vintage? The contrast with the drama, melodrama?
2. The audience interest in southern France, grapes and wine, vintage, harvest and festivals?
3. The focus on the two brothers, the police at the Italian- French borders on the lookout for them? The police searching, Louis and his saying that they were not amongst the crew, Eduardo and his standing up for the men? The characters of the two brothers? The gradual emerging of what had happened, Ernesto and his defending the woman? On the run? Giancarlo as the older brother, caring for him? The explanations throughout the film that he was a victim of the war, his age, war experiences, violence, tension?
4. The village, the Morrell family? Louis and his concern about the vintge, out in the hills, trying to ward off the hail? His family? Etienne and his wanting to marry Lucienne? The jealousy and wanting to inform the police about the two Italians? Louis, his traditions, strong, relationship with his wife?
5. The two sisters, Lucienne, young, attractive, independent, not wanting to marry Etienne, his proposals? Attracted to Giancarlo? Falling in love? Wanting to go away with him? The final confrontations, her going to meet him? The contrast with Leone? Her age, her dignity, her relationship with her husband, her family, the children? The attraction towards Ernesto? The age difference? Her restraint? Explaining this to her husband? His suspicions of her? The carving? Louis’ reaction?
6. The children, playing, the friendship with Ernesto, the little girl, the carving?
7. Eduardo and the Spaniards? Rowdy, singing, stealing the chickens? The bravado with the police? Accepting Giancarlo and Ernesto? The hard work with the vintage? Saving the brothers? Leaving and the plan to return the following year?
8. The detail of Giancarlo and Ernesto, the shelter, the work? The attraction towards the two sisters? Giancarlo and his being put in the hut and accused of stealing the chicken? His getting out? Ernesto, quick-tempered?
9. Ernesto, his death? Melodramatic? A future for Giancarlo and Lucienne or not?