US, 1987, 120 minutes, Colour.
Alan Bates, Ellen Burstyn, Sammi Davis, Teri Garr.
Directed by Anthony Page.
Pack of Lies is a powerful telemovie version of Hugh Whitemore's successful play. It won an Emmy award for the performance of Ellen Burstyn in the central role. She is well-matched by Teri Garr as her neighbour and by Alan Bates as the executive for M15.
The film is allegedly based on a real story, It takes place in the atmosphere of England's espionage troubles at the beginning of the 1960s and highlights surveillance on suspects. However, the important focus of the film is on the ordinary family whose house is taken over for surveillance purposes - and the terrible repercussions on them.
While the film is based on the play, it is effective as a movie. Direction is by Anthony Page - and the film introduces Sammi Davis (Hope and Glory, A Prayer for the Dying).
Thoughtful movie-making.
1. The impact of the film? Its human drama? Espionage issues?
2. Based on a play, the adaptation for the screen? Characters, dialogue, tensions of situation?
3. The film based on a true story, audiences identifying with the characters, the possibility of such events and their repercussions? The English background and information about English espionage in the '60s?
4. The title, the focus on truth and lies, on betrayal? Lies and right and wrong? Duties and obligations? Friendships? one lie or cover-up and the repercussion in a pack of lies?
5. The 1960s, British espionage, secrecy, betrayal? British- Soviet relationships? The KGB? Communist infiltration? The methods of surveillance, the principles behind them, the effect on ordinary citizens? Secrecy
acts, duty?
6. The introduction to the family and its ordinariness, British characters, relationships, work, home, school, neighbours, friendships? Establishing the mood, the family at home, the meal, photos, easy talk, the art school classes, Helen as aunty? The families knowing each other well?
ordinary and persuasive?
7. The establishment of the characters and their relationships - for the effect of the lies?
8. Stewart and his arrival, a credible character, plausible, the introduction gradual persuasion of the family, his skill in handling them, sincerity? Relating to father, mother and daughter? Psychological skill? The story about Powell, surveillance, getting the family involved, the demands on them, his taking them to dinner, the encounter with the chief, the manoeuvres and the manipulation, the effect, secrecy and the National Secrets Act? The greater intrusion, 24 hours, having move out bedroom, the daughter not able to have friends at home? The women coming into the house for surveillance, Stewart and the various reappearances? His decisions what to tell and what to conceal, not telling the full truth about Helen and Peter being under surveillance? being good at his job? The build-up to the finale, the possibility of Barbara telling the truth, the tension, the arrests and the skill of the operation?
9. Ellis and his authority, jovial manner at the dinner, the family's rights, responsibilities? Alternate ways of surveillance and arresting the spies?
10. The surveillance, Stewart at the window, binoculars, notes, the meal and the drink, the discussions with the family, their being involved? Thelma and her pleasantness, her having to hide under the bed when Helen came in? Barbara turning the lights on in the middle of the night? Sally and her abruptness? The effect of the women in the house?
11. Ellen Burstyn's portrait of Barbara? A persuasive English accent, middle-aged and ordinary, her relationship with the family, the ordinariness of daily life, scenes in the living-room, the dining-room, the kitchen? Her friendship with Helen and its effect on her? Art school, the jokes about art and portraits? Her making the dress for her, sharing so much? Her concern about Julie on the motor bike and enlisting Helen's help? (And the later effect of her outburst against Helen for seeming to betray her about the motor bike?), The effect of Stewart's visit, whether to serve him the meal or not, the secrecy, going out to dinner and the effect of the 24-hour surveillance? The beginning of the lies to Helen and its effect on her, her illness? Helen rushing to her room and her anxiety, not being able to sleep, turning the lights on, feeling the whole experience wearing, finding ways to avoid Helen, the lies about her relationship, with Bob, her lies to Julie, attacking Bob about his mother and depending on authority, forbidding visitors to the house, growing exasperation - and yet with great, disbelief? Testing Helen about the possibility of visiting her on the weekend! Helen's visits, the outbursts, wanting to tell her? The final tension and her not telling her? Watching the arrest, weeping - and the voice-over about her death?
12. The sketch of Bob, his work in the aircraft factory, his sense of duty, reception of Stewart, agreeing, his concern, Barbara for her decisions, the meal and the manipulation, his friendship with Helen, pretending and covering up about his relationship with Barbara? The ordinary British citizen and his points of view, the burdens and obligation? The consequences of Barbara's death?
13. Helen and her liveliness, her stories about Canada, Aunt Sophie and the quotes, her incessant chatter, reserving weekends for her husband, the making of the dress, concern about art classes, going to the room to get the aspirins, the caution, asking for honesty, her talking to Julie about Malcolm and the motor cycle, her being hurt by Barbara's outburst about chill? the Christmas present, trying on the dress, coming back?' The arrest, going to prison? Her warm response to Julie's visit? Her hating Barbara for her betrayal? Peter seen with Helen? Powell and the communist connections? Her expressing her lack of regret about what had happened and her beliefs in communism?
14. Julie as the ordinary young girl, excited by Stewart's visit, not having friends at home, resenting her mother, Malcolm and the bike, Helen's friendship, the football match while the arrest was going on, her resentment and response towards her mother, visiting Helen, the final voice-over about her mother's death?
15. The final operation, the finesse of the set-up, the effect?
16. Rights and wrongs about civic obligation, national security, espionage? The consequences for ordinary people?