Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:08

Purple Plain, The


UK, 1954, 100 minutes, Colour.
Gregory Peck, Maurice Denham, Win Min Than, Lyndon Brook, Brenda de Banzie, Bernard Lee, Anthony Bushell,
Ran Gopal.
Directed by Robert Parrish.

The Purple Plain is a war story set in Burma. It was adapted by novelist Eric Ambler from a novel by H.E. Bates. It has an American star, Gregory Peck, and an American director, Robert Parrish.

The film is also a psychological drama, a study of a Canadian Squadron Leader who has lost his nerve. Sent on an ordinary flight, he crash-lands with a navigator and a scientist. He regains his nerve by trying to lead the group back to safety. Gregory Peck is excellent in the central role. Maurice Denham has a good opportunity for a character role as the scientist who cannot cope with the crash-landing.

1. An interesting war drama? Psychological drama? The memory of the war in the '50s? Now?

2. Location photography? The atmosphere of Burma? The Air Force camps? The jungle? The desert? The special effects for the crash-landing? Musical score?

3. The title and the focus on Burma?

4. The British presence? Japanese Occupation? The ethos and religion of Burma? The reality of World War Two?

5. Forrester and his Canadian background? Presence in the RAF? On leave in London? His encounter and falling in love? The air raid and the girl's death? His war service in Burma?. His psychological tension? The opening nightmare, his hearing the planes and the bombs? His desperate actions with the planes? people wary of him? His wanting to fly? The doctor and his concern? Sending him over to the mission? The Scotswoman and her consideration? The encounter with Anna? His visits, sharing experiences with her? Memories? His falling in love? The jewel? The air raid and his fearing that she was killed? His wanting to go into action, the authorities refusing? The routine flight? His relationship with Blore? The scientist and the pilot? Blore getting ready for the flight? The take-off? Forrester's confidence? The engine on fire? Mayday signals? The tension with the Crash-landing? Survival? His leadership, strength and courage? Decision-making? Leading the group away from the plane? Blore going to pieces and Forrester urging him on? Carrington and his injuries and the making of the stretcher, the carrying of Carrington? The fall down the cliff? Blore and his loss of water, broken collarbone? His moving away while sleeping? His attack on Forrester? Forrester going to search for him? The discuss-ion with Carrington, leaving the revolver for signal shots? Going in the heat to find the water? The rescue? His return and the welcome by the doctor', by the Scotswoman? The return to Anna? His gaining his strength?

6. The Air Force base? Personnel? The planes and their refitting and refuelling? Wariness of Forrester? The authority figures and their not wanting him to fly? The sympathetic doctor and his plans, inviting Forrester to the mission, enabling him to become friends? Welcoming him home?

7. Anna and her Burmese background, spirit, spirituality? Sharing with Forrester? The jewel? Her grief at the crash? The final gentle return and his watching her sleep?

8. Blore and his scientific background, academic background? Sharing the tent with Forester? His suspicions of him? The flight, the crash? His losing his nerve? Planting to stay where he was? Thinking that he had remained level-headed? His reluctance to carry Carrington? The rocks and the danger? His despair and Forrester telling him to shut up? The fall and his breaking his collarbone? Going on, the attack on Forrester's leadership? His going off during their sleep? Wandering in the wilderness, losing the water? His shooting himself? Forrester looking at the photo of him with his family? The psychological credibility of Blore's behaviour?

9. Carrington and his injuries, being carried, wanting to give up, supported by Forrester, Forrester leaving him with the gun, the final rescue?

10. The atmosphere of the war, British in Asia, the Japanese occupation of Burma, air raids, dangers, the meeting of various nationalities? Psychological tension? Courage and heroism?

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