US, 1975, 74 minutes, Colour.
T. J. Hargrave, Lisa Richard, Ruth Gordon, Brooke Shields.
Directed by Harvey Hart.
The Prince of Central Park is an engaging film about children for family audiences. It has excellent performances from the youngsters and from Ruth Gordon as a lonely elderly lady who conies to the park. The story concerns two orphans who lose themselves in the park and find a treehouse where they stay, exchanging notes with the old lady on a park bench. The story is full of whimsy - but is treated very well and persuasively. It becomes a fairy tale as the children go to the museum and see the knights in armour - and make believe their own castle in the park. Direction is by Harvey Hart, a director whose credits range from feature films (The Sweet Ride, Fortune and Men's Eyes) to a range of telemovies.
1. An enjoyable entertainment? For family audiences? Children?
2. The use of Central Park locations? The entry by aerial sequences - and leaving the park in the same way? But after the experience of the happiness of life in the park, the dangers, the loneliness, the friendships? Colour photography? The use of the park and its environment, the range of groups in the park? Atmospheric musical score?
3. The title and its reference to Jay Jay? The orphans and their visit to the museum, the explanations of chivalry, the castle in the park, the fairytale touch and the children's imagination? Mrs Miller asking the question and receiving the title for an answer? Her use of the title? The atmosphere for a contemporary fairy tale?
4. The portrait of the children, their racing out of the apartment, being chased, orphans - and their puzzling of why this should happen and realising that it was the fact of life that they had to accept? Their deciding to lose themselves in the park? Their encounters with so many individuals and groups? Their fear of the police? The merry-go-rounds, the dancers, the animals? Their desire for freedom? Their gaining of food? Stealing? Luck? Jay Jay being robbed by Elmo? Laurie's encounter with Mrs Miller? Wariness? Communication via the seat? The romantic notions? Mrs Miller being bashed by Elmo? Jay Jay chasing Elmo, Elmo's injury? His becoming a hero by saving Mrs Miller and Elmo? Their having to face reality? The future with Mrs Miller?
5. The character sketches of the children? Jay Jay and his age, resourcefulness, leadership, chip on the shoulder, fears? His enterprise? Imagination? The treehouse, the map? The Prince of Central Park? His heroism, rising to the occasion? Laurie as a little girl, her love for her brother, the house, friendship with Mrs Miller?
6. Mrs Miller and her loneliness, her friend leaving, the letter from her daughter, giving the food, sitting in the park, the friendship with Laurie, the messages on the seat bench, the exchanging of food? Elmo's attack? Her inviting the children to live with her?
7. Elmo as the young tough of the park, his stealing from Jay Jay? Reading the messages? Waiting for Mrs Miller, attacking her? Chasing Jay Jay, his accident? The possibility for Jay Jay to grow up like Elmo?
8. Themes of New York and the loneliness of the city, the old and the young? Brotherly love? Friendship? Survival? A modern fairy tale?