US, 1989, 97 minutes, Colour.
Fred Savage, Christian Slater, Beau Bridges.
Directed by Todd Holland.
The Wizard is designed for family audiences. However, it has a background of broken families and traumatised children. It is also in the Rocky vein, the young boy who is a wiz at video games, eventually winning the championships in Los Angeles. The film, very American in content and style, perhaps defies credibility for other societies. However, it is done in the popular American way, has a strong cast, has its heart in the right place.
1.Interesting and entertaining story of children, families? The place of video games, skills and success?
2.The Utah, Nevada and California settings? Authentic atmosphere? The countryside? The small towns? Reno and the casinos? Los Angeles and Universal Studios? The road? Musical score and songs?
3.The title, the focus on Jimmy, his abilities? The contrast with his family and emotional life? The resolution with his winning? The dinosaur park, the photo with his complete family?
4.The focus on American families? Marriages, deaths, break-ups and divorce? The effect on the children, bonds, communication?
5.Jimmy, his silence, with Christine and her husband? His missing Jennifer? Love for Corey? His silence? Withdrawn, the skill and the video games? His wanting to go to California? On the road with Corey, the adventures? His silence, Hailey, jealousy of her? His games and his winning? The adventures, arriving in Los Angeles, the games and the competition? Winning? The ride home, with his mother, wanting to stop - the dinosaur, the photo of the whole family? Future?
6.Corey, love for Jimmy, for his father and Nick? The exasperation, Jimmy to be put in a home? Running away, with Jimmy? His ingenuity on the road, age and inexperience? The trucks and the lifts? With Hailey? The friendship, the lies - ultimately the kiss? The games, getting some money? On the road, the man who tracked down truants and the clash with him? Losing Jimmy? The truck drivers and their help? His relationship with his father, brother? The championships? The happy ending at the dinosaur park?
7.Nick and Sam, at home, the utility, the clashes, lack of communication, exasperation? Mechanical skills? On the road, the shared motel, clashes? Sam and the background of the marriage, the death, remarriage and divorce? Love for the children? Meeting with Christine and her husband? The truant officer? His decision to find his son? The car crashes, the pick-up truck and the tow away? The bond between himself and Nick? Finding Jimmy and Corey? The final decisions, the return home? The emotional effect of Jimmy speaking, the photo? A future?
8.Hailey, on the road, tough? Alert to what was happening, teaming up with Corey and Jimmy? The money, the hitch-hikes, the truck drivers, the Indians? Her exaggerating about her home, the visit to the caravan park? Her skill in avoiding difficulty, calling out against the truant officer? The ultimate success - part of a family?
9.The youngsters and the video games, the rivals? Games, wins? The rivalry in California?
10.The people on the road, the truck drivers, the black driver and the win at the casino? The cafes?
11.Christine, her husband, their concern about Jimmy, therapy? On the road? The finale, Christine's decisions?
12.The man who tracked down truants, making money from seeking out children? His determination, the car crashes, the tow-away truck? Hailey's accusing him of assault?
13.The world of video games and competitions, video Armageddon, the spectacular at Universal Studios?
14.For what age group was the film designed? Impact on children, adults?