Denmark, 1989, 85 minutes, Colour.
Ghita Norby, Frits Helmuth.
Directed by Kaspar Rostrup.
Waltzing Regitse is a charming film with heart. It received an Oscar nomination for best foreign film. It is based on a novel by Martha Christensen and was written and directed by Kasper Rostrup. Ghita Norby is very attractive as Regitse. Frits Helmuth is believable as Karl Aage.
The film is the story of an elderly couple, married for 45 years, who invite their family and friends to a summer party. It is an occasion for the elderly Karl Aage to remember his past. The flashbacks are neatly interwoven into the development of the party and give us a very vivid picture of the young couple, their encounter, the early years of their marriage, the difficulties with Regitse's mother, the birth of their son, his growing up, his graduating. There is a twist at the end of the story with the information about the fatal illness of one of the two.
The film shows ordinary people in ordinary situations. It is a variation on the On Golden Pond theme. It is presented as a portrait that most people can identify with.
1.The impact of the film? Awards and nominations?
2.Danish background, perspective, talent?
3.The title, the perspective of Karl Aage about Regitse? The focus on Regitse?
4.Denmark from the '40s to the '80s, the experience of the war and occupation, the post-war prosperity, the '60s and building holiday homes, the '80s and old age?
5.The structure of the film: the initial long focus on Karl Aage, return home, preparation for the party, the party itself, the encounters? The insertion of the flashbacks, their cumulative effect? Their being placed strategically at the moments of the party? Paralleling the characters' behaviour in present and past? His statement that doors were opening in his memory?
6.A film of sympathy and understanding?
7.Karl Aage and his walk, his memory, the love for Regitse, preparing for the party? The antagonism towards Borg? Friendship with Ilse? Their arrival - and the tone of the party?
8.The flashbacks: Karl Aage and Borg, the war, dates? His being a loner? The glimpse of Regitse with her friends? The dance, the bond between the two, staying late, going home? The vitality of Regitse and its effect on him? Their living together, the birth of the baby? The New Year's dance and Regitse's energy, his tension, going home, fearing that she had left, going to find her shoes? Her return with the baby? The marriage, the arguments? The influence of the mother-in-law? Their standing out against the child being baptised, the mother-in-law's tantrums, Regitse finally giving in? The changing of ideas? Portrait of a young couple?
9.Karl Aage and growing to middle age, quiet, working? Regitse and her strength? Coping with the mother-in-law? Regitse's charity, the humour of the Christmas dinner and the drifters coming in? Gloria and her husband, her tears and Regitse's help, Karl Aage going to see the husband? Their son being hit by the teacher and Regitse's strong reaction? Karl Aage's depression - and his hitting his son, his wife's reaction?
10.The portrait of John as a baby, young boy, observing his parents, hit at school? Studying, the celebration of the degree and his father hurrying home, ashamed of his father, the friends and their going out? Hurting his father, the later argument? His girlfriend and argument with his mother, Regitse paralleling her mother, leaving, not seeing his parents, Regitse going to see him? Marrying the divorcee with the children? Regitse as a mother, like her own mother?
11.Borg and Ilse, tough businessman, firing people? Memories of the past? Regitse and the memories of the war hero, sheltering him, his death? Her best friends and their continued friendship throughout the years? Gloria and Jonah the poet, the neighbour? Marriage?
12.The building of the holiday house, the initial property and small house, the '60s, Karl Aage fixing it up? Memories of the picnic with the neighbours?
13.The sense of family and friends?
14.The sadness, the revealing that Regitse was terminally ill, Karl Aage's sadness? Her wanting everything to be normal so that she could spend the final happy months?
15.The portrait of two people, loving each other, growing older together, growing old, preparing for death? The impact of the final freeze-frame of Karl Aage's first glimpse of Regitse?