US, 1989, 96 minutes, Colour.
Kris Kristofferson, Jo Beth Williams, Sam Waterston, Brian Keith.
Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner.
Welcome Home was the last film directed by Franklin J. Shaffner, Oscar winner for Patton, director of films like The Stripper, The Best Man, The War Lord, Papillon. It is one of several films on the Vietnam theme which were released in 1989 (others included Casualties of War, In Country).
This is a small-scale film and very emotional. Kris Kristofferson is an American pilot, missing in action for 17 years, who has married a Cambodian and raised a family - but, ill, he has returned to Thailand and then to the United States. There is cover-up about his return as he had been sighted in the late '70s. This raises the question of the army's knowledge of soldiers missing in action and their locations in Vietnam and Cambodia. The return has repercussions on his father (well-played by Brian Keith), his wife (JoBeth Williams) and her husband (Sam Waterston). He also discovers he has a 16-year-old son - who finds it very difficult to cope with the return of his father.
The film is filled with decent characters who reflect, discuss, find ways of understanding and reconciliation. It is moving in its way - and a contribution to the reconciliation of the United States with its Vietnam veterans. There is a theme song, sung by Willie Nelson, by Henry Mancini and Alan and Marilyn Bergman.
Not on such a grand scale as many of the Vietnam films - but full of sentiment and emotion.
1.The impact of the film? Vietnam veterans? For American audiences? World-wide audiences? Human themes?
2.Cambodian settings (Malaysia)? And Canada standing in for Vermont? The comparisons of the two worlds? Musical score, the title song, the use of Elton John's `Your Song'?
3.The title, its ironies? The aftermath of the war? Vietnam, in the American psyche, the succession of movies about Vietnam and the place of this film? Director and cast?
4.The prologue, Jake and his illness, his Cambodian family, the long trek through the jungle, reaching the border? His health, being separated from his family? His wife and the children going to the camps? The news of the death of his wife? The children, his wanting them back, the visas, the senator, the visit to Thailand, the arrival in the camp, the restoration?
5.Jake and his return, his illness, Dwayne and his help, his researching the files? Barnes and the control of the situation, the secrecy, the silence? Jake and the information, his recovery? The mystery and the cover-up about the MIAs? The grave with the body in it? Barnes and his deals for silence? The threat of an inquiry? The interrogations? Jake going on leave, the search for his parents, his parents' house, the new tenant and the news about his mother's death?
6.Harry, his fishing, seeing his son again, the embrace? Meals together, talking, sharing memories and joy? Harry and his reflections on his beliefs in 1970, his own World War Two experience as a dentist, pride in his son, the impact of his death, the funeral, disillusionment with the war? The to and fro in their conversation, the emotions? The wrestling on the floor and the reconciliation? The news about Tyler, Sarah? Harry and his concern about going? Staying with his father, his father supporting him in joy, in grief, anxiety? Harry as a warm character, an American character?
7.Jake and the effect of his return, the news about Tyler, his moods, driving to the house, watching Sarah in the car, their embrace, her visit to Harry's home, the sexual union, memories of the past? His meeting Woody, waiting for Tyler, going to his room, Tyler's reaction against him, his apologies, returning home?
8.Going to the senator, the discussions with Barnes, the blackmail about the inquiry? The senator and his pressure on Barnes? Barnes relenting, getting the documents, shaking Jake's hand at the airport? The visit to Thailand, finding the children, the joy in finding them? The scene with them fishing at his father's home? Tyler's visit and the shaking hands, the embrace?
9.Sarah and her experience, love of Jake, the marriage? Waiting? His burial? Finding Woody, love and marriage? Bringing up Tyler? Seeing Jake in the car, the surprise, the embrace? Tyler seeing her and not understanding? Tyler's crisis, the meals, going out, drinking? His telling her the truth? Her trying to cope? The visit to Jake, sexual encounter, memories of the past? Sorting things out, the meeting with Tyler and its lack of success? Listening to Elton John's song, looking at the photos? Her decision for Woody? Seeing him, the reconciliation?
10.Tyler, his seeing his mother, his moods, anger at the football practice, drinking, telling his mother the truth, his angers? Woody taking him to the Vietnam shrine? Woody's attack on his own shrine to his dead father, seeing him as a hero? His self-pity? Going to Jake, reconciliation with the children and his father/?
11.Woody as a decent man, at home at work, the puzzle, a father to Tyler, loving Sarah, hearing the truth, his fear and sadness that the marriage might break up, his wisdom in advising Tyler, the happiness of the union with Sarah?
12.Themes of Vietnam, the war, the aftermath? The American government and the MIAs? The reconciliation? The war in the American psyche?