US, 1992, 101 minutes, Colour.
Willem Dafoe, Mickey Rourke, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Samuel L. Jackson.
Directed by Roger Donaldson.
White Sands is an interesting thriller - especially for those who like complexity of plot, characters, appearances and reality, betrayal. It was written by Daniel Pyne (The Hard Way) and directed by Roger Donaldson (Sleeping Dogs, Smash Palace) whose international films have included The Bounty, Marie, Cocktail, Cadillac Man and the excellent '80s thriller, No Way Out. This time Donaldson uses some of the techniques of No Way Out to keep audiences interested and puzzled.
The film is set attractively in New Mexico, a small town, the desert landscapes, big cities. It is also a story of official corruption ranging from the FBI to the CIA. A small-town sheriff, finding a dead body out in the desert, is tantalised by the mystery, moves out from his sheltered background, taking the place of the dead man in order to solve the mystery. At one level he is quite out of his depth. On the other, he succeeds in resolving the case and exposing the corruption.
Willem Dafoe has a very good role as the sheriff. Mickey Rourke also has a good role as the ambiguous go-between and arms dealer. The vigorous heroine is Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. There is an excellent supporting cast led by Samuel L. Jackson as the corrupt FBI agent, M.Emmett Walsh as the coroner in the small town - and uncredited appearances by Mimi Rogers as Dafoe's wife and John P. Ryan and Fred Dalton Thompson as arms dealers.
The average audience may find the plot difficult to follow, but if one perseveres with it, it is an interesting, well-made thriller.
1.Impact of the film? Entertaining? Thriller? Police investigation? Questions of identity, danger? Justice?
2.The use of wide-screen photography, New Mexico and the desert, the small town, the city? The world of the agencies, motels, homes? The rodeo? Stunts and special effects? The white sands locations, the musical score?
3.The title, location, atmosphere - the arms deals, the contents of the case?
4.The quality of the screenplay, the establishment of the mystery, sufficient leads, the complexities of the plot, characters and identity, deceptions and betrayals, motivations?
5.The body in the desert, the mystery? The men who found the body? The coroner and his wry comments, the autopsy and the information? Ray as sheriff driving to the scene, his integrity, his trying to understand, the fascination of the man and his death? The place, the time, studying the situation? His concern? The large amount of money? The identity of the man, the phone numbers and names? Ray intrigued and involved?
6.Ray's life in the small town, the loving relationship with his wife, the son coming to the office, scenes at home? His being tantalised by the puzzle - and prepared to leave home and the dangers? The background of the family at home, the FBI agents searching for Ray and visiting the wife? The few sequences with the wife and son - but sufficient to establish Ray's motivation in not staying with Lane and returning home?
7.Ray and his decision to follow the leads? His statement to Lane about the possibilities of another life and choices? The decision to pursue the identity, the case? The puzzle and its solution? The danger? Taking on the identity, pretence, the phone calls? The money, the motel - and the women suddenly coming in and violently taking the money? His being taken by the FBI agents? Greg and his assistant? The explanations of the dead man, his identity, burnout? The sources of the money? The set-up? Interrogations? Ray's plea to stay on the case and follow it through?
8.The dead man and his plan, burnout, under cover, the arms deals and the contacts, the sources of the money, the relationship with Noreen and his betraying the agents? Hiding, his decision? Death? Greg and his plans, providing the money, the double game? The continued surveillance of Ray and the possibility of stepping in to protect him? The FBI agents from headquarters and their investigations? Greg sending his assistant away so that he could confront Lennox? The murder of Noreen? Greg and his anger at Lennox, the irony of Lennox being CIA? Ray and Lane, his taking the dead man's place, the set-up? His following through with her support? The case with the money, Greg and his being handcuffed to the pipe - and taunted, shooting Lennox? His escape, the pursuit by the helicopters - and the empty case in the white sands, his arrest? Themes of the FBI, the CIA, principles, betrayals, motivation? Greed?
9.Ray and the new identity, the meeting with Lennox, his ability to talk, judge the situation, follow through? The deals and the money? Meeting Lane and her not betraying him? Going to the arms dealers in the desert? Their weaponry? The demand for more money, Lennox's reaction and Ray being smart? Persuading Lane to get more money, the campaign, the social and her raising the money? Her wanting a sexual encounter with Ray, his holding off? The encounter - but his loving his wife? The encounters with Greg, the puzzles about Greg? The FBI agents at the rodeo, Lennox killing them, the revelation about the CIA? Ray in danger, his decisions? His asking Lane to help with the final set-up? His winning? The return home and the impact of the experience?
10.Lennox as tough, the arms deals, shadowy character, relationship with Lane? The arms dealers? The money, his relying on Ray? Appearance at the rodeo - and the reality of his CIA background? His beliefs, America, philosophy? Rogue CIA, violent, murdering the FBI agents? The final set-up and his death?
11.Lane and her wealth, wanting to live on the edge? The go-between for money deals, her large fees? The past relationship with Lennox and her explanation to Ray? The decision not to expose him? The up-front bargaining for the money? The charity social event and the collage of cheque-signing? Her decisions, wanting a relationship with Ray? Truth and lies? Wanting the sexual encounter - but respecting Ray? The horses, the rodeo? Her agreeing to help, the plan, the farewell? Ray saying that he could have loved her had he not been married?
12.Greg, the FBI agent, his assistant? The resources for the money? The set-up with the dead man? Taking on Ray - especially to recover the money? The surveillance on Ray and protecting him? The confrontation, the agents from headquarters? The truth? His killing Noreen? The confrontation with Ray, Ray getting the better of him? The bargain, his hatred for Lennox, shooting him? The escape with the case - only to find it full of sand?
13.The background of the American agencies, their philosophy, worlds unto themselves?
14.The picture of New Mexico society, wealth, the ability to give money for patriotic causes - and for the money to be used in illegal arms deals?
15.Ray as the ordinary man, in his ordinary situations - but choosing and having the opportunity to live out adventure and dangerous fantasies?