Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:07

Return from the Ashes


UK, 1965, 105 minutes, Black and white.
Maximilian Schell, Ingrid Thulin, Samantha Eggar, Herbert Lom.
Directed by J.Lee Thompson.

Return from the Ashes did not make a great impact on its first release in the mid-60s. However, it later had a stronger reputation.

Adapted from a mystery novel by Julius J. Epstein (Casablanca), it is a 60s film noir. Its setting is pre-war Paris. Maximilian Schell plays a chess player who has designs on a scientist, a middle-aged Jewish woman played by Ingrid Thulin (who appeared in many of Ingmar Bergman’s films). She has a stepdaughter, Samantha Eggar – in the same year as she played in The Collector – who is aggressive towards her mother. The other star of the film is Herbert Lom.

The film has a complex plot, changes in character – and was directed by British director J. Lee Thompson who had made a number of brief films in the UK in the 1950s but made an impact with Tiger Bay. He went to the United States in the early 60s to film such extravaganzas as The Guns of Navarone. He had a long career in the United States, directing quite a number of Charles Bronson films in the 70s and 80s.

1. The significance of the title and the Phoenix? Its application to Michelle? The war overtones? Was this a good thriller? A good psychological drama? Well integrated themes for entertainment?

2, How did the film focus on Michelle as its central character? What kind of person was she? As a woman, as a scientist, as a Jew? Her integrity an a person? Her relationship with the doctors, with Stanislaus, her support of him, why? What were her strongest characteristics? Audience response to her war imprisonment? To her suffering? The effect that her suffering had on her? Her readiness to face life after the war, her disillusionment with Fabienne and Stanislaus? How much revenge and bitterness was in her? Her suffering as Stanislaus' victim? Did the portrayal give insight into this kind of person?

3. How interesting a character was Stanislaus? His obsession with chess? The scenes of his playing? His dependence on Michelle, and her support of him? As a typical ne'er-do-well? The confidence man after the war? His using of Fabienne? The quality of his relationship with her? The callousness of his plan to kill Michelle, his greed? Audience satisfaction
at his arrest?

4. The role of Dr Bovard in the film? Support of Michelle, helping her after the war, friendship?

5. How much did the film rely on its atmosphere? The use of black and white widescreen photography, locations?

6. How realistic was the film meant to be? How romantic was it? The attitudes of the main characters towards life?

7. The significance of the marriage between Michelle, and Stanislaus as an act of defiance before her arrest? What qualities of love were there in the marriage?

8. What comment did the film make on war and its disruption of ordinary life, on the suffering of its prisoners, on the possibilities of exploitation by men like Stanislaus?

9. The dramatic impact of the return, Michelle's appearance, her operation? The effect of the pretence on her, on the others?

10. How convincing was the relationship between Stanislaus and Fabi? How melodramatic? Especially with the murder?

11. The relationship between Michelle and Fabienne?

12. The ultimate deception by Stanislaus? How ugly was this? Was his villainy convincingly portrayed?

13. The theme of money and greed in the film?

14. The effect of the plan on Michelle? Her disillusionment, her future?

15. How fair was the ending? Was it credible that Michelle would not have died? Was this a satisfying ending to this film or not?

16. The film received generally poor reviews, Would you agree? Was the film satisfying thriller, psychological entertainment?