US, 1981, 110 minutes, Colour.
Jane Fonda, Kris Kristofferson, Hume Cronyn, Josef Sommer, Bob Gunton.
Directed by Alan J. Pakula.
Rollover was planned as an interesting expose of the American market and the influence of Arab oil organisations and plans to wreck world economy. However, it lacks the oomph of many similar kinds of films including, especially, director Alan J. Pakula and his films such as The Parallax View and All the President’s Men. Pakula directed many fine films – especially Sophie’s Choice.
The film stars Jane Fonda, in a role somewhat reminiscent of her campaigning for nuclear disarmament themes in The China Syndrome. However, Kris Kristofferson as the leading man, is not persuasive as a dynamic banker. There is a good supporting cast especially with Hume Cronyn, Josef Sommer and Bob Gunton.
The late 80s were to see other films critical of insider trading as well as market manipulation, especially Wall Street. In 2005, this kind of expose was done in documentaries, especially The Smartest Men in the Room, the documentary about the mismanagement of Enron. Nevertheless, the topic is interesting even if the style of the film and its impact is less than the dramatic impact hoped for.
1. An entertaining blend of finance thriller and romance? Topical? Insightful into the present economic situation? The impact of the stars? The affluent style of the film? Its failure at the box office?
2. The background of New York and wealth? The credits sequence and the buildings leading up to the murder? The background of Stock Exchange, companies? High society, banquets, offices? Sets and decor? Clothes? The background of Middle East, Europe, England? Travel? Audiences observing or identifying with situations and character?
3. The stars and their style? How well did they work together? Jane Fonda and her message films?
4. The intricacy of the plot and the intrigue? Audiences responding to the detective aspects of the film? The wheeler-dealing and deceptions in the financial world? Violence? The background of glamour, romance, danger?
5. The credibility of the plot? The initial murders. the background of the deals, legislation as regards finance, political implications. the power of individuals, wheeler-dealing and deceits, evasion? The importance of multinationals and petro-chemical firms? Petro-dollars and the influence of the Middle East and the oil sheikhs? The background of OPEC? The management of banks and their paper deals? The realities? The possibility of damaging the credibility of banks? Ruining the capitalist system? The ensuing depression and world chaos? An apocalyptic image of depression as the end of the world?
6. The initial murder, the accusations, the puzzle? Fewster and his suspicions? Suicide? The attempt to kill Lee? The motivation for violence and cover-ups?
7. Maxwell Emery and his financial control? His mask of charm? His power in the banks? Swiss connections? Telephone calls? Responsibility for violence and eliminations? His knowledge, secret funds, computers? His employment of Hub Smith and using him? His charm towards Lee Winters? His being exposed by Hub after being spied on? His explanations of his behaviour? The final confrontation and his declaration of power? His defeat, the depression, his suicide? The proud financier over-reaching himself?
8. The background of the business world? The scared officials, the bank on the rocks and the all-night vigil to bluff its way into success? The men and women working in the bank, their frenzied activity, fears? Financial advisers and brokers? The middle men and their telephone contacts? Lee and Hub going to the Middle East and waiting for interviews? Bluffs, gambles, waiting? The goals and double-dealings? Methods, dinners, appointments? The success of Hub with the bank? His advice to Lee in helping her gain control of her firm? The contacts in the Middle East? The secret file and the rousing of mutual suspicions?
9. Lee Winters and Jane Fonda's style? Luxury at her fingertips? Her background as film star? Glamour for the firm? Response to her husband's death? Control and work in charity? Her aims to be Chairman of the Board? The dinners and the bluff and Hub's advice about the Spanish firm? The need for finance? Her being used by Hub to save the bank? The visit to the Middle East? Hub and his liaison for her with the financial world? The beginnings of the affair (and Lee changing from white to black for the social engagement?) The discovery of the account, Lee's growing mistrust of Hub? Acting on circumstantial evidence? Her decision to visit Washington, her curiosity about Fewster and his warning, her visit to him, discovering his death? The growing fears and the attempt on her life? Her decision to expose the situation? one person influencing the world? For better - or for destruction?
10. Kris Kristofferson's presence as Smith? Ability, whiz kid, being used by Emery to rescue the bank, his methods, bluff, pressures? His shrewdness in advising Lee? The liaison with her? The visit to the Middle East? The prolonged affair? The secret account and his investigations, spying, overhearing Emery? Bluff and confrontation?
11. Fewster and his role in the cover-up, the warning to Lee? His response to her on the phone, in Washington? The family sequences (the ordinary accountant) and his death?
12. The picture of world chaos and the explicit moralising at the end? How effective?
13. How successful the blend of narrative entertainment with insight into economic and financial crises?