US, 1937, 117 minutes, Black and white.
Robert Montgomery, Rosalind Russell, May Whitty, Alan Marshal, Kathleen Harrison, E.E. Clive.
Directed by Richard Thorpe.
Night Must Fall is a screen version of Emlyn Williams' play about a psychopathic killer (a part that he played on the stage). It was adapted for the screen by playwright, John Van Druten. (There was a remake in the '60s with Albert Finney, directed by Karel Reisz.)
The film is a tour de force for Robert Montgomery in the central role of Danny, the psychopathic killer. He carries it off with great assurance, baby-faced charm, manic lack of emotion and Irish brogue. He is matched by Dame May Whitty as the self-centred imaginary invalid. Rosalind Russell has an unsympathetic role as May Whitty's niece. There is good support from Kathleen Harrison as a maid - the type of part the was to do continuously over the coming years. The film was directed by Richard Thorpe, who was to remain at MGM Studios for the next twenty years making a range of films from westerns to costume dramas to musicals.
While the whole thing is contrived, it keeps attention continuously - and is an excellent crime thriller.
1. The title and Olivia's eerie explanation of daylight and the expectations of night? Danny and his working in the night? An evocative title?
2. The film based on a play, the retaining of the essential action, dialogue? The opening out of the play? The strength of character drawing and tense situations?
3. Black and white photography, the atmosphere of the English town? Light and darkness? The action in the house? The contrast with the exteriors? The opened out sequences - in shops, at the cricket field? Atmospheric musical score?
4. The situation in the town: the murder, the police searching the forest, the maid with the news, arousing the curiosity of the household? The isolated household and its tensions? Danny and his connection with the household, his infiltration? His changing the life of the household? Leading to murder?
5. May Whitty as Miss Bramson: her presence, cantankerousness, selfishness? Her continual bickering with people, complaining? Hypochondriac? Her medicine, eating chocolates? her rests? Wanting to be pampered, wanting her own way? Her tyrannical treatment of Olivia and wanting to halve her inheritance? Her treatment of the maids: Mrs. Terence's defiance, Dora's fear, the breaking of the cups her encounter with Danny? Justin and the rewriting of the will? The nurse, her treatment of the policeman? her curiosity, her morbid delight in the murders? Her falling for Danny's flattery, his spoiling her? Her final desperation when alone, getting out of the chair? Her terror before Danny killed her? A skilled portrait of a selfish woman?
6. Olivia as the frustrated spinster, dependent on her aunt, her being picked on, her writing poetry, her dreamy comments, for example about night and its falling? Her attachment towards Justin? Her snobbery towards the maids? The fascination with Danny, her disdain of him, suspicions? Knowing intuitively that he was the killer? Hearing him whistle? The searching of his room, the information about the murdered woman, the letters, the hat-box? her decision to save him when the police wanted to open the hat-box? Waking in the night and talking with him? His knowing that she felt excited by his presence? Her poetry and her aunt's disdain of passion? Her going to see Justin but her returning? Trying to understand Danny, fascinated by him, not believing him? Her not staying in the house, her return, knowledge of the murder, his threats? The arrival of the police? The happy ending with Justin? The sketch of the frustrated spinster and her fascination with the psychopathic killer? Her intelligence in knowing what he was about and her ability to describe him? Her emotional dependence on him?
7. The focus on Danny? Audience knowledge of the murders? His reputation according to Dora? His cheeky entrance? The cap, baby face, the cigarette, the Irish brogue? Olivia's dislike of him? Mrs Terence and her liking him well enough? Knowing he was a liar? His betting Olivia that he could charm Mrs Bramson? His acting and his charm with her, pandering to her, cushions, medicine etc.? Listening sympathetically? Her feeling that he understood her illness? Wheeling her about, putting her to bed? His ingratiating himself, the gift of the shawl?(and Olivia seeing the price tag) and his claiming it was his mother's? Mrs Bramson wanting to be his mother? His place in the household, the maids and Olivia searching his room, his resentment? His whistling, sleeplessness? The gradual emergence of his angers, frustration at the rich, being bossed about, his long speech about his work at the hotel and his wanting to dominate people? The midnight scene with Olivia and his understanding her? Her understanding him? The police investigations? His charm? Olivia's leaving the house? His anger at Mrs Branson, his teasing her, murdering her? The taking of the money? The confrontation with Olivia, his thinking that he would not be caught, his comparing himself with others? Bluffing the police? Handcuffed, looking in the mirror and saying that this was reality? His final comment about giving people their money's worth in court and knowing that he would be hanged? A skilful portrait of a madman and a killer?
8. Mrs Terence and her gossip, running the household, Dora, defying Mrs Bramson? Dora and her emotions, infatuation with Danny, bringing him to the house? The status of maids?
9. The police and their investigations, the interrogations, Mrs Bramson's treatment of the Inspector? The encounters with Danny?
10. Justin and the administration of the will, his support of Olivia?
11. The play and the film have a classic status as a portrait of a psychopathic murderer? In comparison with later films of this kind?