Media Release
15th September 2014
Advocating for Rights of Trafficked People
Thirteen ACRATH members from around Australia will make their annual visit to Federal Parliament from 22-25 September 2014 in a bid to influence policies affecting people trafficked into Australia.
ACRATH has at least 54 meetings scheduled during this advocacy week.
During our time in Canberra ACRATH members will engage with Senators, Members of the House of Representatives, Ministerial advisors, Departmental staff, Embassy staff, and Church leaders in our continuing battle to ensure the rights of trafficked people are met.
Key issues to be raised during the visit include:
• fine-tuning services for women and men trafficked into Australia
• financial compensation for people trafficked into Australia
• overseas development assistance targeted to build resilience in women and girls
• ensuring slavery-free supply chains for products imported into Australia.
Our organization ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) is one of four NGOs, recently re-funded by the Justice Minister Michael Keenan, to work against human trafficking in Australia.
In July 2014 Minister Keenan also announced ACRATH would receive a grant to develop a curriculum on forced marriage and facilitate teacher training in government and independent schools.
ACRATH will acknowledge the work of the Australian Government, particularly its willingness to collaborate with NGOs to develop social policy to address the issue of human trafficking. We believe effective legislation has grown out of the genuine collaboration between government and civil society. The process has included frank dialogue as well as formal national round tables at which stakeholders have discussed the issues.
For more information please contact
Christine Carolan,
ACRATH's National Executive Officer.
Sr Anne Tormey rsm
ACRATH president
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0427 302 755