Ireland, 1997, 102 minutes, Colour.
Brendan Gleeson, Peter Mc Donald, Antoine Byrny, David Wilmot.
Directed by Paddy Breathnach.
This is a cleverly written comedy thriller by playwright Conor Mc Pherson about petty Irish gangsters made by the Irish themselves, a sign that small-budget films about Irish and with an authentic atmosphere can travel well. The screenplay is both literate and expletive prone with ironic captions signalling action and a range of eloquent speeches by the gangsters that are models of virtuosity and daftness. Brendan Gleeson gives a marvellous performance as Bunny, a dumb but sometimes shrewd hit man. The rest of the cast are convincing as we learn about the vagaries of human nature amongst the petty criminals of Cork and Ennis. An angle on modern Ireland.
1. Entertaining and interesting small-budget Irish feature? Popularity in Ireland? Its particular idiosyncrasies?
2. The landscapes of Ireland, the towns and cities, the countryside? Jails and pubs, hotels? Contemporary Ireland? The musical score?
3. The title and the reference to Plato: I went down to the Piraeus today...? The use of captions throughout the film summarising and giving a sense of anticipation as well as an irony on what happened?
4. The introduction to Git, in jail, his girlfriend visiting him, his sullenness? Her change of boyfriend and betrayal? Git's later explanation of his background, in the pub, his father, the vandals, the stealing of the video? His saying that he did it - to save his father? Getting out of jail, going to confront his friend, the thugs and their mutilation? His fighting the thugs, injuring them? Called before French? His summing up Git's situation, offering him the job, demanding that he do it and so not be in his debt? Git being caught and therefore agreeing to do the job? The bonds of his friendship - from schooldays and sense of honour? The obligation to French?
5. French and his business deals, tough, the henchman? Concern about money? The wedding photo and Frank Rogan? Sending Git to find him, get the money back? The complications of the plan? French and his attitude towards Rogan, their past deals, Rogan and French's wife? The intention to kill him?
6. The introduction to Bunny? Age, appearance, manner? His way of talking - popular wisdom as well as ignorance? His own personal logic? The code of the hit man? Yet a sense of values? His reading the western paperbacks? The tough exterior, yet...? His going to his wife, knocking on the door? His marriage, the estrangement? His eventually telling Git the story of his experience in jail, the homosexual relationships? Protesting that he was not queer? Over-protesting? People's reference to him as `the fag hit man'? His non-acceptance of himself and his torment?
7. The drive to Cork? The car, the roads, the awkwardness between the two, the gradual discussions, the young and the older, the young man learning? The tricks of the trade? The delays, the incompetence? Getting petrol, eating? The attention to detail on the road to build up character and atmosphere? The captions and their wit?
8. In the bogs, being late for the meeting? Taking initiatives? Going to the pub, the interrogations, the contacts, finding Rogan? His gift of the gab and his stories? Disbelief? Putting him in the boot of the car? Rogan prepared to double-cross them and their finding out? The world of criminals and tension? Going to the shed, keeping the appointment, the hit man - and offering to buy him off?
9. Rogan, his character, the length of his story? True or false? Going back 25 years with French? The story of the disappearance of the gangster? French's wife and Rogan's relationship with her? His philosophy of education? His power of persuasion over them, buying off the gunman? The hotel and his escape?
10. The night in the hotel, Git and the girl, Bunny and his watching Git - and waking up with the man?
11. The build-up to the confrontation with French? The situation, Rogan's presence, their talking and arguing? Going into the woods? The story of the disappearance, Git and the digging, the money and the corpse?
12. The confrontation, the shootings, Rogan's death? The confrontation with French - and the irony of Git actually killing him?
13. Git's disappearance, Bunny going to see his girlfriend and telling the story? Their having the money, the dream of going to the US? Their driving off together and the final joke? The nature of their friendship, their future?
14. The Irish flavour of the film, talk and accent, lilts, images, expletives yet literate? Eccentric characters? An Irish viewpoint of codes and morality?