US, 1927, 72 minutes, Black and white.
Clara Bow, Antonio Moreno, William Austin, Jacqueline Gadson, Gary Cooper, Elinor Glyn.
Directed by Clarence Badger.
It was the '20s word for sex appeal. Popularised by writer Elinor Glyn (who makes a brief guest appearance, billed as Madame Elinor Glyn), It was sex appeal in its wider sense, not just physical, but a magnetism of personality and the mind. This film enjoys the theme of It and applies it in a light comedy context.
The plot is an old one - but done with brevity and verve. Clara Bow made an impression as a light comedienne with some forcefulness - the It Girl. Anthony Moreno is the suave hero - and Gary Cooper can be glimpsed briefly as a newspaper reporter. Direction is by Clarence Badger. It came just at the end of the silent era - and is done nicely, with amusing captions. One can see a lot of the techniques which were to move nicely into the screwball comedies of the '30s.
1. A classic Paramount comedy of the late '20s? Comic style? It?
2. The theme of It, sex appeal, physical and personal attractiveness, magnetism? The explanations from the books by Elinor Glyn - and her appearance in the restaurant?
3. The '20s, the jazz age, sex appeal, It? Clara Bow as the It Girl?
4. Basic comic plot, types, captions, ironies and humour?
5. Syrus, managing the shop, very proper? Monty wishing him good luck? The relationship with Adela, expecting to marry her? The discussions about It, looking at the shopgirls? The dinner, attracted to Betty, meeting her, the bet about recognising her? In the shop, the cranky customer? His meeting Betty again, conceding the bet - and the outing to Coney Island, the various amusements and their enjoying them? The kiss, his writing an apology? Believing the baby story, snubbing Betty with her pay envelope? Going on the boat, taking Adela, his declaration of love to Betty, the proposal, discovering the truth, literally going overboard? The happy ending?
6. Betty, working in the shop, the customers, the salesgirls, It? Attracted to Syrus, meeting Monty, setting up accidents to meet Syrus, the dinner and her shrewdness, the introduction, the bet, his attack on the salesgirl, discovering she was the one? Enjoying the Coney Island outing, her reaction to the kiss? Her friend with the baby, the do-gooders, her brash claiming the baby was hers, the newspaper reports? Monty, drinking, finding out the truth? Her declaration of revenge, going on the boat, proposal, laughing, swept overboard, on the side of the boat, Syrus swimming to her?
7. Monty, the friend, wishing good luck, rich, attracted to Betty, taking her to dinner, the introductions, the story of the baby, his drinking, taking her to the boat?
8. Adela, one of the many blondes in high society, expected engagement with Syrus, her mother?
9. The mother with the baby, the do-gooders and their interference, Betty's help? The newspaper reporter and his snooping?
10. The world of the shops, New York, apartments, the rich, Coney Island, the boat?
11. Pleasant '20s comedy?