UK, 1934, 88 minutes, Black and white.
George Arliss, Gladys Cooper, Emlyn Williams, Ellaline Terriss, A.E. Matthews, Edmund Willard, Felix Aylmer.
Directed by Victor Saville.
The Iron Duke is a portrait of the Duke of Wellington. Filmed in England in the mid-'30s, it has a limited budget, although it is ambitious in its sets, costumes and decor - the French court, houses of parliament in London, ballroom sequences, the Battle of Waterloo. The film was directed by Victor Saville, who was later to go to the United States and make such films as The Green Years, I the Jury. The film is also a star vehicle for George Arliss as the Duke of Wellington - Arliss had won the Oscar some years before for his portrayal of Benjamin Disraeli. Gladys Cooper has a starring role as the daughter of Marie Antoinette.
The film is fairly stilted in its style - yet is an interesting look at film-making in the '30s, a British perspective on the Napoleonic era and the Duke of Wellington.
1. Interesting historical drama and pageant? A product of Britain? The mid-'30s? Later portraits of this era in film?
2. Black and white photography, sets and decor and costumes? The British parliament, the French court, battle sequences? The musical score?
3. The title, the focus on the Duke of Wellington, his reputation, his achievement against Napoleon? The reliance placed on him by the British government? The attitude of Louis Philippe, Madame and the French? His being used by the European powers to make peace in Europe? His personal relationships, wife and family, Lady Frances and the scandal in the newspapers? His surviving all battles?
4. George Arliss as the Duke of Wellington? Appearance, imposing or not, self-confident? His achievement against Napoleon prior to the exile in Elba? His military achievement? With Marshall Ney? With his own associates? The Congress of Vienna, Talleyrand, Louis Philippe and Madame and the French ambitions? Castlereagh and the British government? His absence from home, the flirtation with Frances, the friendship with Charlotte? Madame and the confrontations? Using the scandal for him to resign? His defying people, the press? His reinstatement? Napoleon's escape, the build-up to the Battle of Waterloo? The achievement at Waterloo? Wellington and his influence on French politics, European peace after Napoleon?
5. Madame and Louis Philippe, the relationship with Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette? French pride? The clash with Napoleon? Madame and her plotting and intrigues? Louis Philippe and his weakness? Talleyrand and the Congress of Vienna? Marshall Ney - and his betrayal? Madame and her vengeance and her executing him? The fickle French, the danger from Napoleon, the Battle of Waterloo? Wellington not defeated by Madame - and imposing his will?
6. Lady Frances, the British women in Belgium, Waterloo, flirtation? Following Wellington? Her husband? The reporters and the scandal? The confrontation in England? The resolution of the scandal?
7. Wellington's wife and family, his absences from them, their devotion and loyalty, his return home?
8. British officials, Castlereagh, the politics and military strategies against Napoleon? Peace in Europe? Marshall Ney and his betrayal, military hero, Wellington warning against his execution, his death and French opinion?
9. Themes of European history, politics, the beginning of the 19th century, an early 20th century interpretation of events and characters?