Australia, 1996, 92 minutes, Colour.
Brett Climo, Kym Wilson, Lisa Mc Cune, Gerard Kennedy.
Directed by Chris Clarke.
The Inner Sanctuary is a small-budget drama set in St Kilda, Melbourne. It focuses on a mission by the Catholic Church for the marginalised in the area. The mission seems to be based on Sacred Heart Mission, West St Kilda, as well as the Anglican Mission in Acland Street (whose minister, Rev Philip Hutchinson, appears in the film). The priest played by Gerard Kennedy also contains elements of Melbourne priests, Fr Ernie Smith and Fr Bob Maguire.
The screenplay is in the vein of those films of the '90s where a professional man, caught up in his ambition and his social and professional climbing, encounters people who care for one another. He experiences something of a conversion. Films like this included The Doctor, Regarding Henry, The Fisher King.
Brett Climo portrays an accountant who is sent to audit the funds of the mission. In his encounter with the marginalised, especially a young drug addict as well as a reformed addict who now works for the mission (Kim Wilson), his life is transformed. Gerard Kennedy has a good role as the priest. Lisa McCune? play's Climo's partner.
The film also focuses on the Catholic Church of Melbourne, the propriety of the vicar-general who wants the place audited and closed down, the more benign archbishop who, however, has business connections with his brother and who is interested in selling church properties.
A lot of issues are packed into the 90 minutes. The film was directed and co-written by Chris Clarke, director of the Catholic Communications- Albert Street production of a Passion Play at Xavier College in 1994, The Passion (a kind of Jesus of Melbourne). The film is similar to the 1996 River Street with Aiden Young as a real estate agent who is given community service time and has a change of heart because of his dealings with the marginalised.
1. Interesting drama? Social issues in Australia in the '90s? Professionals and their ambitions in the '90s? The contrast between classes?
2. The authentic Melbourne atmosphere? The homes, offices? The skylines of Melbourne? The mission, the streets? The musical score?
3. The visual style of the film? Realism? The drama heightened for effect?
4. The Melbourne streets, street kids and street people? Audience knowledge of their lives? Attitudes towards them? Towards help and church and government support?
5. The Catholic church and its mission? The bureaucracy of the church, the vicar-general and the auditor, his appearance and dress, relationship with the auditor, with Fr Kelly, with the archbishop? The archbishop and his interest, his brother with the land deals? The issue of celibacy? The image of the Catholic church and its social concern? Image and reality?
6. The title of the film - with reference to each of the characters?
7. The contrast between Andrew and the mission at the opening of the film? The setting up of Andrew and his yuppie style? Relationship with Felicity? His work, the office, co-worker? The boss? The contrast with the people at the mission? Audience expectations?
8. Andrew and seeing him initially dressing, going to the office? Friendship with David, drinking and getting drunk at the hotel? David on the make? His unwillingness to go to the mission? His arrival, the casual meeting, Peggy and her devotion, Jim and his rushing in and out, Fiona and her place in the mission? The young man and his vomiting on his trousers? His going to work? Bewilderment by the books? The unwillingness of Fr Kelly to talk to him? Meeting the young man, kicking the football and its effect on him? The balance sheets? His comments to David? The emergency and his taking the phone call, Fiona's pressure on him, going to see Tracy, the device for getting Tracy away from the brutal man? His promise to come to the dance - his not going, going to the football, sitting in the box and wining and dining? On the roof, looking at Melbourne, the discussions with Fiona, trying to find out about her life, the kiss? His changing his clothes and changing his attitude? His disappointing Carl? His discussions with Carl, Carl's relationship with Felicity? The pathos of Carl's death and Andrew's involvement? His concern about the report, the discussions with the vicar-general, his changing his report, going to Peggy's place - and finding Jim? His being shocked? His going to the archbishop and presenting the case, his `blackmailing' the archbishop?
9. Andrew and his relationship with Felicity, his being late at the pub and her watching TV? The promise to talk but not turning up at the dinner with her parents? The emergency and his not turning up at the restaurant? Knocking at the door, her rejection of him? Her weeping? Wanting to talk? The meeting, his persuading her that he was genuine? Her supplying evidence? The walk on the pier, giving him a second chance? Her character, her work, relationship with him, her family?
10. Andrew and David, the pressure at the firm, their discussions, the pub, David and his trying to pick up women? The box and the AFL? Peer pressure and the expectations of the boss? On the pier, David and his rejection? Andrew losing his job?
11. Andrew and his report, wanting to be strict, fulfilling the expectations of the client? Monsignor and the discussions? Fiona and Jim and Peggy and their pressure on him to challenge the findings? The discovery of where the extra money was going? His change of heart, discussion with the co-owner of the rehabilitation unit? The formal meeting and his reaction? Going to the archbishop, showing him the evidence? Going to the monsignor after failing at the phone, into the confessional? His saving the mission?
12. Fr Jim Kelly and his style, ease of manner, his ability with people, caring for them? Carl and his vomiting, rescuing Tracy? Rehabilitation? The old men? His carelessness about the accounts? His relationship with Peggy and her devotion? His going to meet the vicar-general - and their clash? With the archbishop and his abuse of the vicar-general? The funeral for Carl? The importance of his work, as a priest? Celibacy crises?
13. Peggy and her work at the mission, the accounts, her relationship with Andrew, devotion to Jim?
14. Fiona and her past, emotional, calling Andrew Calvin because of his clothes? The clashes with him, the discussion on the roof, the kiss? Trying to keep him to his promises? Her reaction to Carl and his telling of the story of their relationship? The dance and her bitterness, telling Andrew off? Forcing him to help Tracy? Carl's death, the funeral, at the hospital? Her burning the documents? Her support of Andrew at the end?
15. Carl, on the street, addictions, the possibilities, the vomiting, his talent at football, the kick with Andrew, wanting him to come to the dance, their discussions, his disappointment, his uncle and family failing to come, his going back on the drugs, his death?
16. Monsignor Ryan, formal, auditing, wanting to close the mission down? Clashes with Fr Kelly? The archbishop, his concern, seeming to support Kelly, listening to the audit, the blackmail about his brother's land dealings?
17. The glimpse of people at the mission, the old men, the homeless, the addicts, Tracy and life on the streets, the brutal man? Clients?
18. The '90s in Australia? The need for government and church support of such missions? Public attitudes? A mission in the age of economic rationalism?