France, 1983, 110 minutes, Colour.
Nathalie Baye, Francis Huster, Richard Bohringer, Madeline Robinson, Guy Trejean.
Directed by Robin Davis.
I Married a Dead Man is a film by Robin Davis, based on the novel of the same name by Cornel Woolridge. The film was made in 1950 as No Man Of Her Own, by Mitchell Leisen, starring Barbara Stanwyck and John Lund. The two films parallel each other in the plot line and characterisation, though each is set in its own period.
The film is a star vehicle for Nathalie Baye as the young woman, pregnant, abandoned by her boyfriend, encountering a couple on a train. After an accident with a stain on her dress, she changes clothes and rings with the young woman who is kind to her. The young woman has been in America where she has married an heir to vineyards. They are travelling to meet the family - but she has no history and the family knows nothing about her. When the train crashes, the young woman and her husband die. Nathalie Baye is mistaken for the woman, gives birth, and is received into the family. However, complications arise when she is attracted to the brother of the dead man but even more complications arise when her former boyfriend, played by Richard Bohringer, arrives to blackmail her. There is some violence and, as in a Claude Chabrol family thriller, there is murder and questions of blame and guilt.
The film is melodramatic, but is made plausible by the screenplay and the performances. The moral dilemmas are presented strongly at the end and, while there is a happy ending, there is unhappiness lurking in the moral/amoral resolution of the plot.
1. Interesting and entertaining thriller and psychological drama? The work of Cornel Woolridge? Screen adaptations? The '50s American version of this story? Comparisons between a French and an American treatment of the same story?
2. The French settings, the towns, factories, trains, wealthy estates, vineyards? The credibility of the plot and locations? The musical score?
3. The title and its penny-dreadful style? Indicating the focus on Helene? And the situation and her moral dilemma?
4. Helene's situation, pregnant, in love with Franck? His brutal treatment of her, rejection? The anger, her desperation? His walking out, not wanting responsibility for her or the baby?
5. Helene, by herself, the decision to leave? On the train, the encounter with Patricia and Bertrand? Chatting, listening to the story? The Dutchman and his boorishness and the accident? Patricia and her consideration, changing the dress, the discussions about the ring? Patricia and her explanation of her situation? The train crash and the death of Patricia and Bertrand? Helene's survival, the birth of the baby?
6. Helene in the hospital, the dress and the ring? The assumption by the family that she was Patricia? Her wanting to get out of the hospital? Her desperation, telling the truth, people not believing her? Her love for the baby, care? The possibility of her becoming Patricia? Her decision to go to the family?
7. Her skills in concealing her identity, giving minimal information about Patricia? The slip-up with her signature in the shop with Pierre? Her not wanting to talk about the past? Capitalising on her grief? Her love for the baby?
8. The kindness of Bertrand's parents, welcoming her into the home, the discussions, the tactlessness in asking about memories, their love and consideration? The meals, the room, her becoming part of the family? Going out into the vineyards, work? Friendship with Pierre? The jealousy of his girlfriend? Her settling into the house? Her future?
9. The emotional ambiguity in the relationship with Pierre? His girlfriend? The night at the music and the clash? Falling in love? The arrival of the anonymous letters, her suspicions? Her confronting Pierre? The girlfriend and her saying that Pierre was ridiculing Helene? Her feeling desperate?
10. Franck's arrival, the opening of the door, the mystery of the anonymous letters? His arrival, insinuating himself into the household? The discussions with him, his blackmail? Explanations of his discovering her? The final confrontation, with the knife, how deliberate was her killing him? The aftermath and her wanting to run away?
11. The parents and their kindness, the father and his care? The mother, her concern, her explanation of her terminal illness? Her encouraging Helene with Pierre? The confrontation with Franck? Her heart attack? Her disappointment, Helene telling the truth, visiting her in her room? The background of the will and the changing of the will in favour of Patricia and the child? Pierre and his wanting it like this? The scene in the mother's bedroom, her testimony to the police, accepting the blame for the killing? Her wanting Helene to go free?
12. Pierre, the younger brother, working on the farm? Attraction to Helene, his girlfriend, the clashes? The changing of the will and his agreeing? His disposing of the body - and a future with Helene?
13. Franck, callous, selfish, his return, pressure, presumption that he would get money, Helene killing him?
14. The girl and the family on the vineyards, the work in the factories, her love for Pierre, her jealousy?
15. The credibility of the plot while on screen? Could such a deception be sustained? The psychological interest in Helene and her identity, preserving her identity? The violence erupting at the end - blameworthy or not? Responsibility?