US, 1998, 108 minutes. Colour.
Kevin Bacon, Matt Dillon, Neve Campell, Theresa Russell, Denise Richards, Daphne Rubin- Vega, Robert Wagner, Bill Murray, Carrie Snodgress, Jeff Perry.
Directed by John Mc Naughton.
A potboiler of the Fatal Attraction school which is generally Florida sunny and glossy when the plot is dark and sinister - and exploiting the sex angles. If you left when 'The End' actually comes on screen, you would have found so many twists and turns that a synopsis would be hard going. But during the final final credits... Who would have thought! There's probably a moral to all this, but the final thought is that if you are really smart enough you can get away with murder. Matt Dillon, Kevin Bacon and Neve Campbell head the cast which includes a very good turn from Bill Murray. Glossy and trashy.
1. As an entertainment? Mystery? Courtroom drama? Trash amongst the filthy rich?
2. The production values: the Florida settings, the affluent world, the poor world, school, lawyers, the courts? Realism – American soap opera style? The colour photography, the glamour? The musical score?
3. The plausibility of the plot? The sex crimes? The court case? Detection? The twists – and seeing the events in different lights as the twists emerged?
4. The final credits – and the elaboration of how the plan took place? The focus on the different characters, their interactions, behind the scenes? Satisfying explanation?
5. The focus on Sam Lombardo, Matt Dillon’s screen presence? At the school, as the counsellor? His relationship with Baxter’s daughter? His womanising? The past relationship with Sandra Van Ryan? His work at the school, his friendship with the principal? His working on the boat, the young man and his helping him? His story about his own education? His being set on by Kelly, Nicole? Her stalking him? The cleaning of the car? Kelly sending her girlfriend on to the school? Staying behind? The abrupt change, her running from the house, the accusations of rape?
6. The police, Ray Duquette, his place in the town, investigations? Partnership with Gloria Perez? Her diligence and inquiries?
7. The background of the Van Ryans, Sandra, her wealth, her husband killing himself? The effect on Kelly? Her depression?
8. The background of Suzie, Ruby and the boats? Her being out of school? Poor? The drug bust? Her reliance on Sam?
9. Sam, his concern, going to Ken Bowden? Bowden and his neck brace, shady deals? Taking on the case? Confronting the Van Ryans?
10. The court case, the prosecutor and his determination to get Sam Lombardo? Ray and his caution? Gloria and her investigations? In the court? Tom Baxter, his hostility towards Sam? His daughter and her relationship? Baxter and his relationship with Sandra, in the court together?
11. The cross-examinations? Kelly and her story? Recreating the scene? The evidence of Suzie? Her story about Sam, relying on him, resentment about the phone call and his not answering? The accusations of rape? His using the same phrase?
12. Suzie, her taking back her evidence, Kelly and her performance in court? Sandra and Baxter and their confusion? Ken Bowden and his triumph? Sam and his being liberated?
13. The probably of suing the Van Ryans? The money? Bowden and the transfers? Sam, at school, leaving, Kelly and her attack on him? His going to the boat?
14. Gloria, her continued investigations? Ray Duquette and his research?
15. The gradual unfolding of the plan? Kelly and her collaboration with Suzie? The setup? Sam and his knowledge?
16. Ray, his relationship with Sam, shooting Kelly? Getting the money? On the boat – his presumption? Sam’s attempt to kill him, failure? Suzie’s sudden reappearance? Killing Ray?
17. The reality of Suzie’s plan, the brains behind everything? Her relationship with Kelly? With Sam? Killing him?
18. Gloria Perez, going to discuss things with Ruby, with Ruby’s friend? Learning that Suzie was intelligent? Going after her?
19. Suzie, the plan, with Kelly, Kelly’s resentment against her mother? Using Sam? Using Ray? Ray stepping over the mark in killing Kelly? The plan with the teeth, Suzie and the extraction? Ray and his shooting his arm? The perfect plan? Her sailing off to sea – and the encounter with Bowden? His arranging the money transfer and getting his cut? The question whether Gloria Perez would pursue them and everything would be solved?
20. The popularity of this kind of story, characters, mystery, twists – and the touch of elegant trash?