US, 1952, 81 minutes. Black and white.
Larry Parks, Elizabeth Taylor, Josephine Hutchinson, Tom Tully, Ann Doran, Kathleen Freeman.
Directed by Stanley Donen.
Love Is Better Than Ever is a very slight romantic comedy of the early 1950s. It is more interesting for the actors and director and its place in their histories. Larry Parks had had some success with the Jolson films but was blacklisted at this time (and the film’s release delayed because of this).
Elizabeth Taylor was nineteen (and divorcing Nicky Hilton when the film was being made). She was to continue on her most successful career. Stanley Donen was a choreographer and had worked with Gene Kelly, especially for On the Town. He made a number of slight romantic comedies at this time – but was to make Singin’ in the Rain. He was to continue with musicals during the 1950s and romantic films like Charade and Arabesque during the 1960s.
1. The romantic comedies of the 1950s? MGM production values? Cast?
2. The credibility of the plot, the characters? The New York settings? The New England settings? The musical score?
3. Judd, his voice-over, the agent, his lifestyle, the touch of arrogance? Meeting his cronies in the bar, reading the paper? His clients and their expectations? The phone calls, the pressures? His going to Connecticut? The meeting with Anastacia? Flirting? Meeting her mother? His return to New York, the chance encounter with her? The beginning of the romance? His man-about-town, enjoying the relationship, not expecting it to last? Not aware of Anastacia’s determination? The busybodying of Mrs Levoy and her daughter? Mrs Macaboy and her arrival? Anastacia and her pressure on Judd, getting him to come with the children, their performance? The pratfalls and his discomfort? His finally proposing?
4. Anastacia, Elizabeth Taylor at nineteen? The dance teacher? With the children, her classes? The encounter with Judd? In admiration of a New York agent? Her going to the convention? Her kindly father, her mother having the accident? Mrs Levoy and her daughter going? The beginnings of the convention? Her meeting Judd? Being swept off her feet – but also determined to catch him? The outings, the sports events, their talk, out every night, Mrs Levoy spying? The arrival of her mother? Going back home? Her kindly father, his listening, tolerance? Her mother being converted? Anastacia and her corralling Judd into the performances? Her performance with the children, proposal and acceptance? Happy ending?
5. The character of Mr and Mrs Macaboy, Mrs Macaboy and the dance school, supporting her daughter? The accident? Asking questions but not listening to her husband? The husband, on the road, quiet at home? Genial? Mrs Macaboy going to New York, her suspicions of Judd? His coming to Connecticut? Her agreement that Anastacia should marry him?
6. The supporting characters, the Levoys, their gossiping? Mrs Kahrney and her continued sewing? Her admiration for her daughter’s performance?
7. New York, the agents, the barflies?
8. The dancing school, the children, their behaviour, fighting, dancing? The final performance?
9. The tone of the title?