US, 1991, 88 miinutes, Colour.
Jeff Fahey, Kim Delany, Lindsay Duncan, Brad Dourif.
Directed by Eric Red.
Body Parts is a thriller based on a novel by French authors Boileau- Narcejac, authors of Les Diaboliques and Vertigo. This is a variation on the Frankenstein theme, a man injured in an accident, his being given body parts from a criminal - and the parts taking over his character and personality. Variations on this theme were in the films The Hands of Orlac, Mad Love and The Beast With Five Fingers.
The film was written and directed by Eric Redd, director of The Hitcher and Cohen and Tate. Jeff Fahey is the star and Lindsay Duncan (Loose Ends) appears as the doctor.
The film is brief, effectively made, touches of gruesome sequences - and some nightmare material, especially concerning Brad Dourif as an artist who also has had a transplant from the criminal.
1.Interesting thriller? Variation on the Frankenstein story? The tradition of horror thrillers with transplanted limbs and characters going berserk?
2.The atmosphere of the American city, technology, scientific developments? The musical score?
3.The special effects work, the atmosphere of horror? Surgery? Nightmares? Brutal attacks?
4.The title - and the original novel being called `Choice Cuts'?
5.The introduction to Bill, his psychological background? The interview with Ray? Psychology, madness? The tape and Ray's fear?
6.Discussions of criminal violence, psychology? Bill's book? Fletcher? The diary? Responsibility? The criminal and his being transplanted into three people? The finale with the transplanted head? The comment on surgery, technological practices? What is possible rather than what is permissible?
7.Bill and Karen, their relationship, family, the children, domestic sequences, Karen supporting Bill? The accident, hospital? Karen and her fears, Bill and his being taken over, sending the family away, the final confrontation - and happy ending?
8.The realism of the accident? Bill and his survival, taken to hospital? Agatha Webb and her abilities, the pressure on Karen to sign the paper for the transplant, a police doctor and her access to criminal bodies? The detail of the operation?
9.Bill, his recuperation? Back to work? The discussions with Ray - and Ray's fear? The information about Fletcher? Getting the thumb print and the identity of Fletcher? The charge sheet and the horror of the crimes? The images in Bill's imagination? The outburst and hitting his son, lack of control over his arm? His wife, the fear in the household, sending them away?
10.Bill and his convalescence, physiotherapy? The strength of the arm, the success of the operation? Agatha Webb and her support? His changing moods? The visit to Remo Lacey and his art, the horror in the art? Mark, the basketball, the car? In the bar, the brutality of the fight?
11.Bill and his friend the detective, discussions, support?
12.Fletcher taking over the transplant men? Mark, the phone call, his death? Remo and his death? Remo as a character, his art, his coming into his own? Not wanting to face the truth? Painting Fletcher's visions? The finale with Bill in the car, the transplanted head, the car pursuit?
13.The build-up to the showdown? The confrontation with Agatha Webb? Her mad doctor speeches? Her wanting to pursue the technology?
14.The film as a science fiction fable? The warnings about technology and human beings usurping power over one another? Not asking merely what was possible but whether it should be done?