US, 1945, 97 minutes, Black and white.
John Wayne, Anthony Quinn, Beulah Bondi, Phillip Ahn, Lawrence Tierney, Paul Fix.
Directed by Edward Dmytryk.
Back to Bataan was made in the immediate aftermath of World War Two, a film about the war in the Philippines as well as a tribute to the Filipino fighters and guerrillas. It is a John Wayne vehicle, he gives his usual strong performance (even appearing bearded). Anthony Quinn plays a Filipino leader and does so quite effectively. Beulah Bondi leads a supporting cast.
The film is conventional war material by post-war standards. It has voice-over and commentary highlighting the outline of the war in the Philippines, Macarthur's promise, the return of the Americans as well as the guerrilla warfare of those on Luzon during the war. It also highlights the Japanese, their cruelty, and their using of Filipinos for propaganda purposes.
The film was directed Edward Dmytryk; it is a strong flagwaver - ironic that within a few years he was to be imprisoned by the House of Un American Activities Committee.
1.Interesting was film? Made in 1945? The perspective of the war, emotional involvement, injuries and deaths? Tribute to the Filipinos?
2.The war settings, the waging of war, battle sequences? Musical score?
3.The title, the experience in the Philippines, Bataan as a symbol?
4.The focus on the Filipinos, their resistance, the occupation by the Japanese, local officials trying to collaborate, protect the people? The use of Miss Delgardo for broadcast propaganda purposes (and her warning the Allies)? Ceremonies for the Filipinos, freedom and independence - and the American invasion?
5.The role of the Americans in the Philippines, 20th century history, the defeats, Macarthur, his promise to return? Units such as those in the film involved behind the lines?
6.John Wayne as Joe, strong, asked to stay back, in command, collaboration with Andres and the others? His officials? Knowing the truth about Miss Delgardo? In action, Maximo, the teacher and her nursing? Dangerous action? The leading of the final attack? American war hero?
7.Andres and his being a Filipino, his disappointment with his loved one, his brooding? Involved in the war? Friendship with Joe? Going disguised as the friar, the reconciliation? Becoming involved? In the final battles?
8.The teacher, her nursing, looking after people? Her no-nonsense style? American support groups?
9.The American soldiers, their involvement, battles? Tactics? The final invasion?
10.Maximo, the use of the boy as a symbol of the Filipinos, the support of the Americans, hearing of the death of his father, being taken and tortured by the Japanese? The truck crash, his rescue?
11.The American sentiments? Their role in World War Two? In Asia and the Pacific? The history of the Philippines?
The consequences of World War Two for them?