US/UK, 1971, 105 minutes, Colour.
Shirley Mac Laine, Perry King, Michael Hordern.
Directed by Waris Hussein.
The Possession of Joel Delaney's title warns its audience, madness and violence by possession. Set in modern New York, this drama opens pleasantly enough, focusing attention on socialite Mrs. Norah Benson, her family (especially loving brother Joel) and her set. It ends horrifyingly with a prolonged and frenetic voodoo exorcism and a terrifying siege of Norah and her children. Always interesting (psychology, superstition, madness and attacks on snobbery), the film is very violent and opts for a sensationalist final frame. Shirley Mac Laine, in a subdued role, is excellent. The film is good in creating atmosphere in the two New Yorks, white and Puerto Rican; less effective in really exploring the nature of possession and madness.
1. Was this a convincing and effective thriller? Why?
2. How frightening was it? Why?
3. Which was more frightening, the possession and the exorcism or the final siege? Why?
4. How did the film rely on atmosphere ? the easy, socialite New York setting gradually changing to a menacing, Satanic atmosphere within the same setting? How effective was this? Shopping, ice-skating etc.?
5. Who was the central character of the film? Why?
6. What were your first impressions of Norah Benson? Did you like her? As a socialite, at the party, her children, ex-husband, her relationship to Joel? How possessive of him was she? Why did she feel so responsible for him? Was this healthy?
7. Joel himself ? your first impressions? His relationship to Norah? How independent was he? His going to Tangiers? His frank talking to Norah about sexuality?
8. The maid, her place in the household, as a suspicious person?
9. How well did the film prepare for the Puerto Rican, voodoo aspects of the film, emblems etc.?
10. Why did Joel get involved in voodoo, with Tony? Was their similarity of experience sufficient reason?
11. Did you believe in such a possession? Do you believe such possession is possible? How?
12. What was the effect on Norah of all this - Joel's flat, Erica's death and the decapitated head, her using of influence at the police station, her status and snobbery, ex-husband, Joel's psychiatric treatment?
13. The effect of the treatment of Joel. Norah's disbelief. Yet her pursuing of the origins of the friendship?
14. The exorcism sequence and its impact? On Norah? On the audience?
15. Norah's desperation and her taking the children away. Was the frightening atmosphere built up well ? the house, the night, the children's absence?
16. Joel and the siege - the impression of Joel on Tony, how frightening? His style of terror - to Norah, to the children? The points behind the attack on Norah's snobbery, racism and advantages? Was this too violent?
17. The effectiveness of the final frame? Plausible? Sensational?
18. What insight into madness did the film offer?
19. What insight into modern society, religion and superstition did the film give?
20. How healthy is it to watch films like this?