US, 1968, 104 minutes, Colour.
James Garner, Eva Renzi, George Kennedy, Nigel Green, Michael Ansara, George Rose.
Directed by Delbert Mann.
The Pink Jungle is a piece of light entertainment from the late '60s. James Garner, a popular screen figure of the '60s, began to send up the tough American image with such films as Support Your Local Sheriff. The Pink Jungle is in this vein. Garner seems to be a photographer for an advertising agency getting himself mixed up in all kinds of oddball adventures - but is finally revealed as C.I.A. George Kennedy, soon after his Oscar winning performance in Cool Hand Luke, is a raucous, good natured villain. There are some entertaining short guest performances by George Rose (Major General in The Pirates of Penzance) and Nigel Green masquerading as an Australian. There are Amazon locations, swipes at American relationships with South America and some gentle parody of action adventure. Direction is by Delbert Mann, Oscar winner for Marty - and maker of a wide range of serious films (Separate Tables) to light comedies.
1. The appeal of this comedy adventure? The mood of the '60s? Perennial entertainment?
2. Techniscope and location photography, the Amazon, the jungle, the deserts? Colour, action? Editing? Atmosphere and pace? Jaunty score?
3. The appeal of adventure? The straightforward action? The parody of the adventure films? The blend of comedy? The use of cliche situations? Building up expectations and breaking through them?
4. Americana - tongue in cheek? The shots at the South Americans and their incompetence? Relationships with the United States? The C.I.A. and their cover? Influence in South America? South American bureaucracy? Mercenaries? International jewel-trading? Violence, lawlessness? The humour of the title glamour and the reference to lipstick?
5. The arrival of Garner in South America? His work, the carryon, officialdom, suspicions of the C.I.A. (and the irony that the official was correct!)? The town at the end of the line? The helicopter being stolen and destroyed? Sleazy hotel? Drinking? The atmosphere of deals? Murders? The preparations for the expedition? The hiding in the barn and the cover-up? The possibilities of falling in love? The trek through the jungle, the desert? Double deals and betrayal? Water? Fighting and shooting? The discovery of the Australian? The build-up to the showdown? The finale and the revelation of the C.I.A. agent? James Garner's skill at tongue-in-cheek characters?
6. The world of advertising, glamour photography. models ? versus adventurers?
7. George Kennedy as the raucous villain? Stealing the helicopter? South African background? All talk? The deal, the death of the old prospector, the map? The go-getter, violence? The final betrayal and his being allowed to go?
8. Nigel Green as the sinister Australian? The Australian style? His betrayal? The map? The deal with the South Americans? The English prospector and his Pommy style? Death?
9. The South American crooks themselves, murders, following, rendezvous? The gang being broken up?
10. The comic portrayal of fussy bureaucracy?
11. The flavour of the comedy, the isolation, the boredom, the jungle and deserts?
12. Old themes - humorously presented? Good and evil, goodies and baddies, romance, right triumphing?