US, 1952, 104 Minutes, Colour.
Spencer Tracy, Gene Tierney, Van Johnson, Leo Genn, Dawn Adams, Barry Jones.
Directed by Clarence Brown.
The Plymouth Adventure was a big budget MGM spectacular. However it was not popular at the box office. It is interesting in itself, re-creating the atmosphere of the pilgrims in the 17th century, hazards of their voyage, the religious beliefs and legal difficulties, their landing in America and their pioneering experience. However, there is a particularly American tone about the film, even in the performances with Spencer Tracy, Van Johnson being particularly American for their role. The film is colourful but probably lacks impact. It raises interesting questions and treats a piece of American history on a popular level. It was directed by Clarence Brown who had made many impressive films in the 30s and the 40s.
1. The appeal of historical spectaculars? The heritage of America? The appeal to American audiences, to overseas audiences?
2. How successful a spectacular film? The M.G.M. spectacle of the 50s? The scope of the film, its history, the star quality of the cast, the set pieces eg. the storm?
3. How did the film presume the historical background of the English, the nonconformists, the Pilgrims to America? How well did it show the difficulties of the Pilgrims before they left England? The arrests, the ship exploiters, the harshness of life in England and on the ship? The motivation of the Pilgrims to leave England? The aims of freedom for a happy world? The importance of their religious beliefs, purity of motivation, the hopes of building an edifying new world?
4. The picture of America as a goal for hope? This aspect of American heritage and the way the film explored it?
5. The portrait of the Pilgrims themselves? Bradford and his character, his leading the others, the ordinariness of the other men, their work and trades, their hopes? The young carpenter and his enthusiasm to help the Pilgrims? The prisoner in hiding?
6. How important was the emotional complexity added to the film by the Captain's attraction for Bradford's wife? How did this contrast with the Pilgrims' behaviour? The effect on Bradford's wife and her killing herself? The impact on the Pilgrims?
7. The contrast of the Captain and his cynical attitudes? The professional sailor? His deals with the exploiting firms? Why did he change his attitudes? The influence of Bradford's wife? The influence of the Pilgrims and their zeal? The contribution he made to their first year of settlement?
8. The portrayal of the voyage how conventional for this kind of film? The impact of the difficulties the deaths eg. the young boy, the storms, the confinement of many people on the one ship? The setting out for the unknown?
9. The portrayal of the settlement? How interesting and realistic? The difficulties, the building, the explorations, the Indians, primitive way of life? Their ordered and civilized achievement?
10. How valuable a tribute to the American heritage was this film? The patriotism of the film? The slight treatment for popular audiences? Enjoyment and the tribute via enjoyment?