Australia, 1992, 100 minutes, Colour.
Stephen Kearney, Neill Gladwin, Max Cullen, Moya O' Sullivan, Imogen Annesley.
Directed by Ron Cobb.
Garbo is designed as a comedy vehicle for Los Trios Ringbarkus, Steven Kearney and Neil Gladwin. Successful in cabaret and in live comic performance, they do not transfer well to the screen. Their comic antics, their mugging, their rather idiotic characters seem out of place. This is especially true of Garbo, where actors of the calibre of Max Cullen, Imogene Annesley, Moya O' Sullivan and Gerard Kennedy seem to be in a different film. Garbo is in the tradition of Malcolm, Ricky and Pete and Spotswood. It is about little people, the garbage collectors in inner-city Melbourne. However, with the focus on Steven and Neil, the pathos of the characters and situations is lost in the mugging.
Melbourne looks particularly good in this film. Coastal locations are also used. There are some laughs - but generally not from the mugging of the stars.
1. A vehicle for Los Trios Ringbarkus? Their comedy styles, success on stage? On film?
2. The Australian flavour, the Melbourne settings and the use of the city? Victorian country and coast? The musical score, the songs and their lyrics for themes?
3. The title, garbage truck, garbage men? Presuppositions about the status of garbage collectors in Australian society? Ordinary people - and comic touches?
4. Steven and Neil, their work together, comic style, delineation of characters? Their contribution to the plot - and their interactions with more serious actors?
5. The plot, the old-time British comedies about the city, workers? Stock characters? The David and Goliath variation? The garbage collectors, the proprietors of holiday sites? The police? The poking fun at pretensions?
6. Steve and Neil: characters, at work, their relationship with Walt and relying on his leadership? The relationship with their clients - and coming out to greet them during collection? The technologically advanced rivals? Their helping people? The university, Steve meeting Jane and infatuated? Neil and his mum, her agoraphobia, her lifestyle, abuse of her son? Steve and Neil at home? The decision to help Mum and go on a holiday? The camping site? The rain, the beach, mishaps? The need for money? Playing cards and losing their money? Leaving mother for ransom? Going back to the city, getting Walt and his lending the truck, selling the junk - but Neil inadvertently selling the truck and losing the money? Steve and his courting of Jane, his exaggerated lied, not wearing his glasses? Taking her out to the dance and the mishaps? Her finding out the truth, his encounter with her father? The past encounters with the police? His drinking and his comic turns, the glass doors, at home in the shower? Walt trying to help? The discovery of the truck, the police, the rival garbage collectors? The chase and the mayhem in the city lanes? The resolution of the problems? The fight? The new truck? Their becoming heroes - and returning to their routines?
7. Walt, genial man, his chequered background, the professor of philosophy, the gifts of books of philosophy? His trying to help Steve with Jane? The Czech student seeking him out? The finale - and his returning to Czechoslovakia?
8. The police, tough style? Mugging? The chief and his macho attitudes, attitudes towards Jane? Picking out Troy for her husband? The confrontation with Neil and Steve? The final fight?
9. Trevor, the rundown campsite, stealing the video recorders? His running the place, its dinginess? Taking Freda as ransom? The demands for money? Her taking over his life? The collaboration with her, improving the holiday atmosphere? The finale with the VCRs stolen? The postscript about her activities?
10. Freda, her agoraphobia, her contempt for her son? Going for the holiday, staying in the caravan? Being left as hostage - but walking out, trying to phone? Her change of attitude? Pushing Trevor, running the campsite, improvements, the loudspeaker notices? The end? Her activities with Trevor?
11. The local authorities, the officials - and their comic touches? Mocked? The mayor and the media?
12. The gallery of customers, their behaviour - with the cats, waking people up in the morning, the lady with her small amount of garbage.....?
13. The popular ingredients of a city comedy, siding with the little people? How well did it work as a comedy, as a vehicle for its stars?