US, 1960, 89 minutes, Colour.
Alan Ladd, Don Murray, Dan O' Herlihy, Dolores Michaels.
Directed by James B.Clark.
One Foot In Hell is an interesting and intense vengeance western. It is a star vehicle for Alan Ladd during the final years of his career and his life. He was beginning to put on weight and needed older roles than the heroes he had portrayed before. once again, he is the strong laconic hero - but this time turned obsessed villain. He is once again a Reb, - as in The Proud Rebel and The Big Land in earlier years. The film has a very strong supporting cast, especially Don Murray and Dan O' Herlihy in character roles. The film is well presented, well directed, well acted by the supporting cast - which highlights the somewhat stolid performance of Ladd and his seeming lack of intensity in an intense role. His motivation is not always entirely clear and this militates against the full impact of what is potentially a very good western.
1. The film as an Alan Ladd vehicle, conventions of the vengeance western? A different western?
2. Production values, locations, the atmosphere of the West, the town, saloons, the cast and character acting, special effects, especially for the finale? musical score?
3. The title and indication of themes: vengeance, sadness and hatred, cruelty, lack of feeling? A man almost damned?
4. The establishing of the setting: Barrett and his pregnant wife, her illness, their long journey, desperation, the surliness of the hotel manager and his demanding of the money, the druggist and his refusing the give the medicine, his shouting about the robbery, the sheriff and his suspicions? Barrett's growing anxiety and desperation? The doctor and his help? Arriving too late - death and sadness? $1.87? The establishing of Barrett's motives for his massive vengeance?
5. The doctor as the 'good character' in the film: his help, concern, anxiety about the medicine, his comforting Barrett, tending the grave, getting Barrett a job in the town, supporting him, getting him and Julie the house, his being the 'father confessor' for Dan and Julie at the end?
6. Alan Ladd's portrayal of Barrett: the Reb, love for his wife, the long journey and the hopes, the anxiety in the street with the medicine and his reaction to his wife's death, the consuming grief turning to hatred, his accepting the job, hiding his motives, his being honoured and liked in the town, people trusting him, advising him to forget his grief? The posse and his killing the sheriff in cold blood? His decision to plan the robbery? His recruiting Dan, going to the city, the plan for marriage and Julie's place in it, hiring Sir Harry Ivers and Stu? Bringing them back, the set-up in the town? The explanations for his motivation, their credibility? The ironies of so many of his remarks? The cattle, the stampede, the robbery, the murders? His leading the posse, killing Stu? Arranging for Ivers' death? His going to kill Julie and Dan? The confrontation and Julie's killing him? A portrait of an already dead and damned man?
7. The contrast with Dan, the Reb, alcoholism, drawing, needing a drink, helped by Barrett, used by him? His drawings for the robbery? The encounter with Julie and talking to her? His clashes with her? His work, hidden drinking, falling in love with Julie? The scenes between them and their changing? His going to tell the truth? The fight with Barrett? The telling of the truth and not running away any more?
8. Julie and the saloon, the tough life, the explanation of her father's using her as a child, her relationships with men, coldness, the stances taken, her demanding to be a partner with Barrett? Her going through the charade of the marriage? Falling in love with Dan? Enjoying the domestic time? The truth with Dan? Confrontation with Barrett?
9. Stu and the professional killer, the callousness of the gambling on the fight to the death in the city street? His callousness, getting the job, the deals with Barrett? Murdering the hotel manager? His being caught by Barrett, his death, his attempt to tell the truth?
10. Sir Harry Ivers as the eccentric Englishman, drinking, language and snobbery, robbing and being saved by Barrett? His dress? His agreement to do the killings? The scene in the druggist's shop and his killing him in cold blood? His being betrayed by Barrett?
11. Barrett's calling his recruits 'scum' and despising them while using them? Ridding the world of them? Men already damned - with one foot in hell?
12. Barrett's attempts to play God but actually playing the Devil? Images and a character of hate? How effective in the context of a western?