Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:01



US, 1932, 61 minutes, Black and white.
Wallace Ford, Leili Hyams, Olga Baclanova, Henry Victor.
Directed by Tod Browning.

Freaks has quite a strange cinema history. It was made in 1932 and directed by Tod Browning who had made such an impact in 1931 with the film version of Dracula. It fitted into the atmosphere of experimental horror films of the early 1930's. James Whale's Frankenstein series also appeared during these years. However, Browning did not create an altogether imaginary horror situation, he rather used the horror elements in the context of actual Freaks from a circus.

Many censorship boards in various countries including England and Australia, found the film too horrifying and would not approve it for general release. It was released in England, for instance, in the 1960s, in Australia in the mid-70s, (and at the time earning a censorship rating approving it for general audiences except under the age of 12). The film is somewhat dated now because audiences have seen so many horror films. However, it is interesting as showing the horror styles and vision of horror directors in the 30s. It has influenced all kinds of films over the decades, more recent examples being The Mutations and The Sentinel.

1. Expectations form the audience from the title? The focus of the title on the freaks? The history of banning of this film? The film as an example of horror movies? Its overall quality and impact?

2. The importance of the explanation at the beginning, the preface about freaks, the indications of theme: nature, malformations in nature, the solidarity of freaks in suffering together, the elimination of such malformations by modern medicine?

3. Comment on the cinematic techniques of the thirties: black and white photography, close-ups, film tracking etc.? How well used for dramatic impact and for horror purposes?

4. Comment on the impact of this horror film in the thirties. Why should it be banned? For so long? Its impact now?

5. The structure and framework of horror as regards Cleopatra? Exciting audience curiosity, the nature and impact of the flashback. the dramatic impact of the final revelation of Cleopatra?

6. Comment on how the film worked out the theme of normality versus abnormality. Its working on audience presupposition about normality? The visual presentation of the freaks and their abnormalities? The wide variety of abnormality presented? How ugly. how horrific. how beautiful?

7. The prurient response to looking at freaks. sideshow and circus mentality? How much did the film rely on this? Did the film over-dramatize and sensationalize the repellent aspect of freaks? The continual visual presence of abnormality and its effect on audiences? Freaks as belonging to circuses? The importance of the picnic sequence and their being ordered off the grounds and yet allowed to stay? The ordinary lives of the freaks?

8. How wise was the film in making the midgets central to the story? How convincing was this? The midgets as characters, their love story, jealousy?

9. Cleopatra as the heroine of the trapeze? The glamorous star of the circus? Her arrogance and light-headedness? Her relationship with her friend and their planning for getting money? Her exploiting of the midget? Comment on this reversal of roles? The attractive heroine as being a villainess. the freakish midget being the hero with feelings?

10. How well explored was the relationship between Cleopatra and the midget? The build-up to the wedding, the disappointment of the girlfriend? The drama of the wedding feast The continual hurting of the midget? The toast and the freaks welcoming Cleopatra as one of their own?

11. The 'poison' theme? How melodramatic? Audience sympathy by this time for the victim?

12. The banding together of the freaks? The eyes, the vengeance for Cleopatra, protecting one another, the atmosphere of menace? Cleopatra trying to deny her poisoning?

13. The climax in thunder and lightning, darkness and pursuit, vengeance? How well explored was the reality of revenge and vengeance?

14. How was the film a complex of beauty and ugliness, compassion, sympathy, curiosity?