Saturday, 18 September 2021 19:00

Woman from the Deep River


Italy, 1981, 93 minutes, Colour.
Directed by Umberto Lenzi.

Woman From the Deep River is another ghastly exploitive adventure made by an Italian film crew. It capitalises in title from an early '70s seeming anthropological thriller, The Man From Deep River. This in turn had echoes of the Mondo Cane exploitation travelogues of the '60s. A basic plot is presented but a great deal of prurient curiosity is indulged with bizarre sex and violence sequences, especially associated with primitive tribes.

The present film has an American drug background, anthropological students trying to disprove cannibalism in Latin America and a great deal of violence. There is explicit cruelty to animals which the cast professed themselves to be aghast at. They themselves are gorily tortured and killed. This kind of film makes one wonder about the mind of the filmmakers and their estimation of audience tastes. Writer-director Umberto Lenzi has made a number of such films including Eaten Alive.