Current News

OPEN LETTER, ASYLUM SEEKERS, MANUS ISLAND AND NAURU - MALCOLM FYFE MSC, VICAR GENERAL, DARWIN “It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.” Prayer of St Francis.’    THE POSSIBILITY OF A BI-PARTISAN AMNESTY An open letter to our political leaders by Fr Malcolm P. Fyfe msc, Vicar General of…
Eulogy: Sr Damian Mary George fdnsc (12.10.1925 - 7.06.2019) Eternal life is this: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3) What amazing and reassuring words given to us by Jesus! With confidence in these words, we slightly understand what our Sr…
Website restructuring for two weeks. No postings for a fortnight, but then......   Website restructuring for two weeks. No postings for a fortnight, but then... As recorded on Monday, there have been a number of difficulties in access to the MSC Province website. News came today that restructuring will begin…
STEPHEN HACKETT MSC, GENERAL SECRETARY, AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE Canberra hosts international meeting of general secretaries, France, Germany, England and Wales. General secretaries of the bishops conferences of France, Australia, Germany and England and Wales at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. The general secretaries of the bishops conferences of…
APOLOGY TO VISITORS TO THIS SITE, LACK OF AVAILABILITY   Increasingly, visitors to this site have found that a message comes up, "Resource Limit is reached".  It is doing this as I write for the MSC Home Page  and Peter Malone's website as well as not allowing photos to uploaded…
Friday, 12 July 2019 23:55


HINDMARSH, MSC PRESENCE AND WITHDRAWAL We present a tribute to MSC in Hindmarsh parish, Adelaide, as we withdraw and hand the parish back to the Archdiocese of Adelaide. Noel Mansfield MSC collected the material and the photos.  With thanks.                      In the coming week, we will have a post on…
Wednesday, 10 July 2019 22:20


PETER TO ROT FEAST DAY CELEBRATION.  PNG Catholic Association New South Wales     Catechist from New Britain, Peter To Rot, martyr, killed by the Japanese towards the end of World War II, was beatified in Port Moresby in 1995. His Feast Day, July 7th, is more than a day…
ANNOUNCING THE FIRST EDITION OF ENCOUNTERS OF HEARTS This is the first edition of the magazine of the Lay Members of the Chevalier Family. Jules Chevalier had a dream of a lay branch of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. This vision has come to life in recent decades, spreading…
 GLIMPSES OF MSC MINISTRY BEYOND AUSTRALIA After the local glimpses yesterday, here is some activity in PNG and the Philippines – people we might know. PNG and a visit to the PNG Province by the MSC Superior General, Abzalon And quite a welcome to De Boismenu College – a welcome…
 GLIMPSES OF MSC MINISTRY BEYOND AUSTRALIA After the local glimpses yesterday, here is some activity in PNG and the Philippines – people we might know. PNG and a visit to the PNG Province by the MSC Superior General, Abzalon And quite a welcome to De Boismenu College – a welcome…
Monday, 08 July 2019 01:30


SOME GLIMPSES OF MSC MINISTRY Visitors to the site sometimes wonder what MSC are doing, where they are. Here are some glimpses. Peter Hendriks, parish priest of Nightcliff, Darwin, First Communion. And from the NT to the highlands of PNG Brian Cahill, Tarpini, PNG, fund-raiser, with a cheque and on…
Monday, 08 July 2019 01:23


SOME GLIMPSES OF MSC MINISTRY Visitors to the site sometimes wonder what MSC are doing, where they are. Here are some glimpses. Peter Hendriks, parish priest of Nightcliff, Darwin, First Communion. And from the NT to the highlands of PNG Brian Cahill, Tarpini, PNG, fund-raiser, with a cheque and on…
Do you know the Australian congregation of Sisters, The Missionary Sisters of Service? This year they are celebrating 75 years. And their Melbourne celebration is being hosted by the MSCs at Blackburn parish. Here is some history well worth knowing. (Story by Fiona Basile and photos)  Celebrating 75 years of…
CHEVALIER FAMILY FIRST FRIDAY, SOCIAL JUSTICE INTENTION     We join the Chevalier Famiy around the world in their focus and intention for July.  
HINDMARSH PARISH: FAREWELL TO BILL BRADY MSC Over nine years ago, Bill Brady was appointed to Hindmarsh. He has served as parish priest and as Community Leader of the Adelaide Community.  As the MSC withdraw from Hindmarsh, he is making his way to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish,…
CELEBRATING THE SACRED HEART, BY WAY OF CONTRAST How did you celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart? Here are two stories – by way of contrast. Each year, Fr Terry Bowman hosts an evening Mass for the Chevalier family in Melbourne and for parishioners of St Thomas, Blackburn.  And,…
IN MEMORIAM, GREG McCANN MSC, PHOTOS AND STORIES Requiem Mass was celebrated at Kensington Monastery on Thursday April 27th, followed by burial at St Mary's Towers, Douglas Park. For memories, we reprint some of the stories told by his nephew, Greg, on the occasion of Uncle Greg's 100th birthday celebration…
SOME SIGNIFICANT JULY DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2019 July seems to have been a mission establishing month: MSC in Yule Island, PNG; MSC in Bangalore, India; MSC in Canada; MSC Sisters in Peru. It is also a month of memories of murdered MSCs, in Indonesia during World War II,…
BEEN TO CROYDON MONASTERY LATELY?  MANY TRANSFORMATIONS The feast of the Sacred Heart brings back memories of where many of us (older rather than younger) absorbed Heart Spirituality (despite the cold). Opened in 1939, sold to the archdiocese of Melbourne in 1991, and becoming the parish centre, opening the local…
CELEBRATING HEART SPIRITUALITY FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART, 2019 * In our Christ centred and incarnational spirituality, God in Jesus loves us with a human heart. *Our spirituality is grounded in the belief of God’s love for us: the heart of Jesus is the Heart of God. *An incarnational spirituality,…
OUR LADY OF THE SACRED HEART SHRINE SURIGAO CITY On the eve of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, a focus on Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. A beautiful 3-meter relief of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in stone. In MSC Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Shrine…
Tuesday, 25 June 2019 22:11


A STOPOVER IN ROME, GERRY BURKE MSC Gerry Burke recently visited Europe, an opportunity to connect with family in Ireland, as well as a stopover in Rome.  Via Asmara, OLSH as well as a collection of Indonesian dolls He sent the photo mementos - including some from the General House…
Monday, 24 June 2019 23:00


MSC PHILIPPINES FORMATION NEWS   The Philippines Province has several Facebook pages including one from the Scholasticate community and another on Vocations promotion. Here is a news item on those approved for final vows. MSC Scholasticate Community-Philippines It is with great joy that we share this wonderful news that five…
MSC COLLEGES MOTTO, ALL OUR COLLEGES, STRONG IN FAITH/ FORTES IN FIDE In a recent item on the Downlands website, there was an article on the origins of the motto of our Colleges, Downlands (931), Chevalier (1946), Monivae (1954), Daramalan (1962). The article was written by Anne McAtomney, Assistant Principal…
Saturday, 22 June 2019 10:13


PROFESSION DAY, MSC STUDENTS, VIETNAM   Many thanks for this report from our regular correspondent in Vietnam, Bang Hai Dinh. And our congratulations to Bang on his making his final vows (and picture below).   Profession Day: Special day in June of 2019 14th June is always a special event…
MICHAEL HANGAN, PERMANENT DEACON, MANAGER, MSC PARISH, ST THERESE, MOONAH, DIRECTOR OF CATHOLIC MISSION, HOBART. For many years, Michael Hangan has been deacon at St Therese, Moonah, working with PPs, Peter Wood, Stephen Hackett and, presently, Mark Hanns. An MSC Associate, he is now parish manager and chaplain to St…
Wednesday, 19 June 2019 16:22


RIP,  GREG McCANN MSC Fr Steve Dives writes: Our dear confrere Greg McCann Snr died peacefully last night at 9pm (Tuesday) at St. Joseph’s Nursing Home at Kensington. He was born on April 18th 1917, professed as an MSC Brother, February 26th 1945, ordained a priest, August 20th 1983. Here…
PAUL CASHEN MSC, 50 YEARS OF PRIESTHOOD, CELEBRATING IN ADELAIDE           With thanks to Noel Mansfield for sending texts and photos.            And don’t miss some ancient history below!    In Hindmarsh Parish   On Friday, May 31st, we gathered at La Vita to celebrate this occasion. It was the…
                                                                               CHEVALIER COLLEGE STUDENTS REFUGEE OUTREACH. MSC SPIRIT  "Grumbling tummies but hearts full for the Ration Challenge"  Some of the 120+ team members from Chevalier College taking the Ration Challenge in 2019. With a team of more than 120 students from Years 7 to 12, along with some of their…
IN MEMORIAM, JOHN EHLEFELDT MSC. EULOGY AND PHOTOS. John’s brother, Kevin, presided at the funeral Mass at Kensington on Thursday June 13th. The homily was preached by Paul Stenhouse. The funeral took place at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, led by Dominic Gleeson.  Here is the text of the homily…
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