Wednesday, 15 February 2023 22:43

John Walker MSC, accompllshed photographer

John Walker MSC, accompllshed photographer

 jw camera

Our website is indebted to John over many years for his photos for our posts.

Peter Hendriks sent out an item in his update:

As we know, John is an accomplished photographer. What we didn’t realise was the international standing he has. I have sought his permission to include this:


For many years, I have belonged to an online photography group called Gurushots (based in Israel).  Thousands of subscribers, and we compete in regular challenges.  I have almost achieved the pinnacle (Guru), and all I now need is to win a challenge, but with sometimes 30,000 competitors, it is a challenge … but I get close!  Recently I competed in a challenge called ’The Art of Photography’.  I entered four of my images.  Whilst I was in the upper echelon, I did not win.  However, I received a notification that one of my images will be displayed at an exhibition in Berlin next month. 


In 2012 I was winding up my sabbatical and visited one of my favourite places in Paris, the Palais de Chaillot, which overlooks the Trocadero and Eiffel Tower.  Two staircases lead from the Trocadero up to the terrace of the Palais.  I was ascending one staircase when I noticed a young family ascending the other, and I snapped the attached and this is to be exhibited. 


And Hong Kong.

jwalker hong kong