Superior General, Abzalon, visiting the Pacific Province, Wallis and Futuna, Samoa, Kiribati
14th February, 2023, From Robati MSC
The MSC Superior General Fr Abzalon Alvarado Tovar MSC visited various part of the Province and took the opportunity to experience the vast blue ocean countries in the Pacific, the people and their unique cultures. It is a tradition for every Superior General to take a trip to visit different communities where MSCs are working. He also has a chance to listen and empowering the Laity who are members of the Chevalier Family.
MSC Lay Associates, Wallis
He spent one week in Wallis, one week in Samoa and currently in Kiribati for one week. He was welcomed by their unique welcome ceremonies. He will return monday next week and celebrate the Final Vows of three MSC Brothers.
Fr Abzalon is from Guatemala, South America. He was elected as Superior General in September 2017.
From Abzalon's homily
We are called to move to a model where authority and leadership is SERVICE. Not privilege. Where pastors or formators are not bosses but servants who accompany processes.
To move to a process of deep and generative listening.
Fr Martin Everi MSC
Resolving tensions is the pope's favourite subject. Without tensions there is no life.
"Tensions make us grow" - Do not treat tensions as a conflict. Tensions in themselves are not conflict. It is the human way of proceeding. The resolution of tensions has to be creative. Without cancelling out the poles in tension. The clerical solution is to transform tensions into conflict. Distinguish when I have to resolve tension and it is not conflict.
St Joseph's parish, Kiribati