Tuesday, 01 January 2019 22:06




Archbishop Couppe MSC, See January 15th and January 31st

1 January,
Motherhood of God

Feast of the Epiphany - one of Chevalier's favourite feast. The true nature of God is manifested through the flesh of the infant Jesus.

10 January, 1854
Father Maugenest, 1829-1919, is appointed curate of Issoudun.

10 January, 1979
The FMI Sisters ~ The Daughters of Mary Immaculate ~ founded by Bishop Louis Couppé, MSC, in Papua New Guinea in 1912, elect their first General Superior. Since their foundation a FDNSC sister had been their 'Superior'.

12 January, 1877
The first MSC Constitutions are approved for 10 years by Rome.

13 January, 1985
The cause for the canonization of the lay Papua New Guinean catechist, Peter To Rot, is opened.

13 January,
World Day for Migrants and Refugees ... Chevalier responded to the evils of his time. In our time, we respond to the inhumanity of our world ... with compassion of the Heart of Jesus.

 15 January, 1927
Archbishop Couppé, MSC, who died 20 July 1926 at Douglas Park, Australia, is reburied at Vunapope, Papua New Guinea.

15 January, 1930
Marie-Thérèse Noblet dies. She was Mother of the Handmaids of the Lord, who were founded in Papua New Guinea by Bishop Alain de Boismenu, MSC, in 1920.

navarre use

16 January,1884

Anniversary of Archbishop Navarre, MSC, vicar apostolic of Britsh New Guinea.

20 January, 1925
The cause of beatification of Bishop Henri Verjus and of the Baining martyrs is introduced.

21 January, 1852
The young Father Chevalier receives his second appointment after ordination. He becomes assistant priest at Châtillon-sur-Indre.

21 January, 1907
The aged Father Chevalier and his curates are expelled from their home, the presbytery in Issoudun.

22 January, 1811
Jean-Charles Chevalier and Louise Ory, the parents of Father Jules Chevalier, are married in Richelieu.

24 January,
Feast Day of St Francis de Sales (1567-1622).
The 'heart' is the central image for Francis and Jane de Chantal, in their attempt to portray who God is, who the human person is and how they are intimately related. Both these figures appear in stain glass windows in the Richelieu Church.

29 January, 1861
Birth and Baptism of Father Hubert Linckens, MSC, in Wijlre, Netherlands. Linckens is the historical founder of the Missionary of the Sacred Heart Sisters of Hiltrup.

verius statue

31 January, 1885
The first five Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart arrive in Australia, accompanied by Fathers Couppé, and Verjus, and three Italian Brother Novices.