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Spirituality of the Heart - Online Formation Course - Fr Hans Kwakman MSC (English)    (French)    (German)    (Spanish)    (Dutch)

For use by groups as a systematic program of formation in Spirituality of the Heart.


MSC Ongoing Formation

A link to the Ongoing Formation for Laity page on the Ametur website


English Resources:

1. Material that can be accessed digitally

FALLON, Michael (1937-.

Nearly all Michael’s books (Introduction to the Old Testament; Commentaries on Books of the Old and New Testament; Praying the Psalms with Jesus; A Companion to the Catechism of the Catholic Church) were published by Chevalier Press. They can all be accessed digitally on my website ( On the homepage there are links also, among other things, to Homilies, Retreat material (visual and auditory). Michael has also  written ‘The Christian New Testament and the Islamic Qur’an: a comparison.’ This, too, can be accessed on his website. If you are interested in a particular matter there is a link to an alphabetical index.


Other books by MSC authors that are no longer subject to copyright restrictions and are available digitally with permission of the MSC General Administration, Rome.

Where possible we have contacted copyright holders and received permission.


pdf A Spirituality of the Heart - Nicholas Harnan MSC (4.29 MB)

pdf The Heart's Journey Home - A Quest for Wisdom - Nicholas Harnan MSC (2.23 MB)

pdf A New Heart and a New Spirit - EJ Cuskelly MSC (1.26 MB)

pdf The Kindness of God - EJ Cuskelly MSC (3.11 MB)

pdf With A Human Heart - EJ Cuskelly MSC (2.16 MB)

pdf Jules Chevalier - Man with a Mission - EJ Cuskelly MSC (6.64 MB)

pdf Jules Chevalier MSC - Charles Piperon (3.95 MB)

pdf Jules Chevalier's Charism and the Identity of the Chevalier Family - Hans Kwakman MSC (1.56 MB)



2. Material that can be purchased from the publisher


(special thanks to Peter Malone for annotations)

ANDERSEN, Frank (1942-


Chevalier Press, Kensington, 1979, pp. 16.

Texts of the hymns.

SCRIPTURE IN SONG. RISING MOON.  (with Erica Marshall)

Chevalier Bookshop, Kensington, 1985)


Harper Collins Australia, 1994, pp. 112.

Reflections on 17 key happenings in the Gospels to help the reader to see Jesus in his humanity as living our own individual stories.

EUCHARIST: Participating in the mystery

Garrett Pub. Victoria 1998

ARTHUR, Anthony (1939-

GLOBAL COMMUNICATION CULTURE. A Challenge to Spirituality of the Heart.

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, General House, Rome, 2005. Pp. 32.

This is the first of CHEVCOM, Papers for Reflection on Spirituality and Culture.

The book opens with a quotation from Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury, which sets the content and tone. “The Christian movement, as far back as we can trace it, is a missionary movement: that is, it works on the assumption that it has something to say that is communicable beyond its present boundaries. It assumes that it has the capacity and the obligation to seek to persuade persons from all imaginable human backgrounds that it is decisively relevant to their humanity, but it can deliver from whatever bondage women and men may happen to live under.”

BAKER, Harold (1923-2021)



MSC, 1996, pp. 12.

‘A brief ‘potted’ version for the use of members of the MSC Association.’


BARR, Kevin ( Kevin J. Barr)  (1936-2020)

Kevin Barr made his profession in 1955. He was ordained in 1961. He spent some times in school but most of his ministry was in Papua New Guinea and Fiji. He also did studies in Monaco, South Africa. He founded Chevalier Hostel and Chevalier Farm Training Centre for underprivileged youth. He left the congregation and became a priest of the Archdiocese of Suva.

Books written while a member of the MSC.


Jacaranda, Brisbane, 1971, pp. 146

LET’S CHANGE THE WORLD. Catholic Social Teaching Today.

Chevalier Publications, Suva, 1994, pp. 168.

This handbook on Justice and Church teaching draws on the experience of the author at the Chevalier Hostel in Suva, the boys and their families. Brief chapters tell stories as well as explain teaching. There are discussion points. Illustrations.

FIRE ON THE EARTH. Prophetic Religious Life for the 21st Century

Spectrum, Richmond, 1995, pp. 225.

RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION. Scandal and Division in our Human Family.

Ecumenical Centre for Research Education and Advocacy , ECREA, Suva, 2002, pp. 46.

STAND UP AND WALK, Reflections on the theme of Empowerment.

Ecumenical Centre for Research Education and Advocacy, ECREA, Suva, 2004, pp. 95.

This book has brief chapters of reflection, the theme being Community Empowerment, the theological reflection got grounded in the Scriptures. Focuses very much on Jesus himself, prophet, liberator and transformer. Included in the book, in the latter part, a 25 pages of songs and hymns, in English as well as in Polynesian language.

MAKING POVERTY HISTORY. Different approaches to addressing issues of poverty and development.

Ecumenical Centre for Research Education and Advocacy, Suva, 2005, pp. 129.

Kevin Barr’s continuing exploration of social issues, poverty, governance, economics, human rights and restructuring.

Books written after becoming a priest in the Archdiocese of Suva.


Wailoku Publications, Suva, 2008, pp. 17. 

Part of a series on biblical and spiritual themes, focusing on Mary in the Scriptures, devotion to Mary in perspective, Mary human and one of us, Mary and the poor.


Wailoku Publications, Suva, 2010. pp. 53.. 40

Part of a series on biblical and spiritual themes, focusing on the person of Jesus, human, more than human and his relationship with the Father, as well as the message of the Kingdom, for the poor, Law and Compassion, discipleship and the question, why was Jesus crucified?


Wailoku Publications, Suva, 2010, pp. 56.

Part of a series on biblical and spiritual themes, this time ranging over different ways of praying looking at Jesus and Prayer, the Psalms, Ignatian Meditation, John Main and Christian Meditation, Lectio Divina, Group Prayer, Pentecostal Charismatic Prayer, Liturgical Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer and Finding God through Music.

LOVE, the mark of those who follow Jesus.

Wailoku Publications, Suva, 2013, pp. 40

CASHEN, Paul (1944-

FROM THE SACRED HEART TO THE HEART OF THE SACRED. The Spiritual Journey of Australian Catholic since the Second Vatican Council.

Nelen Yubu, Kensington, NSW, 2006. Pp. xiv and 250.

This is the text of a doctoral thesis awarded by the Australian Catholic University.

There are seven sections: Part One – The Search for Australian Spirituality: 1: A Review of Religious Literature; 2: Sociology of Religious Belief and Practice in Australia; 3: The Theological Response; 4: Analysing the Changes to Australian Catholic Life. Part To: 5: Spirituality and Revelation; 6: The “Search for a Soul” and Australian Spirituality; 7: A Spiritual Response to a Pastoral Dilemma.

Central to sections of this book are the contributions, especially through Compass Theology Review, of Anthony Kelly CSsR and Peter Malone MSC.

CASTLEY, Paul (1935-


Dove Communications, Blackburn, 1985. Pp. 123.

A reflective book for prayer during Lent, for Ash Wednesday, for each day of the five weeks of Lent, and for Holy Week. The reflections are brief, two pages including a prayer specifically for each day.


Collins Dove, Burwood, 1990. Pp. 30.

This book is part of a Collins Dove Parish Pamphlet Series. It follows the format of Paul’s previous book, Day by Day through Lent. Each page contains a reflection, personal and anecdotal, with a special prayer at the end of each section.


A TIME OF HOPE, Finding Encouragement in Prayer and Ministry

Coventry Press, Bayswater, 2019. Pp. 120

Here is an invitation to take prayer seriously; to explore what is happening when we pray, to notice our feelings, our distractions, our experiences, our memories, our hopes, our fears; and gradually to grow towards God in Christ. Originally a series of retreats for priests, the book is now offered to all Christians struggling with prayer, looking for ways to renew and strengthen their sense of belonging, open to receiving into their hearts the gift of hope that only God can give.

CUSKELLY, Eugene James (1924-1999)


A HEART TO KNOW THEE. A Practical Summa of the Spiritual Life.

The Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1963, pp. xi and 317.


Irish edition: The Mercier Press, Cork, 1964, pp. xi and 317.

In many ways, this was a landmark book, drawing on Jim Cuskelly’s theological studies and specialisation and spirituality but also drawing on his practical experience of dealing with seminarians in the late 1950s, their rather sometimes rigid interpretation of novitiate formation and the need to become more of themselves in their relationship with God and with one another.


GOD’S GRACIOUS DESIGN. A New Look at Catholic Doctrine.

Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1965, pp. x and 311. Also:

THE KINDNESS OF GOD. A New Look at Catholic Doctrine.

Mercier Press, Cork, 1967, pp. x and 311.

“Can we, perhaps, take a new vantage-point from which we can see that, while nowadays some of the old answers are no longer satisfactory, many of them are more to our liking than we were prepared to admit? From the same vantage-point it may also appear more clearly that even the things not to our liking fit, in perfect symmetry, into the plan of God. This book seeks to present a synthetic view of Christian doctrine which takes into account the honest needs behind this modern questioning.” (From the Foreword.)



Spectrum, Melbourne, 1969, pp. 150.

After his books on the spiritual life and on theology, at the end of the 60s, Jim Cuskelly took up the themes of spirituality again. “Cracks have appeared in the ground on which many of us stood; often these have widened until there seemed to be real gaps between what we held in the past and the life and thinking at the church today. In other instances, it seems rather that the gap exists between the present and the future. There are fears and uncertainties about the road ahead. This book, then, which is concerned with “thoughts on a spirituality for today”, his written in the hope that it too may help to bridge some gaps. At times it will appear to be challenging rather than comforting; but it is written to help taught finding courage to meet the Christian challenge for our times.” (From the Preface.)



Casa Generalizia Missionari del Sacro Cuore, Roma, 1975, pp. 308.


Many Missionaries of the Sacred Heart considered James Cuskelly “the re-founder of the Congregation). In the years after Vatican II, he was able to draw on his years of studying and teaching theology, spirituality, as well as his work in the spiritual direction of seminarians. He visited all the MSC provinces, unions and regions. He was concerned about the church in Latin America and several of the MSC who were executed by the regimes.

With further research into the MSC archives, he produced this biography of Jules Chevalier in a more contemporary and down-to-earth style rather than any tendency to hagiography. The book made quite some impact, especially in the 1970s, when it was published.


A NEW HEART AND A NEW SPIRIT. Reflections on MSC spirituality.

Missionari del Sacro Cuore, Casa Generalizia, Roma, 1978, pp. 159.

These are spirituality reflections of the Superior General, published a few years before the completion of his ministry in that role. They are fruit of the discussions on religious life as well as Heart Spirituality since the Council. The author hopes that they will be of help to the MSC sisters as well as the OLSH sisters.

“No complete or exhaustive treatment was intended. Other aspects of MSC spirituality could have been discussed; far more could have been said about any single subject, for example, missionary activity, justice, solidarity with the poor in the world of today, celibacy, prayer, our Lady, et cetera.

Many good things had been written about these matters; much more will be written. However, no matter how much is published, there still remains, for each man, his personal call to discover in his own life the place he must give to all the elements which blend into his own spiritual life.

Within the basic principles given by the Founder, (this spirituality) contains not only the possibility but also the call for adaptation. For this reason an attempt has been made to show how an MSC spirituality must take into account both modern strengths and modern weaknesses. In a sense it is no more than an invitation to further research and discovery.” (From the Conclusion.)



Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 1981, pp. 221.

An anthology developing heart spirituality. In a later chapter, the editor offers the title, “Revival of a devotion or Rebirth of a Spirituality”. The chapters in this book by Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Laurence Dunlop, Alejandro Diez Macho, Joseph Lescrauweert, John Flynn, Norbert Strotmann, Andre Tostain as well as Pedro Arrupe and Thomas A.Kane and Elizabeth Smith, explore religion of the heart, heart symbol of the person, compassionate contemplation. Former Jesuit Superior General, Pedro Arrupe, notes: The Heart of Christ – Centre of the Christian mystery and key to the universe.

(The editor notes the predominance of male authors, “unfortunately most of my women friends pleaded either inability to write or lack of time to join in this enterprise”.)


WALKING THE WAY OF JESUS. An essay on Christian spirituality.

St Pauls Publications, Strathfield, NSW, 1999, pp. 93.

This book was published two months after the death of Bishop James Cuskelly. The location for the writing of the book is described by the Archbishop of Brisbane, John Bathersby.

The aim of this book was to provide a contemporary expression of “from practising the faith to living a spirituality”, both vision of God and God’s love and the personal response. There is a special chapter on Mary McKillop – a spiritual model for Australasia. (She had been beatified in 1995 and was to be canonised in 2010.)


MARY MacKILLOP: a spiritual model for all.

St Pauls Publications, Strathfield, NSW, 2010, pp. 48.

The reprinting of the chapter, of the same name, from Walking the Way of Jesus, An essay on Christian spirituality, noted above, from 1999 on the occasion of the canonisation of Mary MacKillop.


FALLON, Michael (1937 –


St Paul’s Publications, 2005 pp. 206 


Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic.,2020, pp. 214.

But who do you say that I am? (Matthew 16:15). Jesus' question to Peter and the others is one that every disciple needs to consider, a question that is as old as the Christian tradition.  And behind the question an even deeper and challenging one: Who is God?

Michael Fallon argues that the response to both questions must be informed by how we read the New Testament.  There, we find the portrait of a man who lived and died in our world, a human being like ourselves, someone recognised by his followers as free from the fear of God or other people - someone who taught us to respond to the divine, someone in whom they acknowledged the human expression (Coventry Press).


FLETCHER, Frank (1932-2013).

FALLING IN LOVE WITH GOD. Recognising the Call of Christian Love. (Frank Fletcher – Editor)

St Paul’s Publications, Homebush, NSW, 2010. Pp. 143.

This was a long time project for Frank Fletcher, to overbook containing perspectives on heart spirituality by range of members of the province. For those interested in the contents and tone of the book, the Introduction by Michael Fallon MSC considers each chapter in turn, highlighting the point and impact.

The contributors are: Anthony Arthur, Paul Brennan, Barry Brundell, Michael Fallon, Frank Fletcher, Peter Malone, Philip Malone, Fabian Byers, Kerry Hide, Brad Taylor, Jacinta Sinclair.

JESUS AND THE DREAMING. Discovering an Australian Spirituality through Aboriginal-Christian Dialogue. (Edited by Fabian Byers.)

St Pauls Publications, Strathfield, NSW, 2013, pp. 344

This combination of Frank Fletcher’s academic and pastoral life was published the year that he died. From the Introduction: “let me say at the outset that this book is not an attempt to interpret Aboriginal spirituality Christian terms. We have no intention to impose a Christian temp late on Aboriginal religion. It is better seen as a preparation for Western Christians to engage in an encounter with, and indeed a joyful reception of, Aboriginal spirituality.

This book has a solid grounding in the philosophy and theology of Jesuit Bernard Lonergan, whose method was the subject of Frank’s doctoral thesis. He uses the highlights of Lonergan’s Method for each of the chapters of the book: Research, Interpretation of History, Dialectic, Mediating Theology, Doctrines and Systematics, Communications.

The book is a blend of the academic and the pastoral, a contribution to theological reflection in Australian Society, in the church, for spirituality.

GALLAGHER, Brian (1937-

A NEW HEART FOR A NEW WORLD, an exploration of the desires of God’s heart.

St Paul Publications, Homebush, NSW, 1986, pp. 262.

(A cassette volume of talks was published by the Daughters of St Paul, 1986.)

In 1985, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart celebrated an Australia-wide centenary of their presence in Australia. It was coordinated by Brian Gallagher, Director of the Heart of Life Centre. The keynote speaker was theologian, Rosemary Haughton. Also present was Archbishop Joseph Lescrauwert MSC of Utrecht, Holland. The keynote speakers highlighted the theme of The Desires of God’s Heart, Rosemary Haughton speaking specifically on this theme as well as the themes of the emerging church, reclaiming the feminine, questions of marriage and family, the Catholic Thing. Joseph Lescrauwert also addressed the theme with a focusing on the Wounded Heart.

The Australian theme was also featured, Frank Fletcher on the new heart for Australia, Peter Malone on Jesus for Australians, EJ Cuskelly on the Australian heart: living faith in Australia. Michael Fallon asked: and who is my neighbour? Poet Les Murray offered Wings, hearts and other poetic categories: a response to “Christ’s wounded heart”.

There were two panels responding to keynote presentations, including, Margaret Press, Mary Scarfe, Francis J. Moloney, Valerie Burns, Edmund Campion, Davina Tyrell, Caroline Jones, Adrian Pitarello, Carmel Leavey.


Collins Dove, Burwood, Vic., 1990. pp. 28.

“The author writes with great sensitivity about the journey people engage in when they wish to develop further their relationship with God. The importance of developing a contemplative attitude to life and prayer; about responding to God and placing ourselves honestly before God, actively looking for God in the everyday and about the benefits that flow through this to other areas of our lives. Drawing on a range of stories, it provides vital reading for any Christian wanting to deepen understandings of prayer.” (From the back cover comment.)

PEOPLE PRAYER. Stories of God.

Collins Dove, North Blackburn, Vic, 1991. pp. 39.

“Brian Gallagher takes a personal approach to learning about prayer. He highlights the uniqueness of individual prayer by telling the stories of 20 ordinary people. Through this, he helps us to understand the movement of God in their lives.

By attending to each of these stories and exploring the issues they raise, we too come to share the conviction that we all pray in some way and that we can learn from one another’s stories of God.” (From the back cover comment.)

TAKING GOD TO HEART. A Living Spirituality

St Pauls Publications, Strathfield, NSW, 2008, pp. 78.

“Taking God to Heart is a context in which to appreciate our human experience of God. Brian Gallagher finds this context in the traditional spirituality sometimes referred to as “the way of the heart”. Calling on his many years experience as a spiritual guide and teacher, and supported by carefully selected classical and contemporary writings on the ways of God, he develops a spirituality that is God-focused though very human, relational and personal, and outgoing, even while in approach. Readers will readily identify with much in these pages and find encouragement to take God, who is always present in their life experience, to heart.” (From the back cover comment.)

COMMUNAL DISCERNMENT. A Way of Discernment for a Pilgrim Church.

(Second and extended edition.)

Coventry Press, Bayswater Vic., 2018, pp 66.

Communal Wisdom invites and promotes a Spirit-led Church and builds on the author’s conviction that the Spirit of God is ever-present and all-pervading.   God’s Spirit dwells in all people and all creation – and in the communion of all people and all creation.  (Romans 5:5)   Many of the movements in our times stem from this truth: the movement towards justice and peace for oppressed peoples, the feminist movement seeking full equality of women and men, and the ecological movement calling for a renewed relationship with the earth.

Discernment is the process of listening to this Spirit of God, noticing in one’s inner experience the signs of the Spirit’s invitation and the signs of the work of any spirits not-of-God, luring us away from God.  Traditionally, the term discernment means to separate or sift these signs.

Communal Wisdom treats discernment on an individual level, listening to the signs of the spirits in human experience, and then applies this to the parallel work of the spirits in community.  The wisdom of a group is not only in the shared contribution of all members but in the group as a whole listening to movements of the spirits in themselves and amongst themselves.  The author builds on long experience in group facilitation, offering concise explanations of the ways of God’s Spirit and spirits not-of-God in group experience and a step-by-step process for group decision making. 

SET ME FREE, Spiritual Direction & Discernment of Spirits

Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic., 2018, pp. 338.

‘Brian Gallagher offers a remarkably clear and rigorous account of the practice of spiritual direction… He describes the pastoral practice that is at the heart of spiritual direction: a spiritual director discerning their inner movements while contemplatively listening to a directee.  The sacred ministry of spiritual direction  will come to nothing without a discerning heart.  Importantly, he distils the core insights of others and integrates them with his own wisdom born of fifty years’ experience as a spiritual director.  Gallagher's book is filled with psychological, theological and spiritual insight.  If you are a beginning spiritual director or an experienced practitioner, or one who provides formation and ongoing supervision in the art of spiritual direction, your ministry will be enhanced by reading and re-reading this book.’ (Michael Smith sj)

THE EYES OF GOD. Living Discernment.

Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic., 2019, pp. 102.

God’s Spirit permeates all life from the first moment of creation. Response to that Spirit is often compromised by counter spirits, spirits not-of-God, drawing us away from God. This is a book about these different attractions in our lives, their sources, their power to affect our decision making for good or ill. It is a book about human freedom and human limitation, about the need to acknowledge the unconscious places of unfreedom in our lives, and about the quest for inner freedom and wholeness for the sake of discerning choices that are life-giving.

This is a unique book, blending quite revealing personal experience of God and sound, helpful teaching about the ways of God’s Spirit in individual lives and in community. The book will be of value to spiritual directors and pastoral ministers, indeed, to all people who take God seriously and are committed to living a discerning way of life.  (From the Foreword by Sue Richardson pbvm.)


Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic,. 2020, pp. 62.


God's Foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength. (1 Corinthians 1:25).Reflecting on his own life and on the lives and teachings of a range of spiritual writers, Brian Gallagher discovers God's foolishness, 'wiser than human wisdom'. He gladly acknowledges the influence of these women and men on his personal spirituality, a spiritual heart.He calls them 'prophets, leaders, saints', and though human wisdom held little expectation for any of them, God's foolishness saw them with very different eyes.


Jules Chevalier’s Charism and the Identity of the Chevalier Family

Available on request from:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

LITTLETON, James (1930-

A VISION RESTORED, Lay MSC in Australia.

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, Coogee, NSW, 2018, pp. 89.

This book highlights the vision of Jules Chevalier for a lay branch of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart. It also notes that by 1907, the year of Jules Chevalier’s death, there was no mention of the lay branch in the Constitutions.

While there are mentions of developments at General Chapters, the main focus of the book is on the growth of the MSC Associates to the Lay MSC from the 1970s to the present. Jim Littleton was, for several decades, the official chaplain to the Associates. His book indicates the development of the MSC Lay and Professed council, as well as of Heartworks at Douglas Park.

Many of those involved in the transition from Associates to Lay MSC will find that they are mentioned by name in the book, the groups in the various states and capitals, in the country, and a listing of the chaplains.

MAHER, James (1962-2015)

HEARTVOICE, Music Resource Book.

Willow Publishing, 2002, pp. 104

GOSPEL OF LOVE, Music Resource Book

Willow Publishing, 2010, pp. 147.


Willow Publishing, 2015, pp.11.

Music and annotated score for James Maher’s hymns

MALONE, Peter (1939-


Parish Ministry Publications, Sydney, NSW, 1988, pp. 167.

The introductory chapters focus on religious interpretation of films. There follows the key distinction between Jesus-figures (images of Jesus himself) and Christ-figures (images of characters who resemble significantly and substantially the Jesus of the Gospels). These can be both “realistic” and “stylised”. There are Redeemer figures as well as Saviour figures. There is a wide range of Christ figures, community builders, clown figures, offbeat, mad saviours, satiric figures, a chapter on women as Christ figures. The last part of the book looks at demonic characters, incarnations, possessions, gates-of-Hell, malevolent nature, technology destruction, Lucifers, allegorical and satirical devils, motive less malice.

TRACES OF GOD. Understanding God’s presence in the world today.

Collins Dove, North Blackburn, Vic., 1991, pp. 64.

Part of a series, Understanding… “This book will not explain God. The invitation is to reflect with readers about the mystery of God and about how we could discern something of God’s presence. Where can we find the traces of God? This seems better than arguing to the existence of God or speculating on God’s attributes. That is too cerebral for real satisfaction.

So, where are the traces of God? They are in our lives, in our experience. It seemed the right thing to look at experience, at relationships, at people, at the day-by-date ordinary, at nature and at imagination and symbols. There are traces of God in the creative arts, in music, words, theatre, film and visual arts, as well as in the questions of science. We also go back to our experience of the absence of God, to the pain, to the suffering, where people collapse in despair, where people triumph over the seemingly impossible. We can appreciate God’s presence more truly and lastingly through experiencing the absence.

After all, that is how it was with Jesus himself. It was not all Cana and Tabor for him! The Word became human, limited, in pain, anxious, heart-broken. It was only after he prayed to the Father, “My God, why have you forsaken me?” That he could pray, “into your hands I entrust myself.” (From the Introduction.)

LIGHTS… CAMERA… FAITH… A Movie Lectionary – Cycle A (With Rose Pacatte FSP)

Pauline Books and Media, Boston, 2001, pp. xvii and 393.

The subtitle of this first in a series is: A Movie Lover’s Guide to the Scriptures.

A film has been chosen for each Sunday of the Year and for the major Feastdays. The scriptural references and film credits open each section. There is a synopsis (mainly written by Rose Pacatte), Commentary/Review, a Dialogue with the Gospel, the highlighting of key scenes and themes, a section for Reflection and Conversation (written by Rose Pacatte) and a final prayer. Films for 52 Sundays and 21 feastdays.

LIGHTS… CAMERA… FAITH… A Movie Lectionary – Cycle B (With Rose Pacatte FSP)

Pauline Books and Media, Boston, 2002, pp. xvi and 440.

The subtitle of this first in a series is: A Movie Lover’s Guide to the Scriptures.

LIGHTS… CAMERA… FAITH… A Movie Lectionary – Cycle C (With Rose Pacatte FSP)


Pauline Books and Media, Boston, 2005, pp. xxvi and 327.


CFA, Communication Foundation for Asia,, Manila, 2008, pp. 169.

CFA, Film and Faith Series. A new and revised edition of The Film (Chevalier Press, 1971). More films added, produced after 1971. Also a revision from exclusive language to inclusive language.


CFA, Communications Foundation for Asia, Manila, 2010, pp. 20.

A chapter on Asia for a CFA book, Spirituality and the Filipino Cinema (edited Clodualdo del Mundo Jr).. There are four focal themes for Spirituality: The Divine, Faith, Ethics and Morality, Spiritual Life. Examples are discussed from the Buddhist tradition, Hindu, Muslim, Catholic. Also depictions of evil, ‘de profundis’. The booklet also includes an excerpt from Film, Faith and the Church, “What is Spirituality?”.


Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 2011, pp. 227.

Transcription and editing of a series of audio tapes, produced by the Daughters of St Paul, 1987, The New Testament in the Light of the Old.

The title was changed to the words from the Creed, Jesus – according to the Scriptures. The title page contains the following description: This book follows the outline of the Gospels. Familiar acts and words of Jesus are seen in the light of the Old Testament quotations or allusions. Our appreciation of the Jesus of the Gospels is enhanced by seeing Him in the light of the Old Testament patterns. (Foreword Michael Fallon MSC.)


CFA, Communication Foundation for Asia, Manila, 2011, pp. 131. CFA Film and Faith Series. After an introductory exploration of storytelling and symbols, a look at each of the seven sacraments using reflections on three feature films. Of the three, one for each sacrament was a Filipino film.

SCREEN JESUS. Portrayals of Christ in Television and Film.

Scarecrow Press, Plymouth, UK, 2012, pp. xvii and 317.

Religious themes and biblical subjects have been a staple of cinema since the beginning of the 20th century. An early focus of screen presentations was the Bible, especially the New Testament and the Gospels. This book is a close look at films in which Jesus is depicted. From silent renditions of The Passion Play to 21st-century blockbusters like The Passion of the Christ, an examination of how the history of these films reflects changes in artistic styles and experiments in cinematic forms for more than a century. In addition to providing historical overview films, this book also reveals the changes in piety and theological understanding of the humanity and divinity of Jesus over the decades. (From the back cover.)


Heart of Life Centre, Box Hill, 2017, pp. 132.

The story of the establishing of the Heart of Life Centre by Brian Gallagher in 1983 and its subsequent history through the periods of each of its Directors. There are descriptions of the principal programs, Siloam for Spiritual Directors by Brian Gallagher, Spiritual Leaders and Formation of Supervisors by Sue Richardson, Clinical Pastoral Education by Paul Castley. The appendix lists all the graduates of each course (Siloam from its inception in 1979). There are many colour photographs. Foreword by Paul Beirne, Afterword by Brian Gallagher

HEARTS BURNING WITHIN US, Scripture in the Parish, for Small Prayer Groups and for Private Prayer.

Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic, 2018, pp. 164.

The response of the disciples on the road to Emmaus has become a model for all Christians who long to have their eyes open to the meaning of the Jesus event and its significance for their lives. And over the centuries, people have found a variety of ways of exploring the Bible to understand its message.

Hearts Burning Within Us is a program of prayer in this tradition. It offers 50 separate units, based on readings used in parishes and selected from the major seasons and festivals of the church’s year as well as some general themes.

MY NAMES. Sketches and glimpses in hindsight.

Nelen Yubu, Kensington, NSW, 2000, pp. 179.

“Rather than note the group degrees of separation, I like to look at the degrees of connectedness. We are connected to everyone on the planet, 6° of interconnection. E.M.. Wisely had this graph for Howard’s End: “Only connect”. Stories, anecdotes, experiences, meaning – and the names of those people with whom we have degrees of connection. That is what this collection is about.

Most of the names on the characters are real. Some are composite’s – with different names. Some of the characters are fictitious. They are all stories of what these names mean to me.” (From the introduction, Names.)


Australian Scholarly, Melbourne, 2020., pp. 209.

The photos on the cover of this tribute to Paul Stenhouse MSC show the enthusiastic young priest, aged 27, his life in ministry before him, then the veteran older priest, aged 83, living with illness but over half a century of generous outreach achieved.

When Paul died in November 2019, many friends and associates attended his Requiem Mass. Tributes were paid to him at his vigil and during the Mass. They came from a wide range of people: MSC confreres and associates, family, Annals’ readers, communities that he had become friends with, Asian, Chinese, Lebanese, the many journalists he had come to know, especially those contributing to Annals, those linked with his Semitic studies and expertise.

It seemed a worthwhile idea to invite these confreres, relatives, friends and collaborators, to write something of their memories of Paul, what they had shared with him and he with them. This book is a memorial and a tribute.


Coventry Press, Bayswater, 2021, pp.

10 minutes? That is the time, more or less, that it takes to read a chapter. But, it will lead to a second 10 minutes, and another…, time to reflect on the theme, to pray the theme.

The New Testament in the light of the Old. That is what is behind this book, an opportunity to look at passages, stories of Jesus, some familiar, some perhaps not, but to appreciate them more in the light of the Old. (There are some chapters focusing on aspects of the Old Testament.)

Jesus Christ Superstar reminds us that “in 4 BC, there was no mass communication”. But now it might say that in early Christian times there was no social media – and we realise that even in the 21st-century, accuracy is not the chief quality of social media.

Which means that the Jesus’ stories and memories, not photographic let alone instagrammatic, were inevitably not meant to be accurate versions. Each community shared the stories, thought about them in the light of the Jewish Scriptures, and emphasised how Jesus resembled/fulfilled those Scriptures, creative memories. Then, as the first disciples aged and died, it seemed time for the stories (and the reflections on conversations over the decades) began to be written down, forming our four Gospels.

There is also a focus on some images of Jesus, especially moving images from the many Jesus’ films. After all, in this social media century, where we read less and less, where we watch more and more, we have opportunities for the traditional Lectio Divina, Spiritual Reading, but now for Visio Divina, Spiritual Watching. The stories can come alive in our minds, imaginations and hearts as we read and as we see.

This is the emphasis in this book’s subtitle. The Gospel reflections are to stimulate our minds and our understanding as well as to move our hearts and our emotions. So, we can accompany Jesus again, in his ministry, in his revelation of what God is like in what Jesus said and what he did.

MANSFIELD, Noel (1933-


MSC Mission Office, Kensington, NSW, 2014, pp. 174.

This is the foreword to the book, written by Brian Gagen:

‘In the 60 or so years I have known Noel Mansfield, I see him as a wise and generous man who has given a lifetime to the priestly business of building bridges and learning to love and celebrate life:

– as an MSC priest and religious, he has explored many facets of the mystery of God in our lives; and like that Founder of his religious congregation, Jules Chevalier, he has, throughout his life, kept a strong focus on the steadfast love and compassion of God. You will get glimpses of that surprising compassion of God in many of the stories he tells...

– As a man acquainted with grief and hardship, he has explored many facets of people's journey to God, and is profoundly aware of disability and struggle in people's lives – beginning with his own family. You'll find delightful glimpses of the Mansfield clan in many of the stories...

– As an educator who has given 50 – 60 years to the task, he still relishes the vocation to teach and has led to value the insight that comes by way of the stories we tell. It is a fascinating way to explore facets of our faith-journey. They tell us Jesus did the same!

– Religious, in today's world, become part of a group who seek the presence of God – both in their communities and in their personal life. They explore what being Christian in today's world means, and how our openness to God and to life can be transforming. So many goals stories reflect this moment of transformation in people's lives...

– The book is a collection of stories that challenge us to hear the Gospel story in fresh at unexpected ways. So while we are learning how to educate, how to build faith communities, how to reach out to people in need... we are also getting glimpses of the core business of being human.

DAWN TO DUSK, Towards a Spirituality of Ageing

Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2018, pp. 80.

No one is exempt from ageing yet there is a lack of resources to help us grow and develop a spirituality of ageing along the way.

Dawn to Dusk is Noel Mansfield MSc's honest and humble attempt to reflect on his own experience of ageing and how the ageing process has affected and shaped the development of his own spirituality as a senior priest and Missionary of the Sacred Heart.

The result is not a memoir, strictly, but, once launched on the journey, he needed to check on what others had said and written about the reality and processes of growing old; and to trace events in his own life that have brought him to this place of acceptance and peace towards the last years of fruitful, apostolic life. So we learn of his childhood experiences, memories of parents and family, life in formation and health issues that were significant in the process of his growing up spiritually. We learn of his various ministries in Australia and overseas in teaching, leadership, spiritual formation, and parish work.

WILL I BE BLIND? Living with Macular Degeneration

Coventry Press

MEANEY, Adrian (1933-2019)


MSC Mission Office, Kensington, NSW. (2006, third reprint 2011, fourth reprint, 2018.) pp. 88.

This book of prayers and readings is an answer to many requests we receive through the MSC Mission Office. There is a great thirst among our partners which expresses itself in praying for the Missions. It is our wish to satisfy in some way their thirst for the coming, of the Kingdom of God.

It is our intention that this publication will provide comfort to those who live a fully active life, as well as those waiting, sometimes in solitude, for the coming of the Lord. Families and groups can use these prayers and readings to inspire and evoke personal responses. Much of the material collected in this book has been taken from existing publications. (From the Foreword.)

MURPHY, Dennis (1927-2014)


MSC Mission Office, Kensington, NSW, 2014, pp. 133.

From Dennis Murphy in his Foreword: “This is a reprint of a book about Devotion to the Sacred Part of Jesus is understood and put into practice by the Servant of God, Father Jules Chevalier (1824-1907). It had been out of print for several years. I have taken the opportunity to make a number of changes. I have added an introductory chapter to give an overall view of Jules Chevalier is main ideas and another chapter, “A Universe Redeemed”, which presents the ways in which the material universe entered into Jules Chevalier’s ideas about heaven. I have given also a new title to the book because of changes made.

The chapters: Saying “yes” to Jesus, Language of the Heart, The Human Heart, The Heart as Centre, The Heart of the Word Incarnate, The Heart of the Universe, The New Heart, One Heart, The Pierced Heart, A Universe Redeemed, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Spirituality Devotion? A Question of Images. There are extensive Notes.        

NGUYEN, Khoi Doan (1986-


Written in Vietnamese.

Returns is a collection of thirty reflections that talk about a variety of random topics ranging from nature, sunrise, sunset to solitude and meanings of love in human experience. These are the reflections that I mostly wrote during my novitiate year in Douglas Park with a heart that longed to taste and experience the goodness of God in everything in one’s life. These reflections have been accessible to a lot of readers whom I have come across. They are short, simple but at the same reflective and meaningful. A lot of readers read these writings as reflections of themselves. In them they find similarities and connection between hearts and souls. This has been consoling to me as a writer.



Written in Vietnamese.

With this consolation I have published my second Vietnamese book in similar format with twenty-five reflections written over these more recent years. It is called Limitation and Forgiveness. Again in this book there are random topics I have reflected upon with the heart and personal experience. I hope that these writings again will be meaningful and useful to more people in their spiritual needs. 

A QUIET PLACE WITHIN, Contemplation from the Heart

Coventry Press, Melbourne, 2018, pp. 82.

Khoi’s reflection: I started writing the reflections and poems you find in the book around more than five years ago. But I had never thought that one day these reflections and poetry would be published.

I wrote these because I felt a need to articulate my experiences of everyday life, and the more I articulated it, the more I found myself going deeper into the experience itself.

Writing has become a mystery to me – what I have in mind before writing might turn into something completely different at the end. I might have a thought on humility at first but at the end, I might end up with a reflection on gratitude. I might have a thought on prayer but end up in a reflection on silence.

This might be a common experience with a lot of people but I see it as a mysterious work of the Spirit in human mind.

So, because it is a mystery, writing has also become my prayer over the years. I pray as I write; and as I write I pray along with my God.

‘This is a book to be prayed. Many will identify with Khoi’s reflections as they touch their own experience. I encourage readers to read slowly, to hold gently the words that touch you, and then to pray them contemplatively, as they were written, inviting God to speak to you, too, through these words. As Khoi says in his introduction, the words themselves are merely a way into the experience.’   From Brian Gallagher’s introduction.

TOWARDS CALVARY, The Stations of the Cross in Everyday Life.

Coventry Press, Bayswater, 2019, pp. 44.

For generations, the fourteen stations of the cross have been part of the Catholic observance of Lent when we recall and reflect on the journey of Jesus to Calvary. But the command of Jesus to take up our cross is not limited to a forty day period in the church’s year but to the everyday experiences and challenges of being faithful disciples.

This understanding is at the heart of Towards Calvary. Khoi Doan Nguyen has taken the traditional number of fourteen stations but has modified them, recalling other incidents in the Gospel stories, offering new insights for our consideration, inviting us to fresh understandings of what it means to journey with Jesus to Calvary in our everyday lives.

The story of Jesus’ passion and death is not exclusively for Lent or Easter. It is the central story of Christianity; about human life and transformation. It is the story of our everyday life.


Coventry Press, Bayswater, Vic., 2021, pp. 96,

When Khoi Doan Nguyen was diagnosed with an increasingly deteriorating eye condition, his reactions were understandably feelings of shock, confusion and disturbance. A young man, actively involved in priestly and congregational ministry, with a passion for communication, a gift for writing, a serious interest in all areas of theology and mission, his eyesight problem initially caused him distress and despair. Alive with Disability acknowledges those early reactions, the times of depression and deep anxiety, but reveals how gradually – with professional and spiritual help – he recognised that the condition was also an invitation to dare stretching the heart to a new state of acceptance, respond to it with a new vision and gradually welcome it as a reality in his life that would determine how he would live fruitfully as person, priest, teacher, writer, religious, within his family and community.


NORTH, Bede (1937-


THE FAMILY PRAYERBOOK.  Morning and Night and Special Occasions.

Alba House, 1974, pp. 75

St Pauls, Homebush, 1974, 1975, 1977, 1982, pp.78.


O’CARRIGAN, Patrick (1918-1994)


GLORY BEYOND GOLGOTHA, Reflections on the Stations of the Cross.

Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 1991, pp. 34.

Patrick was born in Northern Ireland but the O’Carrigan family migrated to Australia in 1927. He made his first profession in 1937, was ordained in 1943. The next 25 years he taught in the Apostolic School and MSC schools, especially Monivae College, Hamilton. But, he was also an artist, mainly with watercolours, prolific in his output, having shows and an entry in the Wynn Prize.

In 1969, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. On his return, he was a regular exhibitor at the Victorian Artists Society, the National Gallery of Victoria, buying his painting, With Top Calligraphy, in 1973. He won a number of local awards and his paintings hang in the National Gallery of Victoria and regional galleries in Hamilton, Horsham, the Latrobe Valley, Langwarrin and galleries in the Northern Territory.

He painted a number of Stations of the Cross. This is Patrick’s own selection – and there is poetry and spirituality in the titles and subtitles that he has chosen, worth meditation in themselves, for example 3, 6, 11.

This book contains his reflections on the passion of Jesus:

1: Around the Eucharist Table, Bread, Wine and fellowship;

2: The Fateful Garden, Loneliness in the Shadows;

3: The Religious Authorities, The Eloquence of Silence;

4: Jesus before Pilate, God’s Representative meets Caesar’s Representative;

5: Diadem of Thorns, The Punishment of Innocence;

6: The Fatal Tree, Jesus Carries His Own Death-bed;

7: The Alchemy of the Cross, The Reluctant Good Samaritan;

8: The Feminine Response, A Meeting in Sympathy;

9 The Carpenter Nailed to the Wood, The Tools Even Loved are Turned Against Him;

10: God Crucified with the Ungodly, His Life Companions, Sinners, Were His Death Companions;

11: Mother and Son, A Second Annunciation;

12 Mission Accomplished, At Death, The Voice of The Victor;

13: The Temporary Term, The Chrysalis of the Butterfly;

14: The Celestial Celebration, Explosion into Glory

STENHOUSE, Paul (1935-2019)

CATHOLIC ANSWERS TO ‘BIBLICAL’ CHRISTIANS,  a Light on Biblical fundamentalism.

Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1988, pp.56   [Also a Spanish edition.]


CATHOLIC ANSWERS TO BIBLICAL CHRISTIANS, Volume 2. Further Light on Biblical fundamentalism.

Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1993, pp.56.



Chevalier Press, Sydney, 1994, p.50



Chevalier Press, Kensington, 1996.














Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 2006, pp. 56.,

A series of chapters which were first published in the Annals Australasia, 1999-2000. The questions of whatever happened last of the Cross, the title known to the Cross, the nails, the Crown of Thorns, the Sponge and the Reid, the N’s that he is the heart of Jesus, the pillar of the scourging, the Seamless Garment. There is an appendix asking how genuine are the extent relics and another appendix asking can we be sure where Jesus suffered, died and was buried, and the continuity of Catholic Tradition.


Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 2006, pp. 102.

A series of chapters which were first published in Annals Australasia, 2004-2005. The questions pertain to each of the apostles in turn, including St Matthias as well as Judas Iscariot. In the last article focuses on St Paul. 



Chevalier Press, Kensington, NSW, 2007, pp.50.



WOOD, Peter (1941-2018)


COMING OUT COMING HOME. Growth in freedom for the parents of gay and lesbian children

Spectrum Publications, Richmond, Victoria, 1998, pp. 209. (Co-authored with Joan Golding.)

From the foreword by Dorothy McRae McMahon: “it is a particularly helpful book because it does not come out of any particular scene or dogmatic line apart from its commitment to respect and love for homosexual people and their parents. It relates to average people who find themselves in the centre of what they may see as a different place to their hopes as both parents and children, trying to work out how to respond.

This is not a simplistic book. The complexities and questions which abound in human relationships and situations are recognised and respected. It is not a book with need answers in black-and-white positions. Perhaps the only ground rules for the responses of these two people are those of integrity, grace and love.


David Richo

The Sacred Heart of the World. Restoring Mystical Devotion to our Spiritual Life. Paulist Press. New York. 2007.


FDNSC Resources

Most of these writings would be in libraries of FDNSC Convents and could certainly be borrowed.

In the Company of Marie Louise Hartzer  - First Congregational Leader of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart by  Gerardine Doherty FDNSC published by DekoVerdivas, The Netherlands. 2014.


The Designs of His Heart   

by Sr Mary  Venard FDNSC  Dublin: Mercier Press. 1966


Fire Upon the Earth: The Life of Mother Marie Louise Hartzer (An FDNSC, Trans)

by Fernand MSC and Leopold  MSC Hartzer : Sydney: E.J.Dwyer,1948.


Her Letters,  Marie Louise Hartzer

Edited by Sr Mary Venard FDNSC. The Generalate of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Rome. 1983.


FDNSC Resource Material, Australian Province 1977, Downs printing Co. Pty. Ltd. Toowoomba


Ametur: the Development of a Mission and a Spirituality

Sr Mary Venard FDNSC, Rome 1987, Leinster Leader Ltd. Naas. Co Kildare, Ireland.


Red Grew the Harvest

Edited by FDNSC Pellegrini & Co. Pty. Ltd. Sydney 1947.


The Flame in the North 1908 -2008 – Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

Anne Gardiner FDNSC, Colemans printing, Darwin 2008


Marie Louise and the South Sea Missions  (Children’s Book)

Nance Carol Baker, Society of St Paul. Homebush 1976


The Young Chevalier  (Children’s Book)

Sr Juliette Baker FDNSC, Society of St Paul. Homebush 1979


Portuguese Resources

Itinerário para a Formação dos Leigos da Família Chevalier – Conhecer para Amar – Volume 01 Religioso Washington Pablo de Moura, MSC da Província do Rio de Janeiro

Itinerário para a Formação dos Leigos da Família Chevalier –  Seguir Jesus para Integrar - Volume  02 Religioso Washington Pablo de Moura, MSC da Província do Rio de Janeiro

Itinerário para a Formação dos Leigos da Família Chevalier – Ser Igreja para confirmar – Volume 03  Religioso Washington Pablo de Moura, MSC da Província do Rio de Janeiro

O Homem e Sua Missão Julio Chevalier, E.J. Cuskelly, MSC

O Carisma de Júlio Chevalier e a Identidade da Família Chevalier – Um Itinerário para a Espiritualidade do Coração - Padre Hans Kwakman, MSC

Carta Mensal Temática – escrita por um membro da Família Chevalier – Província do Rio de Janeiro

Boletim dos Leigos da Família Chevalier da Província do Rio de Janeiro.

Um Coração Novo e Um Espírito Novo  - Reflexões sobre a Espiritualidade MSC – E. J. Cuskelly, MSC

Espiritualidade – Uma Fonte Inesgotável de Conhecimento,  Dom Agenor Girardi, MSC


Spanish Resources

El Carisma de Julio Chevalier y La Identidad de la Família Chevalier – Padre Hans Kwakman, MSC

Cor Novum Temas de Formacion – Espiritualidad del Corazón Carisma y Mision – Laicos Família Chevalier Republica Dominicana

Visitas Eucarísticas al Corazón de Jesús – Adorar al Señor desde las actitudes del Culto Perpetuo, Mons. Valentín Reynoso (Plínio), msc

El Corazón de Jesus: Rostro del Padre Misericordioso – Reflexión sobre la Espiritualidad del Corazón de Jesus en perspectiva de la Misericordia, Monsenhor Valentín Reynoso (Plínio), MSC

Revitalizar y actualizar la vivencia del carisma y de la Espiritualidad de la Familia Chevalier en le tiempo de la pandemia e post-pandemia, Hermana Klara, MSC


Dutch / Flemish Resources

"The man of one idea".   "De man van één idee"