Displaying items by tag: msc australia
Albert Yelds MSC, Funeral Mass, Homily
Albert Yelds MSC, Funeral Mass, Homily
Homily, Stephen Dives MSC
I came to know Albert Yelds during our time in the Pacific. In the early 1990s I was posted in Fiji. In 1994 I was appointed superior of the MSC Pacific union and moved to Kiribati where the MSC headquarters were, and there I worked with Albert as he was parish priest of a parish there.
By all measures Albert Yelds was an extraordinary man and an extraordinary Missionary of the Sacred Heart.
Early in his life Albert made known that he wanted to be a priest. His mother told him to write to the editor of Annals of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart magazine. He did this and was eventually accepted to begin his training as a Missionary of the Sacred Heart.
Albert’s health was often frail, even in the novitiate he developed health issues that caused questions about whether he could continue on to priesthood. Typical of Albert, he never allowed setbacks to prevent him doing what he was determined to do.
During his training Albert came to know and appreciate Father Jules Chevalier, the founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
He became aware of some of the teachings of Father Chevalier which captivated his heart and became an important part of his own spirituality and mission. For example Father Chevalier said “if only people knew in their hearts how much God loves them unconditionally then their lives could change.” He also adopted the motto that Father Chevalier gave to his congregation: May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved, forever.
Two key elements of his life and ministry were Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the embodiment and presence of God’s love for us, and devotion to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart who is the one closest to the Heart of Jesus, pointing us to Him and telling us as she did at Cana: listen to Him and do whatever he tells you.
In his earlier ministry Albert served in several of our Colleges in Australia. At the beginning of every break or holidays as soon as the final duty was over he was in his car and going off all over Australia visiting families consecrated to the Sacred Heart. Marie, his sister, told us that he had over 3,000 on the books then and still over 1,000 when he came back to Australia from the missions. Marie herself was a great support to Albert in this ministry and when he was in the missions in India and Kiribati.
In his missionary work Albert was tireless. He had a great love for the Eucharist and wanted to make sure that as many as possible had the opportunity to receive the Sacrament. It would not be unusual for Albert to do 12 or more Masses on Sundays. Going from village to village, sometimes by car or motorbike or bicycle or walking or across the lagoon by canoe. He baptised more than 500 new Christians every year and countless weddings and funerals. His pastoral zeal was unending. People could come to his house at all times of the day or night for some wise counsel, or if someone was sick or dying, he would be off in a flash no matter how tired or preoccupied he was. Kiribati can be very hot; it is right in the Equator. One hot night Albert woke up and got up to put the fan on. When he stood up he collapsed on the floor. He must have been unconscious because he woke up and thought “I had better get back to the bed, people will find it funny to find me sleeping on the floor. And so he dragged himself back to bed. Then shortly after it was 7am and Albert was in the Church for the 7am Mass.
Albert was a humble, kind and generous man. He loved his people and they loved him.
In the first reading the beloved disciple John writes: “see what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God…..we must love others not just in word and speech but in truth and action.” Albert in a real sense lived that in his life and ministry.
In a true sense Albert wore himself out. He suffered in these past months, but always had a smile and kind word of gratitude to all who visited him.
He received all the sacramental help of the church in his last days and was well prepared for the journey he is now making.
In the Gospel we meet Lazarus, whom Jesus loved so much and wept for.
When they took Jesus to where Lazarus was buried his words were: Unbind him, let him go free.
Jesus loved his friend Albert and when he saw him ‘bound up by age and infirmity he said also: Unbind him, let him go free, let him come to me.
Well done Albert. It is time now for you to rest from your labours and enjoy the living presence of Jesus whom you served so generously and faithfully. God bless you and let his light shine upon you. Rest in peace our brother and friend.
Appreciation to Steve Dives for his text and to John Walker for the photos (and his new wide angle lens for photos of the whole sanctuary)
Stephen Hackett visits in Vietnam
Stephen Hackett visits in Vietnam
Stephen Hackett returned from Vietnam praising the enthusiasm of our MSC confreres. Some pictures, especially his meeting with those in formation,
He will return next year to follow the recommendation of the Chapter, which is to organise a gathering regarding the current and future Vietnamese MSC Ministry
Photo album, 20 years in Vietnam, Mass and Lunch
Photo album, 20 years in Vietnam, Mass and Lunch
On The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15th), the MSC Community in Vietnam celebrated its remarkable 20th-anniversary establishment at Thanh Da Church.
Also in this same celebration, 9 of our MSC Brothers made their perpetual profession to consecrate their entire lives to God as MSCs.
Attending the celebration were our Chevalier Family:
the MSC Priests and Brothers (from Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam), the MSC sisters, the DOLSH sisters, Lay MSCs in Vietnam and Mark McGinnity from Australia,
alongside with many other Priests from different dioceses, religious men and women from other Congregations, the MSC's family members, benefactors and friends.
The 9 brothers made their Perpetual Vows before Fr. Provincial Stephen Hackett, MSC, the delegate of the Superior General, with the witness of Frs. Robert Irwin, MSC and Thoi Tran, MSC and in the presence of the whole community gather in the celebration.
After the Communion Prayer, Fr. Chris McPhee and Fr. Stephen Hackett shared their thoughts and hopes for the MSC Vietnam and expressed gratitude to all those who have been contributing to the growth of the MSC in Vietnam.
Shortly after the Mass, we shared with one another a warm and happy agape meal.
We really much enjoyed the company of each other with music, dances, interviews, talk and lots of laughter.
MSC sisters
Andrew Paparang MSC, Indonesia, former director of students
With Mark McGinnitty, MSC Education, John Mulrooney
From the Philippines, James and Gene Pejo, former Provincial and Novice master for many of the Vietnamese students.
By Vietnamese MSC’s Communication Committee
An anniversary for our Province Website
An anniversary for our Province Website
(Pictures from the computer screen that has posted for the last six years)
Today it is 13 years since this present phase of our site began. There had previously been entries between 2006-2009 (all available through the Search engine). There was updating in design and access in 2013 and again in 2018. At present, there is preparation for more updating.
We have six items posted each week (resting on Sunday!) and a short Christmas-New Year break.
All posts are immediately available on the Province Facebook page.
An encouragement to use the Search Engine: go to the top bar and click Current Newes, insert names and issues you would like to find on the line which says Type here to search and press Enter (seen near the top of the photo below)
A future development is in the posting of e-books, the picture showing two that are available. Click the cover of the photo and the book immediately downloads. (Bishop Gsell’s The Bishop with 150 Wives is there.) Future e-books include The Australian Province History of Communication and Media, a history of recent years in MSC ministry in Adelaide by Paul Cashen, and An Annotated Bibliography of the Province and about the Province.
Michael Fallon’s site, John Rate’s Scripture videos and Peter Malone’s site can also be found on the site.
The invitation is to explore and see what is available, information on the Chevalier Family, the Laity of the Chevalier Family, Ministry information, a Safeguarding section.
And for further news and Vocations Promotion, go to the Australian MSC Vocations Facebook page which is managed by Trieu and Hoa our students at Cuskelly House, Blackburn.
15th of the month – Jules Chevalier bicentenary reminder. How better than to celebrate his heritage with 20 years MSC Vietnam!
15th of the month – Jules Chevalier bicentenary reminder. How better than to celebrate his heritage with 20 years MSC Vietnam!
Later today, MSC Vietnam will have the culmination of a year’s preparation to acknowledge and celebrate the MSC foundation, August 15th 2003. And the wonderful growth in these 20 years, our many confreres.
We post ahead of Vietnam time, so more on this site tomorrow…