Monday, 30 October 2023 10:47

The Heart of Life has a permanent home, Kewn Kreestha, Croydon

The Heart of Life has a permanent home, Kewn Kreestha, Croydon

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The Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Australia established Heart of Life in 1983.  Across its 40 years, Heart of Life’s story has been one of regular relocations and of generous hospitality from unexpected people and places.

From humble yet solid beginnings at Surrey Hills in 1983, to the Kildara Centre in Malvern in 2021, via premises at Canterbury, Wantirna, Box Hill, and St George’s Malvern, Heart of Life has evolved and developed yet without a permanent home.

In its 40th Anniversary year, the Heart of Life Centre for Spiritual & Pastoral Formation is delighted to announce that the Australian Province of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart has purchased a property that is to become the stable home for Heart of Life.

The Province has acquired Kewn Kreestha (‘Quiet of Christ’) in Alto Avenue, Croydon for Heart of Life.  Kewn Kreestha has been the home for a ministry of the Family Care Sisters, previously known as the Grey Sisters, who have provided many decades of wholistic care there for women who need rest and renewal of body and spirit.  Heart of Life will relocate to Kewn Kreestha towards the end of this year.

The Provincial Superior of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart (Australia), Stephen Hackett, recalling some of the earlier premises Heart of Life has occupied, said that “This move to a home of its own will enable Heart of Life’s formation programs in spiritual direction, ministry supervision, spiritual leadership, and its seminars, retreats and resources to be offered from a place that has been intentionally developed to be practical, nurturing, caring and educative.  The long history of Kewn Kreestha as a ‘Quiet of Christ’ environment is well-suited for Heart of Life’s ministry.”

Heart of Life Director, Clare Shearman, said that this new moment in the story of Heart of Life evokes for her the words of St Paul in his letter to the Colossians, “Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.”(Col. 2:7).  Clare expressed her gratitude for all who have been involved in the process of acquiring Kewn Kreestha for Heart of Life, and especially to the Family Care Sisters and Mercy Sisters.

Inaugural director, Brian Gallagher msc, added, “This move to a permanent home in such a lovely location is the highlight of Heart of Life’s celebration of our first 40 years of fruitful ministry.  I join Clare and all involved in joy and gratitude”.