Current News

November 6th – an MSC Feastday celebrating our Beati of Canet del Mar, 1936 Today we remember our seven young Spanish members from Canet de Mar, Spain, who lives were taken brutally as they lived out the Mission of being in the world the Heart of Christ. They were killed…
Saturday, 05 November 2022 12:09

RIP Jos Beelen MSC

RIP Jos Beelen MSC   Peter Hendriks writes: Peter Guy called to say that Jos Beelen died early this morning at St Joseph’s. John Frith was with him yesterday for quite some time, keeping him company. Sr Pauline said he was very much at peace in his last days. Jos…
MSC Melbourne, our second largest community, Chapter discussions, the Synodal way. The wisdom of years:  Brian Gallagher and Frank Andersen More wisdom of years, Kew: Peter Curry, Philip Malone, Peter Malone, Paul Castley. Our professed, Trieu, Daniel, Mark Hanns, Vincent, Hoa. Our aspirants, Nang and Long who live in the…
Chevalier Family Heart Spirituality for the First Friday, November 2022   Each month the Chevalier Family, MSC, OLSH, MSC Sisters, Lay MSC prepares a poster with theme, awareness, prayer and action.  
Wednesday, 02 November 2022 22:17

MSC Novice Masters’ Meeting Rome.

MSC Novice Masters’ Meeting Rome. You will recognise various faces of novice masters from around the congregation.  Australia’s representative is Khoi (despite the official list saying Peter Harvey Jackson, previous novice master – and taller than Khoi!) and Jonas from Cameroon who studied in Australian some years ago. Presenting from…
All Souls’ Day – remembering MSC confreres, 50th anniversaries We take the opportunity on All Souls’ Day to call to mind the memory of some of our confreres fifty years dead. March 9th 1972.  Max Douglas, Downlands student, delayed many years in joining the MSC because of severe diabetes. Ordained…
Monday, 31 October 2022 22:21

MSC Diaconate Ordinations in Vietnam:

MSC Diaconate Ordinations in Vietnam: Congratulations to Toan, Tinh, Quy (L to R) who were ordained Deacons yesterday by Bishop Joseph. And a special photo for Trieu in Blackburn, his parents at the ordination.
Some Significant November Days for the Chevalier Family 2022 E.J. Cuskelly, Superior General, see November 12th.  John Ribat, Cardinal And, the beginning of the Novena to Our Lady for the founding of the congregation, November 30th   2 November, 1964 Father Karl Maria Weber was killed in the diocese of…
Albert Chan MSC and the Chinese Catholic Centre, Runcorn Brisbane. The Centre is dedicated to the Sacred Heart: “It is the Lord” (John 21:7) – Albert (89 years) kept saying this as we visited – and as he reviewed His work in Brisbane.  He meant that “The Lord had done…
Chevalier College, a student achievement in film, Freyja Benjamin. The College reports: This week we were thrilled to hear from past student Freyja who has just completed her first feature film - and its playing at the Empire Bowral, opening today. "Recently I completed my first feature film, titled “Everything…
Daramalan College, gathering to celebrate 60 years. October 22nd saw a celebration at the college for its 60 years, serving the north side of Canberra, originally for boys, later education boys and girls. (The Daramalan Alumni Facebook page is worth looking at, noting and acknowledging alumni achievements.) Representing the MSC…
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Melbourne, Celebration, 125th anniversary of consecration (and some MSC memories). In 1939, Sacred Heart Monastery, Croydon, opened. That year, Ted Harris and Brendan Sykes were ordained in the cathedral – and this continued into the mid-1950s. That means quite a number of MSC priests ordained there. Over…
UNCLE BOB LETTER FROM VIETNAM: OCTOBER 2022 Dear friends. Greetings from Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City) Vietnam. I hope you are doing ok, and staying dry at least. You must be sick and tired of rain, but I hope that none of you or your loved ones have been affected…
Novice masters in Issoudun, Australia, Philippines, Korea. Prior to the Novice Masters’ conference in Rome, some of our confreres were in Issoudun, and for the anniversary of Jules Chevalier. Khoi writes: ‘On this occasion, I am blessed to be in Issoudun, having visited Richelieu and other places connected to his life.…
Mission Sunday – Worldwide. And we celebrate MSC Missions worldwide.  Jules Chevalier called us ‘Missionaries’ in whatever we do. But he wanted us to be missionaries in other lands, rejoicing in 1881 to accept missions in New Guinea., French to Sydney and Yule Island, Germans to New Britain. Much later,…
Jules Chevalier Day, 115th anniversary of his death. We are thankful for the heritage from Jules Chevalier A devotion that led to a Heart Spirituality. An appreciation of Mary, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Brothers and priests, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Sisters, Daughters of Our Lady of the…
Advance history St Brigid’s Church Coogee. Centenary Mass, November 13th 2022. From the OLSH Randwick Bulletin in 2011.   The original St Brigid’s Church Coogee was a small church-school with a congregation of about 100 Catholic families. It was built on the corner of Mount St and Berwick St in…
Advance notice – Daramalan celebrating 60 years, Saturday October 22, 2022. August 1961 saw the first sods being turned on an empty field in Cowper St Dickson and six months later on 30 January 1962, 240 boys in Years 5, 6 and 7 (First Form) trooped through the doors of…
Monday, 17 October 2022 22:07

Acknowledging Albert Chan MSC

Acknowledging Albert Chan MSC Vince Carroll MSC writes:           It may be of interest to know that Albert Chan MSC (Downlands 1948-53) from Rabaul, is having his 60th Jubilee next Tuesday 18th Oct, in St Stephens Cathedral along with some other notables - + Brian Heenan (of Rockhampton) and Fr Maurice…
Some stories of Daramalan College education and success tales. For MSC who have worked in the education ministry, there is a great deal of satisfaction in hearing stories of alumni making good.  You will notice that the editor of the Alumni Facebook page is an inveterate lover of puns in…
Friday, 14 October 2022 22:31

This week’s photos MSC Eastern Papua

This week’s photos MSC Eastern Papua Joe Ensing There are five Australian MSC in PNG today. They have all been there for many decades. Tony Young In Papua, Brian Cahill and Paul Guy. In Eastern Papua, Joe Ensing, Tony Young and Russ Andersen.   Russ Andersen (Tony is 87 and…
Thursday, 13 October 2022 22:22

Looking ahead in Vietnam

Looking ahead in Viernam Sent from Vietnam: Just an update to the MSCs there that last Sunday we had our Community Gathering in Vietnam, with the blessed presence of Uncle Bob after a long time. It was a very good time for us to see each other, to update and…
Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann AM receives her honorary doctorate from ACU We honour Miriam Rose Ungenmerr, her life and work at Nauiyu, her art, teaching at St John’s Darwin, Dadiri and all her achievements. Aboriginal elder, educator and artist Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr-Baumann has received a Doctor of the University (Honoris Causa) from…
Tuesday, 11 October 2022 22:59

And a return to MSC graves. Toowoomba.

And a return to MSC graves.  Toowoomba. After Monday’s post and visit to Adelaide, some more recent photos of the MSC plot in Toowoomba. We have featured this before but Gerry Burke took these photos to show how the plots have undergone some tidying. Our visits to cemeteries beyond Douglas…
A significant 60th anniversary of an occasion that has changed all our lives profoundly   October 11th 1962 – the opening of the Second Vatican Council. After almost four years of consultation/preparation, around 2000 bishops assembled in Rome, Pope John XXIII was carried on that soon-to-be abolished Sedia Gestatoria. They…
Seven of our MSC confreres are buried in Adelaide.  Kenji Konda recently visited and sent these photos.   James Reynolds Francis Brady John Miller Robert Hyland Michael McEncroe Arthur Bushe Charles Laing Surprised to find Fr Bob Hyland is buried there. And seeing Fr Frank Brady’s name on his headstone will…
Chevalier Family celebration, MSC Sisters, MSC, OLSH, Lay in memory of Fr Hubert Linckens. A Celebration of his 100th anniversary, Our Lady of Good Counsel, Deepdene. Mary Drum, Provincial’s welcome. Sister Francis Baum spoke of Fr Linckens’ life and ministry, the foundation, his many jobs around the congregation. Peter Hendriks…
Chevalier Family Justice and Peace, First Friday      
Kensington Monastery, Peter Guy MSC appointed Superior. (Recent photo of Peter by John Walker MSC) Peter Guy is not a stranger to being the Superior of the Kensington community. He has had six years previous experience and valued for it.  This new appointment began on September 30th, Steve Dives, after…
We join our MSC Sisters on the centenary of the death of Fr Hubert Linckens MSC.                                               Our Founder                      Father Hubert Linckens, a Missionary                     of the Sacred Heart                     was entrusted with the task                     of beginning this new Religious Congregation. He was filled with the charism and spirituality of…
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