Current News

JOHN RATE MSC: INAUGURAL PMRC IMPACT AWARD 2019 In July, this award was made to John Rate. He was unable to attend but sent a video message. The award was presented by Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP and accepted for John by Helen and Leo Wursthorn. With thanks to Francine Pirola…
AUSTRALIAN CONGRATULATIONS TO JIM MILLER MSC, US PROVINCE, ON HIS GOLDEN JUBILEE OF PROFESSION. Earlier this month, Brother Jim Miller MSC, of the American Province, celebrated his Golden Jubilee of Profession.  During his 50 years of MSC life, he has spent a long time in PNG, especially in Kavieng Diocese,…
DEACON BONIFACE PERDJERT, HIS FUNERAL AND TRIBUTE, WADEYE, NT. While Deacon Boniface died in June, his funeral was celebrated on Friday August 23rd.  We thank Leo Wearden MSC for sending the ABC Report, reflections by Frank Brennan SJ, and a letter from the MSC Superior General, Fr Mario Abzalon Alvarado…
PROVINCIAL STATEMENT ON GARDEN POINT REPORT AND RESPONSE TO THE ABC Monday 26th August, ABC News 24 featured an item on Garden Point Melville Island, interviews with survivors from the Stolen Generation times. Stolen from their mother and abused, children of Garden Point mission lead charge for justice.  By Stephanie…
MSC ITEMS FROM ADELAIDE, LAY, OLSH AND MSC With the MSC withdrawal from Hindmarsh Parish last month, here are some final stories for the record. LAY MSC CELEBRATE FEAST OF THE SACRED HEART Our June meeting was different this year. We normally have separate meetings of the two Lay MSC…
Friday, 23 August 2019 23:40


THE MSC FRENCH UNION, AFRICA. Before the Mass It is usually PNG, the Pacific Union or Asian Provinces that we feature on this site, professions and ordinations, personnel, special events.  This is the region we live in. With the District Leader We would like to feature some photos from Africa,…
Thursday, 22 August 2019 22:49


LIGHTEN THE LOAD ON FRIDAYS Enjoy reading the caption. A truck loaded with thousands of copies of Roget's Thesaurus crashed yesterday losing its entire load. Witnesses were stunned, startled, aghast, taken aback, stupefied, confused, shocked, rattled, paralysed, dazed, bewildered, mixed up, surprised, awed, dumbfounded, nonplussed, flabbergasted, astounded, amazed, confounded, astonished,…
Wednesday, 21 August 2019 22:11


SCREEN PRIESTS, NEW BOOK, PETER MALONE MSC The subtitle of this book is Depictions of Catholic Priests in Cinema, 1900-2018. This is a book for reference, for consulting (its 700 pages include indices for film titles, actors who have portrayed the priests, directors of the film is) – but, readers…
Tuesday, 20 August 2019 22:30


ACKNOWLEDGING KEVIN EHLEFELDT MSC. This acknowledgement is for a 90th birthday, Fr. Kevin Ehlefeldt, 21st August. Kevin recently celebrated his 40th anniversary ordination, August 18, 1979. But, that was just prior to his 50th birthday. He made his profession as an MSC brother on February 26th, 1948 – which means…
Monday, 19 August 2019 22:12


ACKNOWLEDGING GERARD BURKE MSC   This time our acknowledgement is for an 85th birthday, Brother Gerard Burke, August 21st. Gerry went to school at Chevalier College, made his novitiate at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, and made his profession on August 5, 1953. We are acknowledging 66 years of profession…
BEST WISHES TO THE MSC DUTCH PROVINCE, 100 YEARS THIS WEEK. Our confreres in the Philippines, website and Facebook, offer a great deal about MSC life in the Pacific. The photo above, with Filipino Provincial, Bogey Cabrera, appeared this week, along with the letter to the current Dutch provincial, below,…
ABZALON, SUPERIOR GENERAL, ABROAD AND AT HOME/ ROME. Last month we featured Abzalon, our Superior General, being welcomed at De Boismenu College, PNG, a chief's welcome. He also went over to the diocese of Kaviang, the diocese of Bishop Rochus Tatamai  MSC - again some local welcome. But, back to…
Thursday, 15 August 2019 22:58


HIS LETTER, UNCLE BOB BACK IN VIETNAM Greetings to you from Saigon again.  Pardon the intrusion, but I thought it time for me to drop you a line, to fill you in a bit about this extraordinary place, and the MSC presence here. Visitor from the NT,  Pat Mara MSC.…
Wednesday, 14 August 2019 22:23


MSC EDUCATION ANNUAL VISIT TO ISSOUDUN. Each year a group of staff members from the MSC Australian Colleges, Downlands, Chevalier, Monivae, Daramalan, visit Issoudun for an experience of Heart Spirituality and its being part of Education ministry. This year the group was led by Alison McKenzie from the Chevalier Institute…
AN ALERT FOR LAY MSC, OLSH, MSC - GATHERING COMING UP Lay Gathering and Commissioning of the Australian National Council of the Laity of the Chevalier Family 13th – 15th September 2019 Bringing the Family Together Context: This is an historical moment in the life of the Australian Chevalier Family…
ABORIGINAL PASTORAL COUNCIL – ANNUAL MEETING 2019.  DURING THE DRY! With thanks for this report to Pat Mara MSC, parish priest of Wurrumiyanga, Bathurst Island Every year during the dry season the Darwin Diocese holds an Aboriginal Pastoral Council meeting which is comprised of church leaders from the Aboriginal communities…
KHOI NGUYEN MSC, PRE-NOVITIATE DIRECTOR, CUSKELLY HOUSE, BLACKBURN.   As he explains, Khoi recently did a brief course in Chicago and sent a copy of his paper. It is reproduced here for those who would like to read it and see something of what is required for MSC formation in…
CONGRATULATIONS, FR DANH MSC, ORDINATION IN MANILA July 27, 2019 Quezon City, Philippines The MSC Australian Province, together with the MSC Philippine Province, celebrated the Ordination of our two Vietnamese confreres: Doan Nguyen Thanh Danh as Priest and Tran Minh Chung as Deacon. Echoing Pope Francis, the Most Rev. Narciso…
Thursday, 08 August 2019 22:26


CHEVALIER COLLEGE, NEW WING BLESSING   New facilities officially open at Chevalier College on a Sacred Heart Day filled with love and celebration! Sacred Heart Day 2019 at Chevalier College was an even more special day this year as it marked the opening of two new facilities at the college.…
Wednesday, 07 August 2019 22:34


ACKNOWLEDGING PETER MALONE MSC After acknowledging Barry Brundell at 80 last Friday, we have a second candidate at 80, Peter Malone MSC Peter Malone came from Sydney, educated at OLSH, Bowral, and five years at Chevalier College. He made his first profession on 26 February 1958, studies at Sacred Heart…
CELEBRATING ST MARY MacKILLOP FOR HER FEAST DAY St Mary MacKillop. Tomorrow, 8th August, is her Feast day, the 110th anniversary of her death. We celebrate Australian’s first saint. Recently we had a popular response to the photos of the PNG stamp collection for Blessed Peter To Rot. We thought…
FURTHER SUPPORT FOR MALCOLM FYFE’S LETTER TO THE PRIME MINISTER – From Catholic Religious Australia, Pax Christi – and the Darwin News. We published Malcolm’s letter on this site on Friday July 26th last. It had wide circulation on the MSC Justice Facebook page as well as on Cathnews. There…
MSC PHILIPPINES, 2 STORIES ON FORMATION: PROFESSION CEREMONY AND NEW COLLEGE FORMATION HOUSE PROFESSIONS On August 6, 2019, on the Feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord, two Novices will profess the religious vows as MSCs for the first time: Novice Franz Kim D. Pelare (Ozamiz City) and Novice Diomuel…
CONGRATULATIONS, BARRY SMITH MSC, GOLDEN JUBILEE OF PROFESSION   Barry renews his vows - and his nephew, David, and his sister, Pat, bring up the gifts at the Eucharist And celebrated by the local musicians Barry Smith, who grew up in Victoria, made his Novitiate at St Mary’s Towers, Douglas…
THE CHEVALIER FAMILY FOR JUSTICE AND PEACE IN THE WORLD, FIRST FRIDAY AUGUST 2019 Each month, the Chevalier Family for Justice (MSC, OLSH, MSC Sisters, Lay MSC) promote an issue for prayer and action for each month and provide us with a poster, Here is the August poster and its…
Thursday, 01 August 2019 08:13


ACKNOWLEDGING BARRY BRUNDELL MSC. In recent years we have been acknowledging Australian MSC on the occasion of a significant birthday, especially when they turn 80. Tomorrow, August 2nd, Barry Brundell turns 80, Barry Brundell came from Hamilton, Western Victoria, and did his secondary schooling at the Apostolic School, Douglas Park.…
SOME SIGNIFICANT AUGUST DAYS FOR THE CHEVALIER FAMILY, 2019 Looking at a number of the entries, August seems very much an OLSH month,Mary Louise Hartzer, the foundation, arrivals in Yule Island and Kiribati. A re-enactment. 1 August, 1887 The first four FDNSC Sisters arrive at Yule Island, PNG. 3 August,…
HINDMARSH, NEW BOOK BY JIM LITTLETON MSC   On the occasion of the handing back of Hindmarsh parish to the Archdioces of Adelaide. Jim Littleton has produced a book on the MSC work in the parish and the men who worked there. The last item before the posting gap was…
Sunday, 28 July 2019 22:34


HAROLD BAKER MSC, 70 YEARS ORDAINED While our website was being restructured, we were unable to note a happy celebration on July 24. We make up for lost time as we congratulate Harold Baker, senior professed member of the Australian Province, 70 years ordained.    The above photo is up-to-date…
ONLINE AGAIN – WITH BLESSED PETER TO ROT, PNG After two weeks of transferring the site from one server to another, we return with our daily posts. So here we are with Peter To Rot. We had intended to feature Blessed Peter To Rot whose feastday is July 7th –…
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