Tuesday, 13 July 2021 15:44

An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia

An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia



 An Open Letter from the Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Australia

13 July 2021


Today Anthony Caruana was found guilty of sexual assault committed during the 1980s.

On behalf of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart I want to extend our unreserved apology to those who have suffered so greatly as a result of the crimes committed against them.

That these men, as students, were abused by a person charged with their care and protection represents a profound breach of trust.

I want to say to each of them that we are deeply sorry that such events could ever have occurred.

I would like to affirm my statement that was made in October 2018:


As Provincial of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, I hereby commit to ensure that the human and systemic failures of the past that have enabled child sexual abuse in our Province to occur, are resolved; permanently and irreversibly.  I am determined the Province will learn from its past and use that learning to be a leading exponent of child-safe practice across our Province…

Humbly yours,

in His Heart,


Chris R McPhee msc

Provincial MSC Australia