Friday, 09 July 2021 22:39

From the Filipino MSC Province

From the Filipino MSC Province

5 stories.

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Our posting last Tuesday on the death for former Filipino MSC, Rustico Tan, has had almost 300 visitors. One confrere noted that he retained his spirit of justice from his MSC days.

A story from the Vocations Facebook: Frt. Gerwin professed as MSC for life while he was in the hospital because of Pneumonia and Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Rather than be overwhelmed with fear, Frt. Gerwin courageously and joyfully committed himself.

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Ben Alforque MSC and his work with the establishing of a school in Mindanao.

ben alforque

Community schools were envisioned to have all the capabilities of a full fledged learning institution, while giving primacy to the preservation of indigenous people’s (IP) cultural heritage, and conservation and sustainability of their ancestral lands. This idea first came into fruition with the establishment of San Luis Lumad Community High School in San Luis, Agusan del Sur Province (Mindanao, Philippines) on September 5, 1996, with the help of Fr. Benjamin Alforque, MSC, a school apostolate of the Missionaries of the Assumption.These schools continue to provide FREE education to indigenous children and youth.


Michael Angelo Acera Dacalos MSC,

michael dacalos

Media MSC, News, Tik Tok postings, part of the Zoom team for the recent General Conference.


Bishop Narcisso V. Abellana MSC,


appointment, Bishops Conference Commission on Migrants and Itinerant People.