Wednesday, 13 March 2024 21:38

Honouring Jules Chevalier, media and communications pioneer, 200. Chevcom.

Honouring Jules Chevalier, media and communications pioneer, 200. Chevcom.

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On this bicentenary occasion, a proposal. In fact, it was the fruit of international tri-congregation meetings, 1999-2005, MSC. FDNSC, MSC: that we use the name ‘Chevcom’ for our communications. The inspiration came from Jescom, Jesuit Communications. The proposal was heard favourably in 2005 by our incoming General Council – the emerging era of setting up websites and internet activity. However, a more traditional Latin terminology prevailed, “misacor’.

The exception was Julius Kumar MSC in India who has persevered for many years with ‘Chevcom’ on site and Facebook. The main illustration here is a screen shot from one of his videos.

In almost 20 years, the social media face of the world has changed, developed. We text, we abbreviate, we use key phrases. What if we were able to adopt Chevcom, Chevalier Communications, for many (all?) of our media and communications, promoting MSC life, the life of the whole Chevalier Family in the name of media and communications pioneer, Jules Chevalier himself.

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